spy ace

Chapter 434 Majors

Chapter 434 Majors
Fan Keqin continued: "In actual tasks, things are always changing, so this reaction posture is a standard posture and cannot remain unchanged under any circumstances."

Followed by Fan Keqin, Wang Zhanyuan was taken as the target of protection again, and said: "We deduce that this is because we encountered a situation, so we will take protective action, and then? How to protect the target to leave?... We must investigate all the evacuation channels beforehand. "As he said, he pointed to the back door of the Intelligence Department building, and continued: "From here, to the back door of the building is the evacuation passage. Now we simulate a scene, that is, Adjutant Wang Zhanyuan was assassinated, and then retreated into the building from here , he will become safe. How do you escort him?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the six people at the head of the queue, because these six people were the tallest and strongest six.Fan Keqin directly asked them to come out and said, "Adjutant Wang is on the left and right, two people on each side, and one person on the front and back."

Seeing that they were all standing up, Fan Keqin adjusted their positions again, saying: "In this way, the protectors will be surrounded in the middle, and the assassin will not be able to see the target at all, and you are all holding guns now. All of you suddenly appeared from all angles In every situation, there is at least one gun to deal with, and there are at least two guns nearby for support at any time."

Then, Fan Keqin called the remaining six people over and said: "You are the second layer of defense, and you can change positions at any time. For example, if you want to enter the gate of the building, there must be at least two people walking at the end of the core team. In front, make sure there is no problem with the door of the building, and be vigilant at all times. What about the other people? If you are in the same building, then you should also leave the broken group at any time, wait for the core team to leave, and then follow up again. Then again After the break, a cycle is formed until the core team is completely out of danger. The same is true for flank protection. In a certain building, there may be corridors on all sides, so the flank protection must also be prepared in advance. At the entrance of the corridor on the flank, after the core team passes by, you should also recover quickly, and then leave the rear team in the evacuation channel. This cycle ensures that at every intersection, fork, and corridor, you will have at least one gun and guard there in advance .”

Fan Keqin explained it in detail, but it is not enough to just talk about it, it has to be connected with practice. He also drew a lot of patterns on the ground of the playground. He wrote a word and said: "Let's simulate the scene. This is a large auditorium. When the target is giving a speech here, the brothers under surveillance report that the gunman has been found, which is very likely to be detrimental to the target. Then you have to protect the target, that is, the king. Adjutant, it is safe to evacuate out of this building until you get on the car at the other end. Do you understand what it means?"

Fan Keqin then pointed to the picture he drew on the ground, asked Wang Zhanyuan to stand in the middle, and then placed four of the bodyguards on the side facing the audience listening to the speech.Arranged the remaining eight bodyguards according to the entrance of the stage, the entrance of the exit, and the entrance of the passage, and then said: "The target is speaking normally, you must stay on alert at all times, and keep searching for suspicious elements. Okay... I received a danger signal from a brother... Protect the target and evacuate, protect the target and evacuate!"

He watched the actions of all his subordinates, and reminded loudly: "Keep the target's head down, the core team members pay attention to the position, don't leave space for shooting, what about you!! Leave the space, the target will die! "As he spoke, he stepped forward and kicked a team member, kicking him closer to the target, and continued: "This position is correct! Do you understand? Yes! That's it, continue...the front It's the intersection, the two forwards, what are you doing, fight ahead of time and defend the intersection!... Is there a passage on the flanks that you can't see? The people on the flanks go ahead, guard the intersection and wait for the core team to pass!! Okay...the core team passes It's a complicated road section, leave two people behind, wait for a while...OK, we can withdraw!...OK! Stop for a while, stay where you are, don't move. "

After speaking, Fan Keqin stepped forward one by one, told what mistakes they had just made, and what to do in this situation, followed him to the simulated vehicle in person, holding a gun in his right hand, and said: "Now you have arrived To evacuate the tool point, the core team should immediately form a safe passage and form a circle, leaving only a gap in the direction of boarding, but..." While speaking, he pressed Wang Zhanyuan's head again, and continued: " There is a car body on this side, but the body of the car is generally low, so we have to lower the figure of the protector, so that, using the car body as a cover, we still have no shooting angle."

Then he distributed the six people on the second floor around the car, and said: "Attention the striker just now, you have to open his car door before the core team comes out, and at the same time immediately tell the driver to start the car. Then separate Standing in the upper left corner and lower right corner of the car, you can form a situation of one front and one rear, one left and one right. Wait for the core team to escort the target up, and then resume your forward formation."

"But it's not over yet. After the car starts, don't close everything except the door next to the target and the driver's door. As the car goes forward, there are six people in front, middle and back, and two people are in front of each other. Follow the car from left to right until the four people in the core team get on the car after following the target, and you get on the two cars in front and back respectively. The order is the first and then the rear. Cover each other and pay attention to the target car in the middle at any time. If you encounter When in danger, immediately protect according to the formation of three on one side and six on both sides, divided into front, middle and back."

Fan Keqin explained in detail, and let them do it while speaking, for example, don't close the door of the car, it must be driven out for a while before it can be closed.The vehicle is stationary only when the target enters the vehicle, and must keep moving for the rest of the time.The vanguard vehicle and the target vehicle in the middle go first, and the broken vehicle must go up last, but they must follow up quickly and block behind the vehicle in the middle.Every time he said something, he asked them to simulate the scene, follow along, and even demonstrate it in person.

Although Wang Zhanyuan was very uncomfortable when his head was pushed down by him every time, he admired Fan Keqin even more in his heart. You must know that this is only the first special training and it has just begun...

(End of this chapter)

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