spy ace

Chapter 3413: Keep alive

But another possibility also exists, that is, Luo Yang's investigation itself was based on the Nian Jiashi case, the prison car robbery case. Both of these incidents involved the Red Party. He himself was eyeing Legg Mason, and it must have been based on these two incidents that Legg Mason was included in the scope. So when Luo Yang died at this time, the senior officials of Zhongtong most likely believed that Luo Yang had actually found the right direction. They suspected that he or Hua Zhang? Or Mosaic, what connection will it have with the Red Party? Only in this way can Hua Zhang be given the means.

If it is true as he speculated, then the Central Committee will not be sure that Huazhang is a red party by using means. Because Luo Yang only included Mosaic Company within the scope, but did not delineate a specific person. Zhongtong felt that Luo Yang's death was related to this, so he began to use methods against Hua Zhang. So Hua Zhang's identity is still kept secret.

Well, there is another point that must be guarded against, and that is yourself. Hua Zhang is the registrant of Legg Mason and the general manager of Legg Mason. But the boss behind Legg Mason is himself. Fan Keqin has no doubt about this, and the Central Committee must know it. After all, even if Hua Zhang is a registrant and a general manager, even though a woman is in the Security Bureau and serves as a section chief, she still has some strength. But based on this alone, you dare to set up a company with such good profits outside? It is also designed to do business with many companies in transportation, trade, etc. Just by virtue of his status as the head of the Security Bureau, he may not be able to cover it up.

Therefore, it is very likely that Zhongtong will target itself because of this. Huazhang is just one of them. Looking at it this way, I have to be more careful.

I thought quietly for a while, sorting out these things in my mind one by one. Then he began to think about how to break the situation. What should I do if I am manipulated by Zhongtong? The first part must be discovered. Fan Keqin is still very confident in this step, after all, he is really different from ordinary people. I didn't know it before, but it's different now, I know it. At the very least, he observes with his tail behind him, instead of his usual normal state. Those are completely two concepts.

It's like someone is hostile to you. But now I know that you really want to harm me, and I don’t know that you are clearly going to harm me now. This effect is completely two concepts. I don’t know that you are going to harm me now. I may just treat you as a normal enemy. Even if you are on guard, I won’t be so guarded. But if I knew that you were trying to harm me now, I would be on guard against you with all my strength. No matter if you made any move, even if you raised your hand to light a fire or smoke a cigarette, I would be extremely vigilant. In this case, even if you make a sneak attack, you will still lose the surprise.

The same is true now. Fan Keqin usually goes home, goes to work, gets off work, or wherever he goes. Although I will also observe the situation around me, it is impossible to pay attention to it and maintain a state of absolute vigilance all the time. It's different now. Central Commander Kenny also used tricks on himself. He already knew this, and his vigilance would suddenly be raised to the highest level.

In addition, Fan Keqin himself has extraordinary senses, so he is quite confident in discovering whether there are Zhongtong's eyes and ears around him. As for how to deal with Zhongtong, Fan Keqin thinks it should be simpler, and there is no need to play around with it this time. As soon as you find out, just take action and kill them all. No matter where the lawsuit goes afterwards, as long as he insists that he just discovered that someone is secretly spying on him and wants to deal with him. That's why I took action. Then who can do anything to themselves?

I am the director of the Investigation Division of the Security Bureau and I know many secrets. How dare these people spy on me and I still keep them?

Thinking of this, Fan Keqin rejected his idea again. No, we can't kill them all, at least one must be left alive. This is perfect. Because once the lawsuit really goes to the top, it is because of his identity as the director of the Intelligence Division of the Security Bureau and the captain of the field team. If the other party monitors and follows you, and leaves no one alive, it is a bit obvious that you are killing someone and silencing them. With my identity, I must find out what is going on behind the scenes. It's impossible to say that they just killed all the people who were watching them, but they don't know how and why they came, and who ordered them. Therefore, he can kill all these people but leave one alive. In this way, it is in line with your own style of doing things.

The one who was left alive was crippled, and then his mouth was opened. After I found out that the person behind the scenes was Zhongtong. After that, it was even more logical for him to deal with Zhongtong. In addition, even if this living mouth is stubborn and doesn't explain anything, it doesn't matter, just kill him. Write a confession and press his fingerprint. Just say that after the other party said it, it might be because he couldn't stand the torture and just died. Even if someone doubts it, it is just doubt. The confession is there, and if you are suspicious but can't produce any evidence, you can only stare blankly.

After paying attention, Fan Keqin took out a telescope from the drawer. Using your own eyesight and the aid of a telescope is definitely enough. Unless the other party is really invisible. After putting the telescope in his briefcase, Fan Keqin started his normal work for the day.

The day passed quickly. When it was time to get off work, Fan Keqin took his briefcase downstairs. After greeting several people he met, he came to the parking lot. After a while Hua Zhang also came. The two people got in the car. After Fan Keqin drove the car out of the security station, he said: "Let's go to a restaurant with a better view to eat. I brought a telescope to help me find out who is following me and you."

"Is there someone following you?" Hua Zhang said, "Have you found any clues?"

"No." Fan Keqin said: "If there is, these people are very careful, so I didn't find anything. But I think that since they have found Mosaic Company, it is impossible for them to instruct you. I An insider reminded me to be careful. The Central Command may use tactics now. So this morning, when you reported the situation to me, I had some ideas. Find them first and then talk about other things."

Hua Zhang said: "It's not impossible to show it out like this... If you haven't noticed it before, it means that the other party is extremely careful when using tricks on you. Now that you show up, you may not even be able to monitor me." Everyone does this."

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