spy ace

Chapter 3433 Prison

Hua Zhang went on to say, "You can put forward your opinions again. They will seize the time to revise it before the weather cools down completely. In fact, I went to see it a week ago, and it was almost done by then."

Fan Keqin looked at his watch and said, "Okay, let's set off now and have lunch outside."

"Still eating out." Hua Zhang said, "I feel a little bit sad now."

"Hahaha." Fan Keqin said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, everything is fine, isn't it? In addition, bring a few more people with you. After your special transfer section is over, you will be responsible for contacting branches across the country and imprisoning some of the captured Red Party members. You can’t do it yourself, bring some of your team leaders with you. Let them take a look together.”

"Okay." Hua Zhang said, "Then I'll go back and call someone. You wait for me downstairs."

"Yeah, okay." Fan Keqin replied and watched Hua Zhang walk out of the office door. He first said hello to Zhuang Xiaoman and asked her to keep an eye on him. Then he went out and waited in the parking lot. This time he did not drive himself, but brought a driver and eight bodyguards from the black suit army. After a while, Hua Zhang also came down with her people. Hua Zhang drove Fan Keqin's car in the middle, and the other cars were leading the way or following, and they drove out of the Security Bureau's compound.

We drove all the way out of the city along the road, but it wasn't really that far outside the city. We arrived at the prison less than three kilometers away. It turned out that this place was a relatively flat field with weeds all over it, but nothing else. Now, a four-meter-high wall has been erected here, with barbed wire hanging on the wall. There are watchtowers at several corners. If there are whistles on them, and with this large flat land, they can be seen quite far away. After all, there is no cover.

But it has not been officially used yet, and there are no people on it. Fan Keqin and his party drove the car directly in. After stopping in the compound, the head of the construction team hurried out from a row of houses next to him and trotted towards him. Fan Keqin shook hands with him. Said: "I heard from Section Chief Hua that you went to the bureau to find me in the morning and said it was completed?"

"That's right." said the person in charge of the construction team: "It's completed. We checked it ourselves first, and then we dared to go to the bureau to report to the officers. We were afraid of delaying the officers." Follow, he used his hands He pointed back and forth and said: "It is definitely built according to the architectural plan. Sir, if you are troubled, I will take you to see it?"

"Okay." Fan Keqin said, "Then please take me to see it."

"Don't dare, don't dare." The person in charge of the construction team said twice, and took Fan Keqin to visit the prison. As we walked, we introduced: how this place was originally designed, and how we made the masonry floor when it was built. We have thickened the wall. In short, while introducing it, we also said that it was not easy to build it and the quality was absolutely good.

Fan Keqin walked around inside. This prison, in this year, is definitely a large prison. There are four large prison areas in the southeast, northwest and northwest. They are really well built. Even if a layman comes to take a look at the building structure, he will have the feeling: "It is impossible to escape easily." In the inner corridor, you pass several steel fence gates in succession. The ground is hard. It is basically impossible to dig a tunnel. Even if you dig it, you can see it at a glance.

This is especially true for the walls, which are all made of masonry. There are cells without windows and cells with windows. But the racks inside the cell are very high, at least 3.5 meters tall. The window is only as big as two palms side by side, and the window frame is also lined with steel bars. It is absolutely difficult for people to escape through the window. Like ascending to heaven. In addition, there are working rooms. Infirmary, prison guard's lounge, duty room, office and other planned rooms are all available. It took Fan Keqin more than an hour to wander around like this. When they came out to the yard, the head of the construction team was very discerning. He offered Fan Keqin a cigarette, helped him light it, and said, "Sir, do you think there is anything else that needs to be modified? We can hurry up." ,edit a bit."

"I'm quite satisfied with everything else." Fan Keqin said: "It's the playground in the middle, the outer circle." Pointing with his hand, he said: "We need to surround it with an iron fence. Then, here, see No, you have to be careful when crowding around. There must be passages for getting in and out of cars. Other than that, there are no other problems."

"Okay." The person in charge of the construction team said, "This is not difficult. The construction of fences and walls is very efficient. After we finish it, I estimate that it will take less than two days. After everything is finished, Sir, please come over and give us guidance."

"No need." Fan Keqin smiled and said to Hua Zhang: "When he finishes, you can just come over and take a look. Then, no problem, just settle the rest of the bill with him."

"Yes, Virgo." Hua Zhang nodded immediately and said.

"Hey, thank you, thank you two officers." The person in charge of the construction team said with a smile: "Then... at this time, oops, it's already past dinner time. We don't have much entrance here, if the two officers If you have time, let's go back to the city? I'll treat the two officers to some lunch."

"Thank you, there's no need to eat." Fan Keqin said, "I'll have something to do later." Then he looked around and said, "That's it, we'll see you next time."

With that said, he and Hua Zhang got in the car and started to return. While in the car, Fan Keqin said: "You can start contacting branches across the country now."

"Okay." Hua Zhang said: "For the prison's manpower, should we choose it from the field team?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "You can choose what kind of house to live in." All this was discussed by them, because even though Fan Keqin said that he was a senior officer in the General Administration, but There are still few things that he can directly participate in. With so many branches across the country, it is impossible to be involved in everything. As a result, there are many branches across the country and have arrested many red party members. But it's different now that they have their own prison. These people can be locked up here, but with Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang here, it's better than being locked up in other places. At the very least, you can avoid a lot of sins. Even giving a lot of care.

In this way, Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang were able to hide their identities even deeper from the government.

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