spy ace

Chapter 3331 Emergency

Hua Zhang was silent for a moment, and then said: "Make a note of a number, [-], and when the call is connected, say to buy three kilograms of mutton. He will say that this is a pharmacy. Just say, I am buying from you, whether it will sell or not. The other party says yes. ! Then you can talk about the content."

Fan Keqin said: "Remember." After saying this, he stopped talking because he had already seen Wang Yang and Zhao Debiao, as well as Zhao Debiao and Wang Yang running out. When they got close, Fan Keqin said: "You guys, take all the people you can bring with you. There will be traffic jams at the train stations, ferries, bus stations, and highway intersections in and out of the city. Bring back all the suspicious people. Especially People from out of town should be especially careful. If there is no guarantor, they will be regarded as suspicious persons. Do you understand? "

Everyone replied "Understood". Fan Keqin said: "Act immediately! I will report to the bureau chief." With that, Fan Keqin stopped caring about them and turned around and went upstairs. After entering the office, Fan Keqin immediately told Sun Guoxin the long-distance phone number from Tianjin, and finally said: "I just don't know if I can come yet."

Sun Guoxin frowned and said, "I'm worried about confidentiality. Long-distance calls... may not be safe."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "But Lao He said that he called your dedicated phone number first, but it was always busy and the time was too urgent, so he called me immediately."

Sun Guoxin nodded and said, "I just got a call from the attendant's office and asked me to go there right away. It's probably something important."

Hearing this, Fan Keqin said: "Then... I won't detain you. I'll also go and see the situation. I hope I can catch this big fish in time."

"Yeah." Sun Guoxin said, "I'm going out too, just watch the command. Look back... wait until I come back."

"Okay." Fan Keqin stood up and walked out of the office with Sun Guoxin. When they got downstairs, they each got into their own cars and drove out of the Security Bureau compound. However, after Fan Keqin separated from him, he walked around the street twice and found a public phone and dialed the number Hua Zhang gave him. After a while, someone answered the call: "Hello? Renhui Medical Center."

"Hello, I want to buy three kilograms of mutton." Fan Keqin started talking about the secret code. Sure enough, when the other person heard this, he paused slightly and said, "We are a pharmacy here. Sir, you must have dialed the wrong number."

"What's wrong?" Fan Keqin said, "I just want to buy from you. Just tell me whether you will sell it or not."

"Sell!" After the other party said this word, he lowered his voice and said, "What's the matter?"

Fan Keqin said: "I put the message in the mailbox marked with a circled star in Unit [-] of Sanma Road Community. It says it is not safe, but it is very urgent. You must hurry."

"I understand." After the male voice on the other end said, Fan Keqin hung up the phone. After getting into the car, Fan Keqin took out a pen and paper from the co-pilot's handbag, and started to write down things quickly with his left hand. He wrote very briefly, saying that the Security Bureau already knew that there was a senior official of the Red Party. , coming from south to north, entering Nanjing at noon. Cards have now been installed at various stations, ferries and other important places. Please take urgent action accordingly. He also told me that if it's too late, find a guarantor first. When the time comes, there will be a guarantor who will cooperate to release the person. If the situation changes, please come to the train station to notify us.

After finishing writing, Fan Keqin drove the car very fast. After arriving at the Sanma Road community, he quickly came to the fifth unit, stuffed the note into a mailbox, and used the stones he picked up to draw on the outside. A five-pointed star was drawn on the outside, and a circle was drawn outside. Then Fan Keqin turned around and left without stopping.

In fact, he now has time, but it is safer to avoid meeting the other party. So, I drove straight away after coming out. First we went to the train station, where Hua Zhang and Wang Yang were. After the meeting, Fan Keqin asked: "How was it? Did you gain anything?"

"No." Hua Zhang said, "The card has just been set up not long ago. The next train will take half an hour." Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Lao Zhao went somewhere else?"

"Yes." Hua Zhang said: "After leaving the game, Lao Zhao took the people and separated from us."

At this moment, an agent came over and said, "Report, the station attendant has found him."

Fan Keqin looked at Wang Yang and said, "Go and tell him. Let him cooperate."

"Yes." Wang Yang turned and walked away. Hua Zhang whispered anxiously: "How is it?"

Fan Keqin also whispered: "The news has spread, but I don't know, it's too late. If he is really on the next train, there is no way to get the information."

Hua Zhang said: "Then I let him go on purpose? The risk is too great."

Fan Keqin said: "It doesn't matter even if the hour hand is on the next train. What I said is that if there is no guarantor, it will be detained first. I have already passed on this information. Even if it is detained, I believe that there should be someone in your organization who can Find a suitable guarantor for him. Remember, arrest as many suspects as possible. As long as there are more than one person, it is normal for those who have guarantors to be released by us later on, but we must be strict and give the other party's name. Wait for all the information to be registered. So, even if people do come, there is no need to panic. "

Hua Zhang said: "I understand."

By the way, after Bing Ling asked Liu Zi to get the information, it would take time to turn around. However, Bing Ling had his own emergency contact method. After learning the content of the message Fan Keqin gave him, he was extremely anxious. He immediately asked Liu Zi to look at the store and went out directly. After finding a public phone, she dialed a backup phone number that could only be used in extreme emergencies. After the call was connected, Bing Ling said: "The Security Bureau already knows..."

He quickly repeated everything that Fan Keqin had conveyed. After the other party heard it, he paused slightly and said, "Don't worry, he is on the ship. If you can't receive the message at all, I'm afraid it will be too late after you get off the ship." . However, the other party said to prepare a guarantor...I will be ready. This matter should be slowed down. What you need to do now is to pass the target directly to the other party on the ship. Only in this way can the other party fully cooperate. "

Bing Ling said: "Pass it to the other party?"

"That's right." The person opposite said: "This is the only chance now. Letting the other party cooperate is the safest way. Otherwise, it will be extremely dangerous."

"I understand." Bing Ling said, "I'll do it now." After saying that, he hung up the phone. After thinking about it, he took a rickshaw and said, "Hurry up, go to the train station."

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