spy ace

Chapter 3431 Simple and direct

Fan Keqin continued: "These must be considered. So, in this case, I took action directly and was sure to take down those people who had bad intentions towards me. At least I was sure that these people who had bad intentions would be defeated. , there were casualties and losses. That was what a professional had to consider at the time.

Facts have also proved that I was right to think so. Those people have been killed by me, and I can cause losses to people with bad intentions. And in the end, one person was captured alive. But I didn't expect that the other party turned out to be from the party general bureau. That's just the way it is.

In addition, Xu Shizeng and Li Haishi are just questioning, so please provide evidence before they are qualified to question me. Has anyone ever heard of me raising a question and then letting the person being questioned come up with evidence to prove his or her innocence? Isn't the world in chaos? Just like now, I can do it too. "

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin looked at Xu Shizeng and Li Haishi and said: "I now question whether Xu Shizeng and Li Haishi colluded with the Red Party, attempted to assassinate the committee, and have been spying on Chief Ouyang's position as deputy minister for a long time. They also killed innocent people and bullied men. There are countless domineering women, who commit rape, robbery and all kinds of crimes... Come on, you can bring out your own evidence to prove your innocence! It's not okay if the evidence is not sufficient... Don't look at me like that. Just like you, you haven't produced any evidence either. Are you free to doubt me if you come here? Then I can’t? Come on, prove it."

Seeing this, Ouyang Ming looked at both sides and said: "Well, I think the matter is clear. As for the Party Communications Bureau, there is indeed a reason why they sent people to follow and investigate Fan Keqin. But so far, it is true that There is no evidence that Fan Keqin had any problem. It is also true that Fan Keqin killed fourteen people and one person died after interrogation. But Fan Keqin did so for the same good reason. After a senior official of an agency unit was found dead, There is nothing wrong with making a decisive decision that is beneficial to career needs when someone is following you.

Therefore, you two families each have their own reasons, and both of you can stand up, which means that at this time, it is actually a misunderstanding. I think this is the end of the matter. If we continue to make trouble, there may not be any results. And those who were lost were our Ministry of Defense personnel. Someone from your party's general bureau died, and he died under such circumstances. As the commander, you are also responsible. As for Fan Keqin, given your ability, you can still show mercy. At least in that kind of environment, I believe you can still catch a few more people alive. If nothing else works, you can use other methods to notify the Security Bureau and dispatch support. But since things have already happened and everyone is responsible, should we stop there, what do you think? "

Sun Guoxin and Fan Keqin looked at each other, and then said: "What Chief Ouyang said is that Keqin is too harsh. I know him. They are all habits left over from when they beat the little devils, and they really can't be changed after a while. . But you still have to pay attention to it in the future.”

"Yeah." Ouyang Ming nodded, looked at Xu Shizeng and Li Haishi, and said, "What do you think?"

When Xu Shizeng and Li Haishi came here before, the main purpose was not to make Fan Keqin or the Security Bureau pay a price. Of course, it is best to pay the price. But this situation is basically impossible. After all, they also know that as of now, they really don't have anything to hold on to Fan Keqin. Everything remains in doubt. But why did they come? Because Zhongtong did die, and this time there were more than ten people who died. As the boss and second-in-command of Zhongtong, how could they not give an explanation to their subordinates? At least they don't seem to be timid, so they have to do this.

It was precisely for this reason that when Ouyang Ming's statement came out, Xu Shizeng and Li Haishi knew that the purpose of their acting had been answered. There is really no need to make further trouble. After all, the incident he directed led to the killing of so many people by the other party without any evidence. His commanding ability may even be questioned by his superiors. Therefore, Xu Shizeng said: "Sir Ouyang said that if our party is in charge, we will naturally recruit people."

"Yes." Ouyang Ming nodded again and said, "That's it. After we go back, give more pensions to the dead brothers. Comfort and comfort their families. After all, you are in charge, so you must do what you should do." ."

"Yes." Xu Shizeng said, "I will do this when I go back." Ouyang Ming said, "Then... you go back first. I have something to say to them alone."

"Yes." Xu Shizeng glanced at Fan Keqin and the others again, stood up, and left the small conference room with Li Haishi. Ouyang Ming looked at Gan Ruicong again and said, "Director Gan, you should go back too."

"Ah, okay." Gan Ruicong glanced at Sun Guoxin and said, "Then you guys are busy. I have to arrange my work for today when I get back." With that, he got up and walked out.

In this way, Ouyang Ming and his secretary were the only ones left in the small conference room. After the door closed, Ouyang Ming looked at Sun Guoxin and Fan Keqin and said, "Do you two know that Director Gan and I are involved?"

Neither Sun Guoxin nor Fan Keqin expected that Ouyang Ming would speak so directly. So for a while I didn't know what he meant. Fan Keqin didn't have to say anything. After all, it wasn't just now. He could defend himself, and he could speak casually. But that's not the case now, Sun Guoxin is still here.

But Fan Keqin could keep quiet, but Sun Guoxin had to, so he pretended to be confused and asked, "What is Chief Ouyang referring to?"

Ouyang Ming said: "Gan Ruicong doesn't do his job properly. He spends all his time and alcohol almost every other day. I can't stand it. But he is very lucky to have an excellent department like your Security Bureau under the same roof. In this way, it is equivalent to indirectly giving him I have already reported this matter to the committee, but every time Gan Ruicong used your Security Bureau as a cover, but the Security Bureau is indeed excellent and has outstanding performance. Therefore, Gan Ruicong used this cover very well. So now I want to replace someone who is not doing his job properly, which is still a bit difficult. At least the progress will not be that fast."

At this point, Ouyang Ming paused and then said: "But it will be different with your support. What do you think, do you want to help me?"

Fan Keqin felt that Ouyang Ming was indeed so damn direct, and he immediately threw out what he was thinking about. But it's also very clever to do this, because he does this...

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