spy ace

Chapter 3326 Smooth thinking

Furthermore, from the outside, do men and women eat delicious food together? The food is about the mood, the taste is secondary.

So the two of them deliberately ate for a long time, then came out and got into the car again. Fan Keqin smoked a cigarette and chatted with Hua Zhang. They lingered for more than half an hour before starting the car. First, he sent Hua Zhang home, and then followed Fan Keqin back to his home. Of course, Fan Keqin actually observed them, and no one around them was paying attention to them. But this kind of thing is to be nipped in the bud. And sometimes, habits are the truly scary thing.

It's like being an undercover agent in a gangster environment. What should I do? You can't just behave carelessly when you're in a gang, and be a gentleman in other situations. You still have to be cool, even if there are no gangsters around you, you still have to be like this. Why, just to arrange it, when you were in the gang, you suddenly brought out your past gentlemanly habits. If you don't behave like this, this kind of thing could really happen.

After returning home, Lu Xiaoya asked him questions, then looked at him with her chin in her hands, and said: "It smells of wine, rice, and...femininity. Did you go out to play with other people without telling me? "You looked confident after saying that, but you were really a scheming frog that kept touching your belly.

Fan Keqin said: "That's five or six girls, prostrating themselves under my majestic body and circling around me. But I still didn't expect that you would switch to writing detective novels, and your observation skills would also change." Increase."

"Ha, that's awesome." Lu Xiaoya said with a smile: "You admitted it after being deceived by me. Who did you go drinking with? With your brother-in-law?"

"No." Fan Keqin said, "Didn't I just say it, with five or six girls."

"Go away." Lu Xiaoya gave him a hammer and said, "Have you eaten or not? If you haven't eaten, go to the dining room by yourself. I'll leave it for you."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "These chicks know how to make me drink, but who are we? Our drinking capacity cannot be said to be unparalleled in the world, but it can also be said to be invincible. I put them all under my control... ..." Bragging, Fan Keqin took off his coat, hung it on the coat rack at the door, and followed him towards the dining room.

In fact, Fan Keqin is the most outstanding detective. How could he smell of Hua Zhang? The two of them were just eating normally and didn't make any gestures like hugging. If he smelled of Hua Zhang, he would be a ghost. Furthermore, Hua Zhang doesn't really use perfume or anything like that. Only in certain circumstances, Hua Zhang will put on makeup, but that's just lipstick, eyebrows, and maybe some blush at most. Therefore, not to mention that there is no action like hugging, even if there is, it is impossible to have any smell.

The most important thing is that Lu Xiaoya recently started writing again after her last book became a hit. But what to write makes this great writer a little hesitant. She doesn’t want to be stuck in the same place and wants to break through the genre of writing. Fan Keqin is her husband, so he definitely encourages this kind of thing. Besides, the family doesn’t need Lu Xiaoya’s royalties to live on. Of course, Lu Xiaoya’s books do sell well and the royalties are also very high. But based on their family's conditions, it doesn't matter even if she doesn't get royalties. Therefore, Fan Keqin talked about several types of novels in one go. He even told her the framework of several stories.

Lu Xiaoya was very interested in one of the detective novels. For this reason, I even asked someone to buy the complete works of Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie, and studied them for a while. But after reading it, she felt that the books by Conan Doyle and Agatha had almost written the ultimate detective. A Sherlock Holmes, a Poirot. These two detectives are like two levels in the detective world. It is almost impossible for any detective to be as outstanding as these two people. So after Lu Xiaoya studied it carefully, she decided to write about a rural detective. This also benefited from the outline of one of the stories Fan Keqin told her. That is the background of Fan Keqin's mixture of suspense stories such as Later Generations, Undocumented Crimes, Hidden Corners, and The Long Season, as well as several story outlines.

Fan Keqin didn't care about her. He went to the dining room and drank some soup. After a few bites, he put away the food. Then I took a good bath. After I came out, I walked around the house naked and found Lu Xiaoya working hard with pen and paper in the study. So he hugged the other person from behind and said, "What's the matter with you?"

"Ah?" Lu Xiaoya said, "I'm writing something, so don't make trouble. Besides, I'm already on guard against your evildoer's trick of complaining first."

"Hey, I'm a bad person." Fan Keqin said: "Is writing something important? Hurry up, let's have fun first and then talk about it. Maybe, with a wave, hey, your train of thought will suddenly change. He was fucked by me."

Lu Xiaoya immediately said cheerfully: "You are praising your height, right? Why don't I believe it? No matter how tall you are, you can still figure out your brain."

"Don't believe? Shaken? Doubtful?" Fan Keqin picked her up seriously and walked to the bedroom while criticizing: "I will show you today. I have the ability to make your thoughts flow smoothly."

In fact, Lu Xiaoya is a bit of a young man. What do you mean, it's just a little bit of love. But the more such a woman is, the easier it is to be confused by her own fantasies. There is a word in later generations called love brain. Why? Because they are too imaginative. This kind of love brain occurs in a high proportion among young people. Why, because they all suffer from fantasies. And the more you fantasize about it, the more you will be trapped in it and unable to get out when you are in real love, and you will even do things that look very "stupid" to outsiders.

If you meet a good person, you will live a very happy life, because your lover will also care about you. Therefore, the love brain will become benign, but once the other person is not a very good person, or even an ordinary person, then after a while, he will become unhappy with you due to personality and other reasons. That would be bad...it would become negative. And the love brain still can't get out easily, always asking, why are you, why can't I understand... It's over. Once you think like this, you basically know without asking, that you must be trapped in the same place. .

But what Fan Keqin gave Lu Xiaoya was definitely positive, so Lu Xiaoya, well, and Miss Tong. Everything they felt was benign, so Fan Keqin playing this kind of game with them made them more and more happy.

Anyway, in the end, Lu Xiaoya was sweating like rain. Fan Keqin stood upright, looking down at her with a look of disdain on his face, and said: "That's it... you're still yelling at me, Lese!"

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