spy ace

Chapter 3376 Note

When the nature comes, just ask the manager to arrange for a band to come over and sing at the top of his lungs, or hug the princess and have a dance on the dance floor. If you are proud of your life, you must have all the fun! Gan Ruicong really likes to play. Fan Keqin and Sun Guoxin catered to him. This thing is very simple, just hold it and talk about it. They are all human beings, and it is impossible to flatter them until they are flattered. In addition, Fan Keqin and Sun Guoxin had studied it very well before, and the psychological hints they gave him showed that Gan Ruicong was quite playful.

"It's past twelve o'clock." Gan Ruicong sat down and drank a glass of wine to quench his thirst. He was a little too high dancing just now, but the girl was very good at it, so she let him dance for a while longer. Then he said: "Although I can't bear to leave, that's it for today. If I keep playing, I won't be energetic at work tomorrow."

Sun Guoxin smiled and said: "Next time, find a day to rest on the second day, so that you can relax while playing."

"Well, that's a good suggestion." Gan Ruicong said with a smile, "I'll give you a call when the time comes." As he spoke, he took out his wallet, took out a stack of money, and gave it to the two people playing with him. A chick. This is a tip. It is Gan Ruicong's opportunity to show off. Fan Keqin and Sun Guoxin cannot rush to give it. Besides, for a person of Gan Ruicong's status, it's just such a small amount of money, but that's nothing. So don't have any worries.

When they came out with Gan Ruicong, Fan Keqin and Sun Guoxin helped Gan Ruicong get into the car. After watching his car disappear from sight, Sun Guoxin took out two thin cigars from his arms and handed one to Fan Keqin. After lighting it, he held it in his throat for a while and blew out a puff of smoke. Said: "It seems that he has already believed in us."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "At that time, we toasted and said that we wished all the senior officials were healthy, and took out Deputy Chief Ouyang alone to wish him a long life. He was holding the cup, and these words were spoken by us. For a moment, his eyes immediately moved from the cup to our faces. This shows that he has fully noticed the content of our words. Then, when we clinked glasses with him, there was an obvious acceleration movement. . And the moment the clinking of glasses was completed, he still looked at us, then looked at the glass again, and drank the wine in one gulp. When he looked at the glass, there was a smile on his lips. After that, he played He was very happy and talked about a lot of private things within the Ministry of National Defense, which is further proof that he has indeed believed in us."

Sun Guoxin nodded and said: "Very good, the first step has been taken. The second step is how to respond to his inquiry. We can't do nothing, right? To make him believe, we still have to make him believe it. He saw something real."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "I will privately investigate the situation of Minister Ouyang's home, the surrounding situation, and the behavior and habits of Deputy Minister Ouyang. With these, when Director Gan is anxious and asks us, we will You can take these things out and talk about it. Let him see that we have made preparations, but Deputy Chief Ouyang has a prominent position after all. For such a person, you must be careful when doing things. That's why it happened. No action. In this way, I believe we can deal with it."

Sun Guoxin thought about Fan Keqin's statement and felt that it was quite appropriate. If Gan Ruicong asked, he just said that the time is not yet ripe, so we should be cautious. This type of statement sounds very reasonable, but after all, it has no actual content at all. Gan Ruicong was able to reach the position of director of the first department. No matter how he got there, you would never really think that he was a fool. It sounds reasonable, but can something very empty really fool him?

But as Fan Keqin said, the effect is different. Because there is actual content in it. Deputy Chief Ouyang’s home is in a certain place, and there is an open space in his yard. This is a difficulty. In addition, we also found that his bodyguards are in a certain room in his house. If he forcibly disguises himself as a bandit and goes to Li Chong is not allowed. So we have to wait for an opportunity... You see, there is actual content in this. I know where Deputy Chief Ouyang's home is, and I also know the security situation of his home, and I have made a plan. This is practical information. With dry information, the effect of deceiving people is completely different. It seems reasonable to just say "we need to be cautious and have mature opportunities", but in fact, things without content are much more effective.

Just like a salesperson, our furniture is awesome, don’t ask, just ask. In the end, that awesome guy didn’t even hear it after talking for a long time. But if you say that our design inspiration comes from the classical furniture of the Forbidden City, you can see that the carvings inside are all designed by professional personnel. You see, the corners of these desktops are all designed to be streamlined, which not only looks good but also avoids collisions, etc. Which of the two sounds more believable? Definitely the latter one. Because it has actual content, but if you just talk about it, it’s really useless if you can’t explain the specific aspects of it.

Sun Guoxin said: "It makes sense, let's do it this way. We just need to delay it. In this way, we can delay it."

The two of them finished chatting about the situation in a few words. If they wanted to discuss it again, it would be too late to wait until they got to work. So Fan Keqin put Sun Guoxin in the car and drove home. After having fun with Lu Xiaoya, I got up very early the next day, had breakfast, and went to the Security Bureau.

Just when Fan Keqin had lunch, Hua Zhang came to the door. He said something that seemed to be about a tryst at night, but in fact, Hua Zhang handed over a note. There is a lot written on it. Fan Keqin said what she said while reading the content of the note.

It turned out that Hua Zhang wanted Fan Keqin to help him and use his insider information in the Zhongtong to help him inquire about the situation of the two underground party members who were caught by the Zhongtong. Fan Keqin nodded to her after reading it and said, "Then let's try Huaiyang cuisine at Deweilou tonight."

"Okay." Hua Zhang smiled and said, "Then I'll wait for you."

After Hua Zhang left, Fan Keqin went to work normally. When I got off work in the evening, I left with Hua Zhang. However, the two of them were prepared for the situation behind them, and then immediately found a public phone on the street. Fan Keqin made several calls in succession. It'll be over soon. Then Hua Zhang and I actually came to Dewei Restaurant to order food and started dating. After all, we can't say that we separated immediately after the phone call, and it didn't look like a tryst.

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