spy ace

Chapter 3364 Selfless

As he said that, Fan Keqin looked at his watch and said: "It's five minutes to seven o'clock. We have the detailed location of their actions and an accurate timeline. The insider will find it more accurately."

Hua Zhang understands this truth. With the timeline and location, it will naturally be much more accurate and simpler to find it by following the two points. The two people came out of the room and left the hotel. As per the old rules, Fan Keqin sent Hua Zhang home first, and then fled himself.

Hua Zhang had a peaceful sleep at home. He got up very early the next day. After washing up and having breakfast outside, he placed a message he had prepared after returning home last night at a specific location. The content was naturally the same as yesterday. While having dinner with Fan Keqin, I saw Zhongtong's actions. Including what I experienced in that hotel, what I saw when I came out, and what I saw again in the hotel room. And how Fan Keqin and two people judged it. In short, all the information was written on it.

Then Hua Zhang returned to work at the Security Bureau. After entering her office, she immediately made a few calls and activated her internal line. In fact, Fan Keqin is doing the same thing, activating an insider. However, in order to ensure that the two of them are not investigating for "private gain", the entire investigation office needs to be involved in the matter. Therefore, Fan Keqin not only lets the special investigators The same is true for the insiders who started the Central Unification Department, including those from the Information Department.

In this way, Fan Keqin's investigation of yesterday's matter became a "selfless" situation. After activating the internal line, things came to an end quickly. This is not something that an insider can know the whole story, because what happened yesterday seems to be that a high-level executive of the Central Government was involved. If it was an insider, he might only know the things around him and not be able to get the full picture. of. Therefore, after Fan Keqin synthesized all the information in this area, he finally understood what happened yesterday.

It turns out that this incident has a lot to do with the capture of Nian Jiashi of Zhongtong. The senior officials of Zhongtong, such as their big boss Xu Shizeng, deputy director Li Haishi and others, were very angry when they found out. Their information is actually just as fast, so don’t look down on Zhongtong. The experts inside are quite serious. It's just that their style of doing things is different from how strong they were before the military reunification, so they give people the impression of weakness. But in fact, it is still quite professional.

Nian Jiashi was captured in the square, and all the remaining people died in a close-range gunfight. The two police officers also conveyed information, which had a great effect. After firing two shots at the buttocks of Hua Jianzhong and others' car, he immediately reflected on the matter. The scene was then cordoned off. At first glance, this scene couldn't possibly be a gang fight. It looked like they were all professionals. In addition, Ji Yuze and others have certificates, and there are many types of certificates. Some are from the police station, some are from inspections, and some are from patrols. Can people with these certificates be simple? So the police department responded directly to the matter.

That's it. The Central Command soon learned of the situation and sent people to the scene to take a look. It was Ji Yuze and others who died. Li Haishi immediately came to Director Xu Shizeng's office, explained the situation and said: "Bureau chief, this must be done by the Red Party. Nian Jiashi came back with the list of latent plans, and Ji Yuze and others were secret escorts. The key is these two secrets That's a word. Now Nian Jiashi is missing. What happened? There must have been a leak, and according to the information provided by the two police officers at the scene, Nian Jiashi was captured by the other party. Let's get him back as soon as possible That's fine, if you can't get it back... you won't be able to give Nian Jiashi a chance to speak."

Xu Shizeng glanced at him and said, "When the other party left, did anyone send someone to trace the taxi he robbed?"

Li Haishi nodded and said, "I asked Shan Yuling to lead someone to investigate."

Xu Shizeng was slightly different and said: "Why did you let her go?" Li Haishi said: "I think this woman is quite capable. She is the one who instigated Jin Bo's rebellion, and she is quite capable. You forgot, she is from the national defense He was sent directly from the Ministry. Didn't you say at the beginning that a woman was sent here, so why don't we give her a task? But she was sent from above, so it's not appropriate to just perfunctory or do other work.

I think this time will be enough. The mission is definitely serious enough, and the car is not difficult to find. Unless the other party can disappear out of thin air, otherwise, you can find it no matter what. It can also be considered as an explanation to the senior officials of the Ministry of National Defense. In addition, Shen Fangfu is following us. You know her investigative abilities are quite powerful. So nothing can go wrong. "

"Well." Xu Shizeng said in a deep voice: "What I'm worried about now is not the people involved in the latent plan. Nian Jiashi has been captured. This is an undisputed fact. Even if the person really comes back in the end, the latent plan is still Can it be implemented? Do you still dare to implement it? So now that it has become an established fact, we must be prepared for the worst. When I turn around, I will personally send a message to the front and ask these people to withdraw quickly. "

Li Haishi said: "Withdrawing... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. Many people have already implemented it according to the planned plan. This..."

Xu Shizeng said: "How much can be evacuated? We can't just leave people at the front. In addition, what I am most worried about now is how the secret was leaked. Was it the front, our headquarters, or Nian Jiashi and others on the way, This is unknown. But there is one situation that is the most terrifying, and that is that we may have an undercover agent from the Red Party."

Li Haishi frowned and said: "It's impossible to know how to leak the secret now. The bureau chief, the specific executors involved in the latent plan, as well as the people who made the plan, and the people who had contact with the planned plan. There is also the escort list back. Nian Jiashi and others. In our headquarters... only the senior people in the headquarters know about this plan. On the contrary, the possibility of leaking the secret is the lowest. But even so... the possibilities are a bit too many. It is almost impossible to investigate. Only Only if you can sort it out slowly."

Xu Shizeng said: "Then we have to investigate. Otherwise, we will be constrained in whatever we do in the future. How can we do anything? Later, you can draw up an absolutely reliable list and ask them to set up an investigation team to investigate this leak. event."

"Yes." Li Haishi said, "I'll take care of it when I get back. So, will we not take any other action regarding this matter?"

"Of course there must be other actions." Xu Shizeng said: "At the train station, in front of a large crowd, they just let the other side beat so many of us to death..."

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