spy ace

Chapter 3323 Magnificent

Dong Huayi continued: "But now that you know the plan, you will take the initiative to cooperate with me. I will directly click on your house, but don't get me wrong, it's just... fair and just, not to guard against you. But if a thief or something sneaks into your office when no one is around, there are not many ways to prevent it."

"Sure." Fan Keqin said: "What you are looking for here is not very good, but I will definitely cooperate with your work. Hey, tell me, didn't you just say that nearly the average office has been completed? What are they?"

"Ah?" Dong Huayi glanced at Sun Guoxin again. The latter spoke at this time and said: "Keqin is now investigating the red party undercover within us, and his analysis just now is very correct. This undercover must be at the officer level. I think the No. [-] plan you are executing now will cooperate with The direction Fan Keqin wants to investigate next can work wonders."

"Ah, I understand the humble position." Dong Huayi nodded as if he was enlightened and said: "Now we have several major departments, including our Telecommunications Department, the Field Service Corps, the General Affairs Department, the Confidential Department, the Archives Office, and the Human Resources Department. The office below has basically been installed. There are always people in your investigation department, and all of them are doing front-line work. The vigilance is too high. I originally planned to put it in at the end. In addition, there are The Secretariat and the Audit Office haven’t done anything yet.”

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, then go wherever you can monitor. In addition, I just told the bureau chief that I want to provide means to all people above the squad leader. Just take this opportunity, let's cooperate, you They are responsible for providing equipment and providing guidance. My people are responsible for secretly installing the eavesdropping devices."

"That's even better." Dong Huayi said, "The people in your investigation department have a lot of horizontal interactions with the departments in our bureau, so it makes sense for your people to go to that department in the bureau. Than My people are much more convenient."

As Dong Huayi spoke, he was actually indirectly explaining to Sun Guoxin why his progress was so slow. But what Dong Huayi said does make sense. As a person from the Telecommunications Department, if you say that you run to the Secretariat, or always run to confidential places, this in itself is too conspicuous. Without a good reason, there is no way to even go. Sun Guoxin understood this after hearing it. But the investigation department is different. They are responsible for too much external business, such as filing in confidential offices, or checking past files and confidential information. Or go to the secretariat to submit the regular work content for the next stage. There are many valid reasons. As for the people from the telecommunications office, there is no reason for them to go to these places. So in comparison, it's too conspicuous.

In front of Sun Guoxin, the two people began to discuss how to cooperate in the future. Both of them are experts, and there is no need to hide it in front of Sun Guoxin. So it was finalized very quickly. Just as they were finishing their discussion, the door suddenly opened, and Sun Guoxin's secretary, Xiao Liao, came in with someone from outside and said, "Secretary, Team Leader Hongda is here. I brought him in directly."

"Okay." Sun Guoxin nodded and said, "You go out first." "Yes!" Xiao Liao agreed, turned around and walked out, closing the door.

Seeing this situation, Dong Huayi bowed and said: "Then... while you guys are talking, I will..."

"No need." Sun Guoxin said, "You and Keqin have to cooperate in the future, but you don't need to avoid suspicion." "Hey." Dong Huayi sat down again, looked at Fan Keqin and said, "What's the matter? Ah Da has a mission?" "

"Yes." After Fan Keqin said this, he turned to Hongda and said, "When you came here, you didn't tell your brothers to come here, right?"

"No." Hongda immediately replied: "I said, I also went to visit the neighbors in person, and then came back directly. After I came back, Secretary Liao brought me up directly. During the process, I met a few people, but He didn’t say anything, just nodded and came up. "

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "Please report today's actions to the bureau chief in detail."

"Yes." Hongdao said: "Today's action, in general, is not difficult..." Next, he explained the content and process of today's action in detail, and said with a pity at the end :" So I brought this kid back. It's a pity that this kid got off the car a few blocks away from his current residence. At that time, for the safety and confidentiality of this operation, no one was sent to follow him immediately. The guy pulling the cart, otherwise, he was on the road, and there weren't many people on the road at that time. It would have been too obvious to send someone directly there. Now that I think about it, there must be something wrong with the guy pulling the cart. "

"Yeah." Sun Guoxin hummed noncommittally after hearing this. Then Fan Keqin said again: "Since these two boys have a problem... why are they so decisive and take action directly? Why don't they continue to keep surveillance? You know, these two people had no signs of noticing before. Why? Why don’t you put in a long-term approach to catch the big fish?”

Hongdao: "That's right, because one of these two boys went to the train station nearly a week ago. We thought at the time that this boy might be meeting someone, but we kept track of him. In the end, it was discovered that he had no contact with anyone at all. He just stayed for a while at the ticket sales place. In order to keep it confidential at that time, we did not go to the ticket window to ask questions. But we judged that this guy might have bought a train ticket and wanted to Evacuate directly at a certain moment. The reason for this judgment is because the boy himself came from other places. The house was not rented by them at all. It must be their organization that prepared the house in advance. In this way, they He came here to do something, and stayed there secretly, so that he would not show off his appearance. It was also because he made this move that was most likely an evacuation, and they had already finished their work. Therefore, in order to prevent them from escaping, at that time, Our section chief decisively gave the order and started taking action."

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Just act directly? Not a secret arrest?"

"Oh, it was a secret arrest." Hong Dadao: "The section chief asked us not to alarm the neighbors as much as possible. We did the same, but it turned out that the two red gangsters were very alert. After they returned to their residence, they did not We entered the house immediately, but we were in the courtyard. Although we tiptoed over, we definitely didn’t alert anyone. But I guess they might have seen our shadow in the courtyard..."

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