spy ace

Chapter 3386 Rescue

The few people behind quickly checked the situation of the last car and found that all the people inside had lost the ability to resist. So when we arrived at the back door of the prison van, we saw that a metal bolt in the middle of the iron door had been locked by a large lock. One of the team members patted the door and said loudly: "Mr. Kong, Mr. Cui, are you in there?"

By the way, Kong and Cui were in the prison car, thinking that they would either be shot or taken to prison this time. After arriving on the prison car, because there were other prisoners, they did not talk to each other. Instead, they seemed a bit honest and just sat on both sides of the prison car. As a result, while the car was driving, a series of gunshots suddenly rang out. At the same time, the car suddenly braked, shaking the people in the car and almost fell down.

However, Mr. Kong and Mr. Cui had different ideas. They were underground parties, and their first reaction was that the organization was trying to rescue them. The second reaction is that before seeing the true face of things, we still need to observe first. So the two people looked at each other after the car stabilized.

The gunfire stopped quickly. Mr. Cui and Mr. Kong didn't wait long before they heard the rear door of the prison car being patted, followed by a voice from outside: "Kong." Sir, Mr. Cui, are you in there?"

At this point, the two of them were finally sure that the organization was rescuing them both. So almost at the same time, he loudly replied: "We are here."

"Okay, wait a moment, you two!" After the person outside said something, he immediately ran to the front with a gun and said, "The back door of the prison van cannot be opened. Do you want to load it with explosives?"

In other words, they really didn't have enough time this time, so they definitely didn't prepare any professional bombs. However, just like the machine gun, two soil bombs were transported in. After hearing this, the lean man pointed his gun at the officer in the co-pilot and said, "Do you have the key? If you don't tell the truth, I'll kill you immediately!"

"Yes, yes!!" The thought of not telling the truth flashed through the officer's mind, but when he thought about it again, he was already like this and couldn't change the outcome. He might as well cooperate and strive for a good impression, otherwise, he would turn around and face the truth. What to do if you beat yourself to death. So he immediately admitted it.

"Come down, open the door quickly!!!" The lean man opened the car door and pulled him out of the passenger seat. The team members on the other side also immediately ordered, "You get down too." When the driver in the driver's seat heard this, he quickly agreed, "Okay, don't shoot, I won't resist!" After saying that, he also opened the door and got out of the car. walked down.

"Facing the wall, squat down and hold your head with your hands!" The team member pointed his gun. The driver quickly put his hands on the top of his head and said: "Okay, okay! Hold your head!" After saying that, he quickly walked to the side of the building wall, wiped it out, faced inside, and squatted down.

After the lean man pulled the officer off, he immediately pointed a gun at him and told him to go back. This man did not dare to resist. He came to the door of the prison car at the back and said, "Don't get me wrong. The key is in my pocket. I'm holding the key. Don't shoot."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!!" The lean man yelled loudly. The officer said: "Yes, yes!" But he was still afraid that the other party would misunderstand. He raised one hand high and reached into his pocket with the other hand, and slowly took out the key. It was precisely because of him that one of the team members looked anxious and took two steps forward. He grabbed the key from his hand, pulled him away, and said: "Go squat by the wall! Hold your head with your hands!" The officer seemed to have received amnesty, and immediately turned around and walked towards the wall of the building on the roadside. At the same time, he held his head firmly with both hands.

After this team member grabbed the key, he immediately inserted it into the keyhole, opened the lock with a click, and opened the back door of the prison van with three clicks, five by two, and pulled. When he saw the five people in the prison van, they were startled. Unexpectedly, there were other prisoners in the prison van.

However, Mr. Cui and Mr. Kong spoke up and said, "Are the superiors here to rescue us?"

"Are they Mr. Cui and Mr. Kong?" the team member asked again. Seeing the two people nodding, he quickly reached out to help them get out of the prison car.

When the lean man saw this, he immediately said: "Retreat as planned!! Hurry!!" As he said that, he and another team member supported Mr. Kong along the street and came to the bicycle. He sat on it and walked towards it. Riding slowly forward. But immediately after, Mr. Kong ran two steps, put one hand on the lean man's waist, and sat on the back shelf.

Another team member also got on a bicycle and followed them, riding along the road with them. By the way, the gunfire was so intense that there were many pedestrians on the street before, but now they were gone. It seems a little quiet.

They rode quickly along the street for less than a hundred meters, then turned a corner and entered an alley. After passing through the alley, he turned right and rode along the street for about a hundred meters. He turned again and entered through the doorway of a residential area, then exited from the other side of the residential area. After riding along the street for about 300 meters, we once again turned into the courtyard of a residential area.

After arriving here, the lean man parked his car at the door of a unit. After getting out of the car, he took Mr. Kong into the corridor. He immediately took out a set of clothes from the pocket he was carrying and placed them on the window sill halfway up the first floor. He whispered in a low voice: "Sir, please change your clothes quickly. You are too conspicuous in this outfit."

Of course Mr. Kong knew what was going on, so he started to take off his clothes without saying anything. The lean man and the team member following him also started to change their clothes. For them, it was relatively simple, just change into upper body clothes and that was it. There is no need to change the pants. After all, they are all very ordinary black linen pants. These things are all over the streets now, so I just need to change the original clothes I'm wearing.

Mr. Kong only had one hand left, so it was difficult to put it on, but with the help of the lean man and another team member, it was quickly replaced. The lean man looked at him, then took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his face, and then used his fingers as a comb to comb his hair. This looks quite different from just now. It's just that one hand is a little obvious. But don’t be afraid. After all, the season has changed a bit now. Many people are wearing coats. Some people even deliberately don’t wear outer clothes for the sake of style and put their coats on their shoulders.

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