spy ace

Chapter 3367 Evacuation

Shunzi asked: "What will happen to Harvest that year?"

Hua Jianzhong said: "He promised to cooperate. I think he should be sincere. After all, he understands the methods of the Party Communications Bureau. In his situation, it is impossible for the Party Communications Bureau to trust him. Moreover, we have already His confession and the list of latent plans he provided were passed on to the organization. As long as there is any action from that side, the Party Communications Bureau will know that Nian Jiashi must have spit out his words. So Nian Jiashi actually has no way out. I Judging from his attitude, he is still very sincere."

"Yes." The big chin next to him nodded and said: "I also observed it, so let's take Nian Jiashi with us? Has the organization instructed us where to go?"

"Yes." Hua Jianzhong said: "But I can't explain it to you now due to disciplinary reasons. Information provided by the organization shows that although the Party Communications Bureau has not blocked the intersections entering and exiting the city, train stations, ferries and other places , but in these places there are also a large number of spies from the Party Communications Bureau secretly monitoring us. Therefore, we cannot gather together and walk, but must spread out and leave in groups to be safe."

Everyone naturally agreed with his statement. After all, when so many people gathered together, they naturally attracted more attention than scattered people. Zhu Zhu said: "What you mean is that we break it up into parts. This is a good way. Then let's separate ourselves. But who will take Nian Jiashi? Zhongtong must have his appearance information, and it will be dangerous to take him with him. Moreover, who will take Nian Jiashi? We also need to study how to leave.”

Hua Jianzhong looked at the big guy and said, "Nian Jiashi... let me take him away."

Shunzi said: "Let me go with you and have someone to take care of you, just in case."

"Okay." Hua Jianzhong nodded, and then said: "Then Shunzi and I will take Nian Jiashi away. Remember, our destination is to meet at Lujiaqiao, and we have other tasks at the time. But when we arrived at Lujia After the bridge, everyone goes to Zhangjia’s old store to get a room. Don’t recognize each other. We’ll talk about other things when I arrive.”

Everyone said that after remembering it, they didn't ask each other about their identity or how to leave. After all, they are all professional masters, and they must have their own methods. Hua Jianzhong asked the others to leave first. After everyone left, he said: "Shunzi, as I just said, we are definitely not allowed to go to the roads in and out of the city, the docks, and the train station. And with the New Year The people in the Harvest Party Bureau have information about his appearance. Once he appears, even if he is wearing makeup, there is a high risk of being recognized. Therefore, we need to commit the crime as soon as possible. You go out now and buy three new clothes. And to eat and drink..."

After hearing this, Shunzi immediately went out to get these things. Then Hua Jianzhong entered another room, but Nian Jiashi did not run away. And he was not tied up now, but Hua Jianzhong still kept an eye out, and used some small tricks at the door and outside the window that were invisible in the house. If Nian Jiashi really wanted to run away, he would not stop him. After all, Nian Jiashi had already provided the latent list and it had been confirmed by the organization. The list was true. So it doesn't matter whether he runs or not.

However, he still designed some alarm devices, which only require some thin cotton threads. These thin cotton threads are connected to the door and outside the windows. If he really wants to run, he will definitely not have any flashing ability. Whoosh It suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly appeared outside. Must pass through these places. As long as he passes, he needs to open the window and open the door, and as soon as the window opens and the door opens, these lines will be pulled, thus letting Hua Jianzhong and others in the other room know.

This can be regarded as a test, but Nian Jiashi clearly passed this test. He stayed quite honestly in this house. When Hua Jianzhong came in, he immediately stood up and said, "How's it going? What did you discuss? Can you tell me?"

"Of course." Hua Jianzhong said: "They have left in batches. We have received the news that the Party Communications Bureau is now checking the housing information. I believe that they will be able to find out here soon. Therefore, organizationally, let Let's evacuate." "Then you must keep your word." Nian Jiashi said: "You must take me with you. Didn't you say that I handed over the complete list, which is considered a meritorious performance? You can't leave me behind. "

Hua Jianzhong said: "Don't worry, as long as you are willing, we will definitely be responsible for your safety. We will take you away together. However, leaving here will require some punishment. I hope you are mentally prepared."

"As long as you can leave." Nian Jiashi said, "It would be a disaster if you were caught by the Party Communications Bureau." At this point, he may have thought of the various methods within the Party Communications Bureau. After a moment of silence, he asked: "Yes Now, how can we leave?"

Hua Jianzhong said: "Just follow me, I will always take you with me. However, I want to ask you again, are you really willing to follow us? If you don't, we will never force you. I will never hurt you back. I will also give you a traveling fee. "

"I will follow you." Hua Jianzhong said: "In my current situation, it is not safe to go anywhere. Only when I come to you can I feel at ease."

"Okay." Hua Jianzhong said, "A comrade is going outside to prepare the things we need to leave, the clothes we need to change, etc. When he comes back, we will set off."

"Great, great." Nian Jiashi said, "But let me make a suggestion. I'm afraid that just changing clothes won't be able to hide it from the people in the Party Bureau. They know what I look like. It doesn't work either with makeup, unless I don't have it." There are no traces of makeup on my face, otherwise it would be easier for me, a grown man, to attract their attention."

Hua Jianzhong nodded and said: "Well, we have already considered this. Don't worry, it is a safer method instead of putting on makeup to pass the level."

"That's okay." Nian Jiashi was still a little worried. After all, he knew the party's methods of infiltrating the bureau. Hua Jianzhong could only comfort him calmly.

After a while, Shunzi came back. After all, what he needed was not contraband. After he came back, Hua Jianzhong helped divide it into three parts, and each person got a small baggage or an ordinary backpack. Then Hua Jianzhong said: "Let's leave now. I'll take the lead and walk specifically through some small alleys and courtyards in residential areas. These are places that are not streets. Then Nian Jiashi, you follow me about twenty steps behind, and we pretend to be together." Passers-by who don’t know each other before and after. You just need to follow me. But help me observe my surroundings.”

"No problem." Nian Jiashi nodded decisively: "I know how to fly a kite."

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