spy ace

Chapter 3378 Sealing

After finishing the drawing, Yin Zhehan read it again and found that it was OK and he could understand it. This was completely fine, and then he sealed the paper into a wax block. This thing was also very simple. Just use a candle and keep dripping wax oil. There is a small long vial, like a test tube, with a cotton rope in the middle. In this way, after the wax oil drops inside, it plasticizes itself into a new candle. And when others see this small bottle, they don’t know what it is for.

After packing it up, Yin Zhehan took out the new candle and made a few marks on it with his nails. Then I left the house with the candle here. Anyway, after finishing his meal, he seemed to be going out for a walk, wandering around the streets. In less than twenty minutes, he arrived near Granary Alley. He did not enter Granary Alley rashly, but strolled around to see the situation. I didn't find anything suspicious, and I found an opportunity when no one was around, so I walked in from one end of the alley.

There is a toilet on the left hand side, and diagonally opposite the toilet there is a privately built wooden shed. When he arrived, there happened to be no one in front of him. He immediately took out the new candle, stuffed it into a gap in the lower left corner, stood up, and walked out of the alley normally again, heading home without looking back. In this way, all you have to do is wait for money to come in from the secret account agreed between you and that person. In that secret account, Yin Zhehan felt happy whenever he thought about it, because there was already a sum of money in it.

It was all obtained from the information he provided about Zhongtong. The other party had a good reputation and was just as agreed. After getting the information, as long as it was confirmed to be true, money would be transferred to him according to the size of the information. The quickest thing was that the money came in all of a sudden. The slowest one was less than ten days. But it will definitely come in.

Yin Zhehan thought, it would be better to have money. If you have money, what can't you do? How difficult is it to do this job? And the risk is so high. When I save enough money, I can secretly sell my current house, and then run away directly to go to the popular places in foreign countries. However, the discrimination against gringos seems to be quite serious. You should choose a better place and don’t look back and get scammed again.

The next morning, Hua Zhang got up very early, washed up and went out on an empty stomach. When she arrived near the Granary Alley, she walked in, but at this moment a man carrying a load came out from the opposite side, probably a vendor selling vegetables at the morning market, so Hua Zhang turned and entered the women's restroom next to it. There was no one inside, so there was no need for her to go inside. After waiting for a while, she heard footsteps passing by the toilet, and then came out again. As it happened, the vendor had his back turned to her.

Seeing that there was no one else, Hua Zhang quickly came to the wooden shed, bent down, put his hand through the gap, and touched to the right. Immediately I felt something slippery, it seemed to be the waxy feel of a candle. When I took it out, it turned out to be a candle, but there were several lines drawn on this candle, and the twister of the candle was still new. of. Seeing this, Hua Zhang immediately put the candle in his bag. Then he came out from the other end.

This is a not-so-wide street. When Hua Zhang came here and walked back not far, he saw a breakfast shop just opposite. It was already open, and the steamer outside was steaming out. A man who looked like a clerk was holding the steamer on top with both hands, took down the steamer, and walked quickly to the store door with it.

Hua Zhang immediately entered and ordered a few steamed buns and a bowl of porridge to eat and drink. She ate not too slowly, and when she was done paying, she happened to be back at the place where she parked her car before, got up and drove off. But Huazhang still did not meet the Security Bureau directly. After all, he came out very early. She went directly to Renhui Medical Center.

When she entered the hospital, there was still no one there. After all, it was too early. There are still very few people who come here to get medicine at this time. When Bingling saw her coming, she knew there might be news, so she winked at Liuzi. The latter nodded immediately, came to the side of the door, and peeked out of the window, alerting him that if anyone came, he could be the first to do so. Report to Bing Ling and Hua Zhang.

Sitting on both sides of the pulse diagnosis table, Hua Zhang stretched out his hand, while Bing Ling pretended to feel her pulse. Bing Ling said: "Is there any news?"

"Yes." Hua Zhang had already taken out the candle from his bag with his other hand, handed it to Bing Ling and said, "This is what I just got back this morning. It is the news from Fan Keqin's internal network of Zhongtong. I haven't read it yet." ."

"Okay." Bing Ling reached out and took it, gently broke it, and the candle broke in the middle. Don't use too much force at this time, as it is easy to damage the paper inside. Therefore, Bing Ling carefully went back and broke it again, making the candle completely broken. Then she took off one end with gentle force, pinched the multiple layers of paper inside, and pulled it out with slight force. It took a few seconds before the paper was slowly pulled out. He immediately threw the candle in the trash can aside.

Then unfold the paper and look at it. Well, I scrawled it very badly. This was intentional to prevent the original font from being exposed. However, I can still clearly understand what is written. Bing Ling quickly read it from top to bottom, then handed it to Hua Zhang and said, "The information is very useful. There should be a chance for rescue. Take a look."

Hua Zhang didn't say anything. He took the message and looked at it intently. I finished reading it in no time. It can be seen that the person who wrote this information is also a professional. Although the writing is detailed, the number of words is relatively small. This is because the wording is very sophisticated. What it takes others to explain clearly in a few sentences, he can write very clearly in just one sentence.

After reading and remembering it, Hua Zhang returned the note to Bingling and said: "You must ask the organization for instructions immediately. They may transfer these two comrades at any time. If this opportunity is lost, it will become more difficult to rescue them." "

"Yes." Bing Ling said: "These two comrades are unyielding and have endured all kinds of torture without betraying the secrets of the organization. We cannot ignore it. In this way, I will pass the information on immediately, but in the end, I am afraid that force will still be used to solve the problem. Otherwise, when the Central Command puts the two comrades in prison, we will completely lose the opportunity. We can only rescue them on the way, but you know, our weapons need to be deployed, and it is not easy to just use short guns. So it’s even more important to hurry up. I’m going to send a message now, and you call the phone number I told you before tonight. I will tell you the situation and whether your participation is needed in the future.”

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