spy ace

Chapter 3428 Which step?

Sun Guoxin said: "We have already discussed how to deal with it last time, so we will ignore it for the time being. But the Central Command has reported the matter to the Ministry of National Defense. The minister wants to see us now."

Fan Keqin said: "Then let's go there now?"

"Yes." Sun Guoxin stood up and said, "That's it now." After saying that, the two of them went out, explained the situation to the secretary, then went downstairs, got in the car, and headed for the Ministry of National Defense. By the way, after returning to Nanjing, the Ministry of National Defense also built a building, which looked a bit impressive from the outside. There were many sentries, all carrying long guns. And now they are all wearing American military uniforms, and they look very upright. After all, it is an important department. The sentinel is one of the faces, so it must look like that.

When Fan Keqin and Sun Guoxin arrived here, they showed their IDs and told the gatekeeper that the minister asked them to come. The sentry had obviously been notified, so after checking the ID, he immediately let him go. The car drove directly into the open space in front of the main building. Fan Keqin and Sun Guoxin got out and stepped directly up the big steps. There was also a sentry check at the entrance to the main building, but just like the previous sentry, they were notified and were released directly after seeing their IDs.

Soon, the two people went upstairs and found Gan Ruicong's office, and walked in. Gan Ruicong closed a folder and put it aside, saying: "Come here, Chief Bai is not here. This is what Deputy Chief Ouyang asked you to come over. Be prepared. I estimate that he will definitely favor Dangtong." Get rid of those people."

As he spoke, he pointed to the chairs in front of him and asked Fan Keqin and the others to sit down. Then Gan Ruicong looked at them back and forth and asked, "What's going on this time?"

Sun Guoxin glanced at Fan Keqin, who said: "That's what happened..." After that, he told Gan Ruicong almost exactly what he said to Sun Guoxin, and said: "Director Gan, what did you say? Said, the people in the Party Communications Bureau are so fucking stupid. That means I don’t know. If I knew, I would have to deal with them. I would have nothing to do all day long and just keep an eye on my own people and see what they want to do. Oh. , By the way, this is that boy’s confession, take a look.”

After Gan Ruicong listened to what Fan Keqin said, he nodded, took the confession and read it. In fact, he still agreed with Fan Keqin's statement in his heart. After all, the Party General Bureau has been doing this since the Central Unification. This is "word of mouth". To do this now is in line with their consistent purpose. Besides, the confession is here. It was clearly written on it, how to execute the order, and where to set up surveillance points to monitor Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang. This guy had even participated in some actions against Legg Mason before. They are also written very clearly. There are signatures and handprints below.

After Gan Ruicong read the confession, he returned the confession to Fan Keqin and said: "Now, I don't know how that person reacted to Deputy Chief Ouyang. But after all, did you kill their people or kill them all at once?" Ten or so, that’s a disadvantage for you.”

Fan Keqin said: "Director Gan, what's the disadvantage of this? Think about it, as one of the officers of a national security agency, I found someone watching behind me. What kind of reaction would it be? What kind of reaction could it be? No. Hurry up and deal with this kind of surveillance and still keep them? How is it possible?"

Sun Guoxin said from the side: "Yes, Director, in that situation, there was nothing wrong with what Keqin did. It was not unprecedented before, but he was a little devil at the time. Keqin discovered that there was a tail behind him, and he immediately took decisive measures. . It is impossible to say that we are still indifferent under such circumstances."

Gan Ruicong nodded and said: "Well, that's right. If the other party accuses you, you can take different methods, such as calling for support or something like that?" Fan Keqin smiled and said: "That's their party general bureau. The styles of certain people are just like the commanding styles of everyone in the army. Why is their style necessarily right? It would be wrong for me to take immediate measures like this. The situation at that time , has been monitored, who knows what they will do to me in the end? I don’t know who they are? So I strike first, is it wrong? Whoever it was, they would have done the same thing as me, but They must all have this idea.”

After hearing this, Gan Ruicong said: "Well, this answer should be yes." After saying that, he paused for a moment and then said: "But the most terrifying thing is not these. It's that Deputy Chief Ouyang just informed me to ask you to come over." I didn’t say anything. Do you know what this means?”

He looked at Sun Guoxin and Fan Keqin, and then said: "This is probably Deputy Minister Ouyang who is going to attack. If he directly favors the Party General Bureau in his heart, then no matter how we deal with it, it will probably be in vain."

Fan Keqin still understood what Gan Ruicong said. It's like a powerful person knows that each of the two people is responsible for half of the responsibility, but his heart is towards one of them. Then the other party will probably suffer a loss in this incident. Because as long as it is this kind of argument, no matter what, you will find something wrong with you. It's like finding faults. No matter how perfect a person is, if you only find faults seriously, you will definitely find shortcomings. Then this shortcoming is magnified infinitely. In the end, even after listening to his discussion, you will feel that this person has simply become heinous.

However, Fan Keqin felt in his heart that Gan Ruicong said this. There is also another factor, and that is what happened before. Deputy Chief Ouyang now wants to get Gan Ruicong, so Gan Ruicong wants to use this matter to turn the matter of killing Deputy Chief Ouyang from his own business to theirs.

But what Gan Ruicong said was right. If Deputy Commander Ouyang really wanted to mess with Gan Ruicong, he might really make a fuss about it. But having said that, Fan Keqin is not afraid of Deputy Commander Ouyang, not to mention him, not even Old Jiang.

But this idea must not be leaked, so Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Since he asked us to come over, he probably won't do this. Of course, he will not rule out the possibility of going through the procedures and acting like a mediation. sex."

"Yeah." Gan Ruicong said, "Let's watch it later." As he spoke, he lowered his voice and said, "I'm safer here, you can talk freely. On the phone, Lao Sun, you said you were already doing it. At what stage have you reached?"

After hearing this, Sun Guoxin wanted to answer immediately, but he immediately realized that even Gan Ruicong could not be trusted now. If the other party plays some dirty trick...

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