spy ace

Chapter 3533 Someone

Chapter 3533 Someone

Hua Zhang said: "It seems like you can do it. However, this may be the best situation."

Fan Keqin said: "Not necessarily. Before that, you still have a chance to run."

Hua Zhang said: "Of course there is a chance to run. But if the target is me, it is impossible for you not to personally participate. If you have already left the field and I can still run... then you are more suspicious."

"So." Fan Keqin said: "This possibility must be eliminated before now. But it's not yet time. As soon as you get to work, you can bring people to report to me normally, and I will make a decision."

Hua Zhang said: "Okay, there should be no problem with Liuzi's side. After the portrait came out yesterday afternoon, I looked at it and I didn't necessarily see a close resemblance. I think it's 60%, at most."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "If it is the sixth floor, the fault tolerance rate is a bit inappropriate. This is a good thing. If you want to find your head, it will take too many steps, and each step will consume Too many resources to succeed."

Hua Zhang agreed with this. He took a bite of the steamed stuffed buns, washed it down with gruel, and said, "If everything is normal, the matter of the cake shop is basically settled. Zhang Yuhui still needs to be eliminated. In addition, I went home last night. Finally, I received a letter from Liuzi. In it, there was a channel for purchasing information from a person named Xie Rulin. This is the purpose of Qin Dazhao coming here. We need to establish this channel, but there is no one now. manpower."

Fan Keqin said: "How come there is no manpower? Let Miao Xinfeng go."

Hua Zhang hesitated a little and said: "Miao Xinfeng...even though we saved his life, he did obey our words. But his obedience, or this kind of loyalty, is for the Director of the Investigation Division of the Security Bureau. Not...not for our friends. And not for me."

Fan Keqin said: "But he won't talk too much. In addition, after an agent receives a task from his superior, how can he know what his superior thinks. Especially on a secret front like ours, various routines, All kinds of tricks, all kinds of techniques. I asked him to pick up a traitor, or asked him to act as a red person and buy information. How did he know that I didn't have my own considerations? He doesn’t say it in a big way, so who knows… will he say it in a big way?”

"He won't." Hua Zhang said: "He has regained a new life now. Doing this is tantamount to seeking death. He won't."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "So, let's get in touch with this Xie Rulin. This person... an intelligence dealer. In fact, he is very dangerous. Neither of us can contact him." Hua Zhang said: "Okay, then Miao Xin and I Feng said.

"Don't." Fan Keqin said, "Of course you can, but it's not strong enough, and what you say may arouse Miao Xinfeng's thoughts. Although he certainly doesn't dare to have any evil intentions towards you, he still has to be careful. It's okay for you to ask him to do some dirty work for you now. But it's not appropriate for me to come forward. He may still think of something. , thinking that I would use this trick to put some false news on the red side, or to lay some kind of trap for the red people through this matter.

Therefore, let me explain this matter to Miao Xinfeng. Please tell me how to contact Xie Rulin. "

Hua Zhang said: "Okay, then please remember..." At that moment, he told Fan Keqin exactly what Liu Zi had told him about how to contact Xie Rulin. Then, the two stopped talking about business. After eating, Hua Zhang left first. Fan Keqin ordered a few more steamed buns and smoked a cigarette before leaving.

After arriving at the security bureau, Fan Keqin returned to his office. After a while, Hua Zhang brought the leader of the second group over to report to him. As expected, after one day passed, Qin Dazhao of Pancake House did not come back at all. As for the portrait of Liuzi, from Fan Keqin's perspective, it looks quite similar. But in the eyes of people who don't know Liuzi at all, it doesn't work, and many people look like this portrait.

So Fan Keqin said: "It's a bit difficult to check now. The other party must have run away. That person must have received some wind. Then he notified the man named Qin. What do you think is the reason?"

The leader of the second group frowned and said: "This... I really can't think of the specific reason. But it's definitely not something we exposed internally. That Zhang Yuhui only told us about the cake shop and the person named Qin yesterday morning. , and then we rushed to the scene immediately. According to the rules, when the brothers rushed to the scene, they were at least in pairs. I have already asked and I can guarantee this. It is indeed impossible to estimate how the other party ran away. But there is another possibility. Did the other party have a premonition that he... ran away? But this premonition is a bit too accurate. They obviously wanted him to evacuate. But how did this person get the news? Could it be that Zhang Yuhui was not so strict and had accidentally revealed it to someone before?"

Hua Zhang said: "It's impossible. The first time I met Zhang Yuhui at Li Jinliang's house, he didn't tell me the specific location of the cake restaurant. He just said that he saw a man who once lived in the Zhao family. The red branch, a person I saw. He didn’t even tell me... Could he tell others? As for accidentally revealing it... Li Jinliang didn’t know about it. So, I think the highest probability is... that’s still the last name. Qin, or the red side gave him some other tasks. Furthermore, we don't know why Qin came here, but he must have a purpose for coming here. We can't say, it's him. Something went wrong during the mission, and his accomplices sensed some danger, so they came over to ask him to evacuate. But I think the second team leader was right. The news definitely didn't come from our side. "

"Yes." Fan Keqin nodded and said: "This analysis is still possible. When the person named Qin came here, he must have some tasks, contact with people, and do something. And because of these things, or people , feel any danger...Okay, let me report it to the bureau chief.

"Then...how does Zhang Yuhui arrange it?" Hua Zhang said: "He just wants to join our bureau..."

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