spy ace

Chapter 3352 Teco

Fan Keqin said: "A person's name is like a tree's shadow. Since he is a master, he must know how to start and end cautiously. The closer he gets to the field, he may not only not relax like other people, but also strengthen it." Be vigilant. Therefore, if you really want to take decisive action, you must be more cautious. In addition, if the Nian Harvest has arrived and you do not stop it in time, don't take action forcefully, as the gain will outweigh the loss. You can do it later Think of ways to."

Hua Zhang looked at Fan Keqin, nodded, and said, "I will remember what you said. Pass it on intact. You are our friend, and we will never forget our friends."

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "Of course, I will be your friend forever."

I found a place and put Huazhang down directly. When Fan Keqin introduced the situation to her before, the surrounding situation, driving speed, and route were all random. He kept observing the situation and found no problems. He still used random methods to place Hua Zhang. A side street facing away from the street. Fan Keqin said: "Pay attention to safety, I will go back first."

Watching Fan Keqin's car drive away, Hua Zhang turned around and entered a community on the street, walked out from the other end, walked along the road for a while, then passed through a residential area, and walked forward one block again. , she got on a rickshaw.

When the rickshaw pulled forward, Hua Zhang took out a small mirror from his small bag, as if he was adjusting his makeup. In other words, sometimes it is more convenient for women than men in this industry. There are many things in a woman's small bag that may seem ordinary, but they are actually quite practical. Just like makeup, no one can say there is anything wrong with it if it is placed in a woman's bag, but sometimes, it can be used. This is not the case for men. Anyone holding cosmetics will attract quite a lot of attention.

The same principle applies to the small mirror used by Hua Zhang now, but when putting on makeup, you can use it to silently observe the situation behind you. There were no problems along the way. In the end, Hua Zhang got off the car when he was still a few blocks away from Renhui Medical Center. Then he walked over.

When entering the hospital, the old rule was that Liuzi would wait and watch at the door. If anyone came to see a doctor or something, he would remind them in advance. Hua Zhang and Bingling exchanged information quickly. After Hua Zhang relayed Fan Keqin's information to Bingling, he said, "I don't know if he has arrived. If not, we still have a chance."

Bingling nodded and said: "There is a chance. The train timetable can be easily checked, but it is impossible to accurately judge whether he has arrived and when he will arrive. Then we can only do this by using a method similar to waiting for the rabbit to arrive. It's a big deal. After all, that list has a lot to do with it."

Hua Zhang said: "Actually, I have a proposal. It's very safe, and I think it's very feasible."

"Oh?" Bingling asked, "What proposal? You tell me."

Hua Zhang said: "Our purpose is to destroy the people on the list and destroy their lurking. In other words, even if we can't get the list, as long as we can stop their lurking, that's all."

"That's right." Bing Ling said, "But if I don't get the list... you say."

Hua Zhang said: "We don't know what they are thinking. But once the Nian Jiashi who sent the list arrived locally, the moment he showed up, we also showed up. What would they think? Do they think the news has been leaked? ." After hearing this, Bingling thought for a moment and said: "It is possible. If they really think about it, then they may consider that this group of people continue to lurk, and they are doing useless work, and they also take the initiative to send them to the door. Dish."

"Yes." Hua Zhang said: "But there is a small loophole in this, which I only thought of when I told you. That is, even if we appear in time, if some of them are very confident about the lurking person, then It’s a bit…difficult to handle.”

Bing Ling said: "You mean, if after we show up, even if they have considered this issue, but because they are very precise when customizing the potential personnel, they think that we just want to rob the list, then we are just simply appears, it will lose its effect.”

"Yes." Hua Zhang said: "So simply showing up is not enough. It is best to attack and take away Nian Jiashi."

"Yes." Bingling nodded after listening and said: "Whether this list is in his mind or on his body, as long as Nian Jiashi is taken away by us, then this list will become real meaning to them It's not safe. Even if Nian Jiashi doesn't have a list on his body, it's just in his mind, and he's very strict with his mouth. But they still can't guarantee whether Nian Jiashi will tell us. So in the end, this latent plan, so many The lurkers will also be withdrawn. Then our goal is achieved."

Having said this, Bing Ling said: "I will pass your information and the suggestions you just made to the organization as they are. It's getting late, so you should leave as soon as possible."

With that said, the two of them stood up. Bingling gave Hua Zhang some medicine again and said, "Liuzi is capable. He knows electrician and telephone communication. So we secretly answered a phone. If you have information to pass on in the future, don't do that." If it is urgent, you can continue to use the dead mailbox we have arranged. If it is very urgent, there is no need to come directly. Just call..."

After the explanation was completed, Liu Zi signaled that he could go out, and Hua Zhang generously carried the medicine and went out directly. Bing Ling looked behind Hua Zhang from the side of the window. After seeing that there was no problem, he said: "Liuzi, you have gone out for a while. Spread the news and I will write a letter right away..."

In other words, although the power of the party organization in Nanjing is scattered in various places and seems to be very loose, its execution ability is invincible. After getting Hua Zhang's information, I studied it for several hours overnight, taking almost all aspects of the situation into consideration. So weapons, ammunition and other equipment were immediately prepared, and special service personnel hidden in various places were mobilized.

These people are all action masters of Red Teco, seven of them in total. This number can be said to be quite appropriate, because if there are too many people, no matter how well you disguise it, the number will still attract attention. If the number of people is too small, once we encounter some special situation, we will not be able to contribute, and the intensity will not be enough. Therefore, seven people are just right.

The leader of the action team is named Hua Jianzhong. He is thirty-seven years old this year. On weekdays, he disguises himself as a carpenter...

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