spy ace

Chapter 3394 Benefits

After these orders were issued, Luo Yang did not move. He came to the data room and began to borrow the files on Harvest and the prison car incident two days ago, and read them in detail. Just listening to what others say is not enough. He needs to read the files in detail to understand in more detail.

So that means the insider won't be able to report the news, right? On the contrary, insiders took advantage of this opportunity to pass the news to Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang more quickly and resolutely. Everything is difficult at the beginning. It is under such circumstances that you must hurry up and convey the news. Otherwise, if the investigation really gets to your head and you are moving, then you are called sick.

And among them, one of the people sent by Luo Yang to investigate was Hua Zhang's insider. That means Luo Yang is prepared to take precautions. If there is a leak, it will be locked within their investigation team. How dare he pass on the information to the outside world? It depends on the circumstances, just like Luo Yang wanted to check a woman, but the next day, another group of people searched the city for a suspicious woman. In this case, Luo Yang must have known about the leak. But what about the other group who didn’t move?

Did they just tell Luo Yang that he had set up an investigation team? In this case, it was impossible for Luo Yang to know. It is like a principle that our ancestors have summed up: At first I was with people, listening to their words and trusting their actions; now I am with people, listening to their words and watching their actions. It's about giving and changing. But this passage cannot be interpreted rigidly. It is put here to listen to a person speaking. It can only be used as a reference to see what the other person does. Now that these insiders have not been tricked, Luo Yang naturally does not know that they are passing on information. Therefore, how can he see their actions. Since you can't see it, you can't determine the target of suspicion.

However, after hearing the news from insiders, Hua Zhang was still a little worried. Because Luoyang dispatched personnel at this time to investigate some large companies with security teams on the market, this was indeed within the scope. But Huazhang is not worried. After all, Fan Keqin originally asked Huazhang to set up this company to tie the company's interests with the security bureau's men. In this way, when everyone is benefiting, Fan Keqin's words in private may be much easier to use than Sun Guoxin's.

Therefore, Huazhang knew that if the Zhongtong investigation really led to the company, then everyone would have to rush forward without giving orders. Why? What do you mean by investigating our company? Besides, you are just looking for trouble. Zhongtong and we have never dealt with each other, and the most important thing is that you want to cut off your brothers' financial path. There is a saying from ancient times that cutting off someone's wealth is like killing one's parents. This is not just talk.

Hua Zhang knew these truths, but he still shared the news from his insider with Fan Keqin. This time, no news came from Fan Keqin's insider. Because the level of insiders he controlled was a bit high, although Luo Yang had obtained a warrant from Xu Shizeng, he asked all departments of the Central Government to provide him with maximum convenience. But it is impossible for Luo Yang to really transfer the chiefs of various departments, such as all section chiefs, captains, etc., to his subordinates. Therefore, these people did not join Luo Yang's investigation team, and it was not so convenient to get information.

Fan Keqin sat on a sofa in a single room of the hotel. After listening to Hua Zhang's story, he said: "You can't underestimate the Zhongtong group. Even if they have a large scope of investigation, they only have time to bring the company into their sights." It’s just a problem. If you imagine the other party, it’s impossible to find out, it must be a fluke, and it must be something unexpected.”

Hua Zhang pushed the ashtray to Fan Keqin's hand and said: "I agree with this point of view. Before I came here with you, I was thinking about this issue. Once the Central Government investigates the company, how should we respond. Our advantage is that our subordinates He will definitely support us and deal with the Central Government unanimously. In addition, he will definitely not be able to obtain substantive evidence. I have sent people to deal with those guns and transported them to other places. It is impossible for them to find them. . These are two of our key advantages.”

To a certain extent, the Central Unification is actually the same as the Military Unification and the Security Bureau. Everyone has the right to arrest you first if they are suspicious. But this must be done on a personal basis. It was impossible to say. He doubted that old Jiang would dare to capture him. Would he be able to distinguish between kings and kings? Not to mention Lao Jiang, even some officials from some units at the same level as them cannot say that I will arrest you just because I doubt you. That's not okay, the people here are only targeting ordinary people. If it is someone with a backer, it is impossible to do this. He's not a fool.

Unless they have key evidence or support from above, they will arrest people first without evidence. The other way around is definitely not possible. The same goes for the Security Bureau.

Therefore, with this situation, even if the company really comes into Luo Yang's sight, he still has no substantive evidence. What do you mean, it is a witness. Who can you ask to prove it to you? You can't just say that if you just pick up someone on the street, it should be regarded as an adult card. As for the physical evidence, the most important thing is the guns used in the attack. They have all been moved away by Hua Zhang. If you have physical evidence, you are not a fortune teller. You can know where these things are with just a pinch of your fingers. Therefore, even if they really put the company under high suspicion, it is impossible to take any substantive action.

Fan Keqin flicked the ashes of his cigarette and said: "I know it is impossible for them to take action against us. But they may use some means to directly target the company. For example, they may use special inspectors to deal with the company's goods. But this will happen soon. What?"

Hua Zhang thought for a while and said: "The interests of my subordinates will be reduced, and they will hate Zhongtong even more, and they can't wait to get rid of it quickly."

Fan Keqin said: "Yes, we can take advantage of such emotions. Didn't we analyze it last time when we had a tryst? Getting rid of Luo Yang rashly would be counterproductive. But if they can't touch us, and Are you going to tamper with the company? If the interests of the brothers are harmed, it must be because of the excitement of the crowd. In this case, then we can use people from the company to tamper with him. For example, as soon as he goes out, he is directly connected with others. She stabbed him dozens of times without concealing the intention of killing him.

In this way, the message is passed on. We don't want to kill Luo Yang because of evil intentions. When Luo Yang was investigating the company, we didn't touch him. When he doubted us, we still didn't touch him. But when Luo Yang affected everyone's interests and harmed the interests of all brothers..."

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