spy ace

Chapter 3361 Sudden Arrival

Fan Keqin put down his wine glass and said, "It seems that Nian Jiashi has been taken care of?"

Hua Zhang smiled and said: "The organization asked me to convey it on my behalf. Nian Jiashi has handed over the list and found out that what he said is true. Therefore, I must convey my gratitude to you."

"You're welcome, what's the point of thanking you?" Fan Keqin said: "Besides, haven't you cooperated with me? It's been a pleasure to cooperate with you."

"We are friends, so we still have to thank you." Hua Zhang said, "If you take one step further with us..."

"Hey." Fan Keqin waved his hand, interrupted her, and said: "You also said that we are friends. Sometimes, it is more convenient to do things as friends. If you can, help me convey it to Your superior, if your friends have any difficulties, I will naturally help them if I can. Also ask my friends to lend a helping hand when I have difficulties."

Hua Zhang still felt pity in her heart, but she knew Fan Keqin too well. Precisely because she understood him so well, she knew that since the other party had already said this, no matter how she tried to persuade him, it would be useless. But fortunately, looking at it now, everything is positive. Then just do something to maintain this positive relationship. So he nodded and said: "Okay, I know, you have made up your mind, no one can persuade you." Then he smiled and said: "I think you are the toughest person I have ever seen."

"Hahaha." Fan Keqin laughed and said, "Actually, you are right. You have a hard mouth because you have a hard heart. Sometimes I also feel that I am a little too hard-hearted, but it doesn't matter if I don't have a hard heart. You know Yes, in this environment, what would happen if you were soft-hearted? In fact, this is also suitable for you. And you are much more dangerous than me. I don’t want anything to happen to you and implicate me. So, If anything happens, I hope you can greet me in advance and I will help you."

"Thank you." Hua Zhang nodded and said, "Okay, I will."

In fact, Hua Zhang's regret, strictly speaking, does not exist. Because Fan Keqin knew in his heart that he was 10,000 percent a true party member. In his previous life, he must definitely live up to the oath he had sworn. But he definitely couldn't just tell Hua Zhang about this kind of thing. This was also a matter of principle.

The two were eating and drinking when Fan Keqin suddenly stopped talking. Hua Zhang knew that Fan Keqin had some abilities that were different from ordinary people. For example, when he arrives at the scene, he can see things that others cannot see. What others say may not mean anything in itself. But Fan Keqin could just hear what was behind the words.

So when Fan Keqin suddenly stopped talking to him, Hua Zhang did not ask what was wrong. Instead, he also stopped and did not disturb Fan Keqin. Then he used the corner of his eye to scan the surrounding situation.

In just a few seconds, Fan Keqin looked at Hua Zhang and whispered: "There are people laying an ambush around."

After hearing this, Hua Zhang narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Are you coming for us? You didn't bring a bodyguard today."

The words "no bodyguards" are to remind Fan Keqin that if someone is really setting up an ambush, then without a bodyguard, it may really be against them. The other party is most likely aware of this situation.

Fan Keqin said: "How should I go on a date with you? But I don't think...it's for us. We did anti-tracking when we came out. This hotel was also randomly selected." Hua Zhang was actually a little puzzled. She knew how high the quality of the anti-tracking that Fan Keqin did personally was. Even if the other party was a skilled master, unless it was bad luck or Fan Keqin deliberately gave the other party a chance, otherwise, if he wanted to follow him, it would be impossible. Just like dreaming. Not to mention that this hotel was also the hotel where they came out for a "tryst", and it was a completely random choice.

So Hua Zhang listened carefully and asked, "It's a little quiet. What did you notice?"

Fan Keqin said: "There are people on the street at the door... It should be martial law not far to the left of the hotel door... No, it should be an encirclement or something like that. The reason why I am not pointing at us is because their location is wrong. , seems to be aimed at...the building on the left side of the hotel entrance, across the road."

Just as the two people were talking about this, the door went dark, and five big men in black tunic suits came in. After coming in, I called the waiter directly and said I was looking for the boss. After a while, a man in a suit and a greasy hair came down. Four of them were standing at the door, and the other one went into the next door with the greasy man in a suit. Small room.

At this moment, a woman dressed very fashionably, finished eating and drinking with a man, put her money on the table, and then came to the door talking and laughing to go out. One of the four big men standing at the door immediately said: "We are from the police station. No one can leave now. There is a police operation." As he said that, he flashed his ID at them.

"What?" The woman was stunned and said, "What happened to the police operation? What does it have to do with me? I won't let anyone leave after dinner."

The man next to him smiled and said, "Why, Captain Zhang from your bureau didn't come over? He and I have known each other for a long time." As he said that, he patted the shoulder of the woman next to him, as if he was in control.

"It's not from the same department." The big man said: "Please sir, Ms. He, wait here for a while. When the action is completed, you will naturally be allowed to leave."

"Hey, you said you are so rigid." The man frowned and said, "You don't know Captain Zhang, do you? Do you need me to call your Deputy Director Li?"

"I'm sorry." The big man said, "Mr. and Madam, please stay safe for a while. I will let you leave after the operation is completed."

"Hey, you..." This man may have lost face in front of the woman, and said a little angrily: "Okay, okay, you think what I said is false, right? I'm going to call your Deputy Director Li now. Let me He will tell you personally." As he spoke, he went to the counter at the entrance of the hotel, picked up the receiver and was about to make a call.

With a sound of "Bang!", the big man followed up directly, pressed down the receiver, and said: "I said it was a police operation, so you are not allowed to leave or make phone calls. Please cooperate." As he spoke, he lifted the lapel of his tunic suit and revealed the handle of the gun at his waist.

When the man saw it, he was silent for a while and said: "Okay, okay, I'll give you Director Li some face, and I'll ask him for his reaction later..."

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