spy ace

Chapter 3356 Shooting

Big Chin and Shunzi lifted Nian Jiashi up in an instant and ran to the side.

Xiao Liu, Zhu Zhu, Lao Wa, and Xiao Pang also immediately moved forward to attack the people on both sides of Nian Jiashi and those in front. Their movements were not unpleasant, but Ji Yuze and the others were also very particular about their positions. They were placed behind, to the left, and in front of Nian Jiashi. It can be said that there are people in every direction. And whether you look at it from the front, from the back, from the left, or from the right, there are three or even four layers of people. Therefore, when Hua Jianzhong and the others attack, they have to break through several layers of people in succession.

Previously, they had used the most effective raid, and from behind, they instantly captured the two people on the first level from behind, as well as Nian Jiashi in the middle of the second level. But if you move forward to attack the people on both sides and the people in the front row, although their movements are very coherent, it will take a little time after all. And just this little bit of time. Ji Yuze, who had always been alert, heard something was going on behind him. And some of the people nearby seemed to have seen something extraordinary.

Therefore, Ji Yuze reacted instantly and shouted: "Behind me!!!" As soon as he shouted, he had already pulled out the gun from his waist and turned around quickly.

He was at the front, so Nian Jiashi had already been lifted up, and the last two people, Nian Jiashi's left and right, had fallen to the ground. One of the people was grabbed around the neck by a stranger and was being thrown to the ground. Another henchman used his left hand to pull hard on the arm that was strangling his neck. The other hand had already held the gun at his waist and was pulling it out.

At the end of the team, in addition to the two people carrying Nian Jiashi, there were three more people. These people all had their guns drawn and were facing in their direction. It was obvious that the person who took action and the person with the gun were working together. The person holding the gun is responsible for covering, and the person making the surprise attack is responsible for taking direct action. If he can sneak up on him, he can do so. If there is an accident, he can be covered and shot at any time by the three people holding guns behind him. Because the three men with guns were spreading to both sides, trying to avoid the trajectory of their own people from the side.

In just a short moment, Ji Yuze no longer cared about whether there were any of his own people fighting with the other party's people, nor did he care about the fact that there were still several men behind him, slightly blocking his gun line. Raise your hand and aim at the person to your left to shoot. Because he turned from the right before, so when he turned, he must have passed by the left first. And Ji Yuze saw that the person on the left with a gun on the other side was also moving sideways. Therefore, he must shoot himself first and the fastest, and he is also one of the people who poses the greatest threat with a gun.

But Ji Yuze's finger might have just exerted force, before he could pull the trigger. There are people much faster than him. But it was Hua Jianzhong who was ready to shoot from the very beginning. After all, he was one of the people responsible for holding a gun to cover the situation, and his muzzle was pointed forward. So when he saw Ji Yuze turning around very quickly, he knew something was wrong, so he slightly turned the muzzle of the gun and fired a shot at the target. In fact, he wanted to shoot continuously...

However, Ji Yuze is not an easy man. After all, he is one of the masters of the Party Bureau, and he has a good reputation. So he was a little behind Hua Jianzhong. He felt a shock on the side of his left rib, but he still pulled the trigger. With a bang, this shot directly hit the ear of the commando on the side, knocking off the opponent's earlobe.

As for the commando, when he took action, he immediately held the gun and started to move sideways to avoid the gun line. Always aim at the enemy on the right side of the middle layer. Just look at how quickly this kid reacted when his accomplice strangled him with his arm. It turned out that this person was one of the people who had been reminded by Ji Yuze before and agreed that he should remain vigilant at the last moment. He felt that otherwise, if he had taken ninety-nine steps and fell one step short of the finish line, then nine people ahead of him would Nineteen steps would be in vain.

So he heard some movement behind him, and the sound was very abrupt compared to the one who had just walked over, so he quickly looked back. At this glance, he happened to see an arm coming around from behind, so he immediately ducked to avoid it, but it was too late, so he still let the other person wrap his head with his hands. Fortunately, he also raised a hand in time. A pull. He didn't let the other party completely lock his neck.

At the same time, the right hand also drew the gun again. At this time, the commando who was going around saw something wrong and felt something was wrong, but the angle was not completely out of the way. So he took a step to the right again, and at this moment, he heard two shots. The first shot was fired by Hua Jianzhong, and the other shot was fired by the enemy in front of him in his peripheral vision. And he didn't care about the enemy who fired, but at the angle of shooting, the enemy who drew the gun hit the torso with a shot. After firing the shot, he felt his right ear feel hot.

But this is not safe. With one move of his fingers, he will shoot the opponent. But the next shot was not fired by him, but by Hua Jianzhong. He also fired continuously. The second shot was fired and hit Ji Yuze directly in the lower abdomen. Ji Yuze was also a ruthless person and was shot twice in the body. Although his first shot hit his ribs, it was not fatal after all. So it didn't have much impact. It was just that shock that caused the shot he originally aimed at the opponent's head, coupled with the fact that the opponent was moving, not to actually hit, but to knock off half of the opponent's ear.

Ji Yuze immediately felt his lower abdomen heat up again at this moment, but because the two sides started a javelin battle at such a close distance, his adrenaline was secreted wildly, so he really couldn't feel much pain in a short period of time. So he slightly deflected the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger again.

This time, in order to increase the hit rate, he no longer aimed at the opponent's head, but slightly lowered the muzzle of the gun. The bullet tore off a piece of flesh from the commando's right arm and then penetrated into his right chest. The commando was beaten for a while, and at this time, his gun also fired.

The second shot was fired. Although it was also hit at the same time, the team member was close to the target he wanted to shoot. Therefore, although the muzzle of the gun shook slightly due to vibration, it still shot from the right side of the opponent's back. Hit it in.

The Central Command agent who was shot twice in a row could no longer withstand the strength of the commando behind him, and his body immediately went limp. But at this moment...

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