spy ace

Chapter 3388: Adjusting people

Li Haishi continued: "As well as Li Zhi from the headquarters guard camp, as well as several squadron leaders, they can all have contact with this information. This... the scope is a bit wide. If it is stricter, I have made a few calls, Ask about the situation of the two red parties, the telephone department, the information department. Even when Xiao Xiaoxiao took my order to convey it, it was possible to meet people passing by. Bureau chief, if this is investigated , will be very difficult."

Hearing this, Xu Shizeng frowned and said: "I repeatedly emphasized during the meeting, keep it secret, keep it secret! What's the result? Something happened now, right? Eight people died at once." When he said this, he seemed to be thinking or weighing. He said something and continued: "Go and use the secret radio in person to call Luo Yang back."

"He..." Li Haishi said: "Isn't he at the front, preparing to infiltrate the Red Party? And it seems that it has reached a critical moment. If he is transferred back..."

"My own backyard is about to catch fire!" Xu Shizeng said: "Clean up the interior first, otherwise, it will be unsafe to do any work. We must learn from the lessons of Nian Jiashi and the hijacking of the prison car now. If there is no internal Qing, this kind of thing will happen one after another in the future. Even the infiltration work prepared and hosted by Luo Yang may be unstable. "

"That's what the director said." Li Haishi nodded and said, "Then I will go now."

After he said this, before Xu Shizeng could answer, the buzzer on the table came to mind, and a voice said: "Bureau chief, Lieutenant Li Guibin and Gao Yang are back and reporting to you."

"Let them come in." Xu Shizeng pressed the call button and then looked at Li Haishi and said, "Are these the two alive?"

"Yes." Li Haishi said: "I will ask them to come back and report in detail."

"Yeah." Xu Shizeng said, "I'll ask them about the details in detail. You go and send the report to Luo Yang first. After sending the report, you can come back."

"Yes." Li Haishi replied, turned around and walked out, and happened to bump into Li Guibin and Gao Yang, two people who had saved their lives. Li Guibin was the escort officer, and Gao Yang was the driver. After seeing Li Haishi, these two people quickly stepped aside and saluted. Li Haishi nodded and walked out from them. After he went out, he came to Xu Shizeng's desk, saluted, and began to report the situation at that time.

After Li Haishi came out, he went upstairs along the corridor and stopped in front of a room in the corner. In other words, this room is a confidential diversion liaison group specially established under the order of Xu Shizeng. There were only two telegraph operators in total. Everyone works in two shifts, one day on and one night off, one day off and one night off. Make sure the steering radio in this room is manned 24 hours a day. And this house also has a separate bathroom. There are also separate logistics staff to deliver meals to them, but when delivering meals, they just leave the meals at the door.

The reason for this is all because of Luo Yang's existence. Li Haishi came to the room and patted the door. No one said anything inside, but after a while, the curtain on the door was lifted. The person on duty that day saw Li Haishi from the window, and then opened the door.

After Li Haishi walked in, he waited for the attendant to close the door and said: "The bureau ordered Luo Yang to come back immediately. There are other very important tasks that need him to do. Let him suspend all the work at hand and return to the headquarters as soon as possible."

"Yes." After hearing this, the attendant immediately put on his earphones and started beeping. This command is very short, and it doesn't take long to complete. Li Haishi sat next to him and smoked a cigarette. He still didn't see a reply, so he had to wait for a while and smoked another cigarette. After waiting for nearly half an hour, the indicator light of this special radio station suddenly came on. The telegraph operator immediately put on the earphones again, took the pen and paper, and started writing on the paper. In the end, it only took one fart and it was over. He turned around and said: "Vice-seat, this is the default password. The content is only two words, received."

"Yes." Li Haishi said, "Okay, you continue first. When Luo Yang comes back, you may not have to work in two shifts for the time being, but... you should still do this first and wait for my notification."

"Yes." Actually, the telegraph operator is really willing to do this job. Why? So easy. In fact, it seems that he can only stay in this room while working, and he seems to be quite miserable. In fact, there are books, beds, sofas and tea in this room. It can be said that you need to eat and drink.

The most important thing is that he is not busy. There may be several classes in a row without anything happening. He just sits in the room reading books and novels, smoking small cigarettes and drinking tea. How celestial. At night, if there is still a bed, go to bed and don't miss the telegram. If we go back to the telecommunications office, there will be a lot more work, at least much more than now. Even if you are not busy, you still have to look busy. Otherwise, if everyone is busy, you would be too embarrassed to sit around.

After Li Haishi finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the room. Then he returned to the director's office, knocked on the door and walked in. Just see that Li Guibin and Gao Yang are no longer there.

"Is it done?" Xu Shizeng raised his head and asked.

"Yes." Li Haishi said: "Luo Yang has been asked to come back as quickly as possible. He has received the message, and I have waited for the reply before coming back." Then, he paused and asked again: "Bureau seat, Li Guibin and the others Finished reporting to you? What happened? "

"It must be the Red Party." Xu Shizeng said: "They were driving along the road, and suddenly gunfire rang out. There were shots in front and behind, and the leading car and the rear car were paralyzed in an instant. The prison car was trapped in the middle and could not move. The other party followed closely. They surrounded them, captured them alive, found the keys, opened the back door of the prison van, picked up Kong, and Cui, and left on their bicycles. The whole process took less than two minutes. These must be quite professional talents. Those who can do it must be from the Red Party."

"That's it." Li Haishi nodded and said: "That bicycle... is a bit difficult to chase. To put it bluntly, this thing is a person. As long as you are willing, you can steal it. And even if it is stolen just before the incident, it can be stolen." , all in time. After all, it is easy to steal this thing. Just walk on the street, or in some residential areas, stroll around the alley twice, and you can see it. "

"Yeah." Xu Shizeng said, "Look, now we have to wait for Lao Huang's letter to see how far he can find out. But I guess I may not be too optimistic."

Having said this, Xu Shizeng looked up at Li Haishi and said, "When we discussed the situation before..."

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