spy ace

Chapter 3354 Nothing surprising

Along the way, Ji Yuze's eyes almost never left the area around Harvest New Year. He could basically detect any situation. Therefore, along the way, he saw too many thieves and too many movies, and all of these people were Basically can't escape his eyes. Fortunately, these people did not pose any real threat to Nian Jiashi. And even when Ji Yuze left Nian Jiashi, he would ask the rest of his men to keep an eye on the surrounding situation.

But now that the train was about to arrive at the station, Ji Yuze cheered up, and even told the rest of his men to cheer up: "It's about to arrive at the station. Ninety-nine percent of the work has been done. The only thing left is We are only 100% sure to succeed, but if we relax at this moment and ruin the entire mission, it is the most outweighing the gain and the most unforgivable. I hope you will work with me to execute this mission perfectly until the last moment. "

Originally, it was quite tiring for these subordinates to escort Nian Jiashi all the way to Nanjing. Anyone who has traveled far will know that even if the conditions on the road are very good, you cannot avoid the fatigue of the journey itself. Therefore, each of them is a little wilted at this time. After listening to Ji Yuze's words, three people also cheered up. The others felt that what he said was a bit serious, so they agreed on the surface, but they were still a little relaxed mentally.

Nian Jiashi is also a little relaxed. After all, he is tired. Moreover, he is escorted secretly and someone is watching him all the time. Therefore, he subconsciously believes that he can actually be more comfortable. If something really happens, then he is secretly protecting these people. People are also our own line of defense.

That's it, the train is much slower than before, and the passengers on the train are also taking action on their own. Those who are carrying their luggage are carrying their luggage, and those who are packing are all preparing to get off. This was the most chaotic time, but Ji Yuze didn't move. Seeing that he didn't move, his men didn't move either. They were all watching the movements of the passengers around Nian Jiashi with their eyes. In fact, the passengers around Nian Jiashi basically had an impression in their minds along the way. That's what the saying goes.

But it seems that people in Impossible and Ji Yuze are on high alert. As a professional agent, you have heard and seen that you don’t know enough about the situation where an impossible person suddenly pulls a trick on you? The most vulnerable time for a person to receive threats is from seemingly impossible people. Just like walking in the aisle, if you are not careful once, it will be fine if you live normally. Even if you are not careful many times, it will be fine if you just live according to your own wishes. But if something happens, it's over.

Those who put their hands in their pockets and those who put their hands in their luggage, do you know when they take their hands out the next moment, will they be empty-handed, or will they be holding a gun? This is a bit like Schrödinger's cat. There is a cat in the box. No one knows whether the cat is dead or alive until the box is opened. The answer can only be known at the moment the box is opened. So to put it most strictly, as long as that hand is not empty for them to see, then you will never know whether this hand will take out a weapon if it is in the suitcase or in the pocket of your clothes.

It's just that observing like this is very tiring, but Ji Yuze is still doing his best to be vigilant about everything around Nian Jiashi. Fortunately, this situation does not last long. People had passed around their coats and packed their boxes, but no one could say that they were still moving around. Basically, after you are done, you sit in your seat again, unless it is a standing ticket without sitting. But those who didn't sit were even more shocked. In fact, they were less willing to move, and they weren't as relaxed as those who were sitting before. Therefore, people who are not sitting are more reassured.

After a while, the train finally stopped on the platform. Nian Jiashi stood up and looked towards the front, closer to the exit. However, Ji Yuze held down his hand, but said to his men: "We are not in a hurry. We will wait until everyone is finished, and it will be the same in the end."

Naturally, this was meant for Nian Jiashi. The latter also understood what he meant. He took a look and saw that the crowd was moving slowly and the queue was very full, so he sat down and waited again. In this way, after a while, the place where the train cars are connected, where the doors are, there were already very few people queuing behind them. The situation on the other end was basically the same. The few remaining people were all facing the direction of the door, and no one paid attention to the situation in the car behind them.

Seeing this, Ji Yuze immediately looked at the platform again. Well, there are still a lot of people on the platform, all of whom have just gotten off the train. Some people may be taking a train for the first time, or coming to Nanjing Station for the first time. After getting off the train, they are looking around, maybe looking for At the station entrance, I looked around for a while and then decided to go with the crowd. There were also people who came to pick me up, bought platform tickets, came in and waited. There were many relatives and friends who had already been picked up, and the few who were there were looking around for friends. However, most people are still following the crowd and heading out.

Ji Yuze said: "Don't worry, it's almost time for people to leave the platform. We are getting off."

Everyone on the train has already gotten off. There were still many people on the platform, so Ji Yuze and others still did not move. But at this moment, at the intersection between cars, a dark shadow flashed, and a person did walk up. Judging by his attire, he must be a conductor. The conductor came up and saw Nian Jiashi, Ji Yuze and the others sitting on their chairs quite comforted. They were also stunned, and then said: "We've arrived at the station, hurry up and get off!"

"I know." Ji Yuze replied on his behalf: "I have a companion who is still in the toilet. We will leave when he comes out."

The conductor didn't say anything, nodded, and continued walking back along the carriage to check if there were people left in other carriages. Don't think that you will get off the train when you arrive at the station. As a conductor, this inspection is essential. Many people deliberately stayed in the car and laid it out. And among them, someone even got out of the car and a group of people couldn't wake up due to such loud noises, and they were still sleeping. Can you believe it? Fortunately, we were at the terminal station. If we had passed the station half way and slept so hard, we would definitely have passed the station.

Some people even deliberately hid in the train. When they found them and asked why, they said they just liked trains and I wanted to ride on them. Others just want to see what will happen if they never get off the bus. Curiosity is so great. There are even weirder things, but there are all kinds of weird things in life and the world, and they are considered normal.

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