spy ace

Chapter 489 Basic Locking

Chapter 489 Basic Locking
Fan Keqin couldn't refute Clyde#Hunter's statement, so he was silent for a moment, and said: "Then... General, you just said that I believe we have indeed cracked this super secret cable. If so, Can you also contact Washington... As for the final result, let Washington judge, as soldiers, we only report the information truthfully, and this is also our duty, isn't it, General."

After hearing this, Clyde understood that this was the young man in front of him, and he still wanted to fight for it.But just as the other party said, I am a soldier, and now the Chinese secret service personnel have reflected this information to themselves. Although I judge that it is absolutely impossible, as a soldier, I still have to respond truthfully to the peak. of.Thinking about how after I got here, the other party treated me very warmly, and I used some of the elite troops at first glance to protect my safety.So Clyde finally thought about it for about a minute, nodded, and said: "Okay, Colonel Fan, what you said is also reasonable, I will send back what you and I just said, as well as our judgment just now. As for the outcome, as you said, let Washington judge."

"Yes, General." Fan Keqin said, "Let the White House and the Ministry of National Defense judge."

After the two of them finished smoking, Clyde Hunter invited Fan Keqin to come over at night and have a meal together, but Fan Keqin refused on the grounds that he had some other jobs.Then let the first-level guards in black suits escort Clyde back to the warehouse.Pulling Wang Zhanyuan aside, he told him to protect Clyde.Then he drove back to the intelligence office again.

At this time, it was less than one o'clock to get off work, Fan Keqin didn't delay, and walked quickly to the second floor, and entered Sun Guoxin's office through Gu Xijun.

At this moment, Qian Jinxun was pointing at a map laid out on the table, explaining something to Sun Guoxin.Seeing Fan Keqin coming in, he immediately waved and said: "Keqin is back, we have news about the last arrangement. I am reporting the situation to the chief."

Fan Keqin approached and saw that the map was a river map, so he asked, "Is it the thing about Wuhan?"

"Yes!" Qian Jinxun pointed at the place on the picture, turned his head to look at Sun Guoxin, and said, "President, according to our arrangement, it is basically certain that this mysterious person I just told you is It is on the passenger steamer with the registration number [-]. According to the arrangement after Keqin and I studied last time, there are no less than a hundred steamers running this waterway from Wuhan, but the passengers who disembark along the way are not counted. There are quite a few, and there are also a lot of passengers. It can be said that more than [-] ships can be completely ruled out when we reach Yueyang. Because there are [-] of the [-] steamships, and this trip is specially for the short distance from Wuhan to Yueyang. There are two other boats that have broken down, and the passengers on them have been ferried to other boats, but these boats also have no passengers after arriving at Shishou. Jiang, Yidu got off seven, seven, eight, eight. Up to now, the secret statistics points we have arranged, compared and calculated successively, can be completely confirmed. There are only three passengers from Wuhan who are on three ships respectively, but the remaining two Of the people on board, one of them was a woman, which couldn't be. The other was a young man, who looked less than twenty years old. The spy assured me that he was absolutely right, and there was nothing wrong with the two of them. Pretend. The remaining one, who looks about [-] years old, has been on the ship from Wuhan and has not disembarked. Although many people are going to come to Chongqing on the way, but from Wuhan, He is the only one left. If there are no accidents, he will be the mysterious man."

After hearing this, Sun Guoxin nodded, and said, "I understand what you mean, and your speculation is reasonable. But I have a question, that is, how can you tell where the person on the boat came from? Can your secret agent Calculate it?"

Qian Jinxun said with a smile: "That's right, Virgo. We have arranged people at all the supply points along the way. Moreover, there are tickets for the long-distance steamer. And there are division points on the waterway. Every time we arrive Check the ferry ticket in each zone to see where you bought the ticket. If you buy a short-distance ticket, but you pass the zone point all of a sudden, you have to pay for the ticket. These boat bosses, all of them You are shrewd and have a lot of experience, so you came up with this idea. Now it happens to be used by us, and it can be regarded as helping us unintentionally.

After Sun Guoxin listened to his explanation, he showed a satisfied expression, and said: "Yes, people in this age, if they don't live a little smarter, they may not be able to survive. But this time, it is mainly because of you. Yes, the advance investigation arrangement has played a role. In addition, the brother in Wuhan, who first discovered the suspicious mysterious person, can be said to be very important. Without him, the location cannot be determined, and if the location cannot be determined, it will be completely There is no follow-up monitoring layout for you along the way. Looking back, if this matter is verified and killed, you should be more generous and give the brother in Wuhan a big credit."

Qian Jinxun nodded, and said: "Yes, Virgo, don't worry, I have already arranged everything. When the time comes, I will directly reward him with a big red envelope of [-] yuan, and give him a secret promotion. After all, he is working on the frontline of intelligence. Just keep a low profile."

"En." Sun Guoxin agreed, looked down at the map again, and said, "Now, where is this [-] ship?"

Qian Jinxun said: "According to the last report, I just stopped in Yunyang to replenish fuel an hour ago, so now I should be in..." Then, he pointed to a place in the waterway, and continued: "Guan Ertang As far as Xiaozhou Village, this generation, even if it passes, will not pass much."

At this time, Fan Keqin understood that this was the big net that he and Qian Jinxun had researched and arranged before, and the exact news came, and the mysterious person who was most likely to be the spy assassin was locked.So he said: "Then this kid will arrive almost tomorrow."

After hearing this, Qian Jinxun thought for a while and said: "Well, he just finished replenishing fuel, and he should be able to reach Chongqing in one go. If there is not enough fuel in the middle, he can replenish it at most. It won't take long. In the evening, there will be another day tomorrow, which means that before ten o'clock in the evening, there is a [-]% possibility of arriving in Chongqing." Then, he reached out and patted Fan Keqin on the shoulder, and said: "The next step depends on your boy's arrangement. Already."

(End of this chapter)

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