spy ace

Chapter 494 Vigorous

Chapter 494 Vigorous
"Yes!" The three stood up to Fan Keqin, and then stepped out of the director's office.

Fan Keqin thought about it, he hadn't seen his girlfriend Lu Xiaoya for a long time, he was a little crazy because he was so busy.The most important thing is that the girlfriend is so beautiful and has a good personality. If it doesn't work out in the end, maybe I won't meet such a good girlfriend in the future.So she went out of the security bureau, got in the car, and went directly to Lu Xiaoya's house.

After knocking on the door, Lu Xiaoya saw that Fan Keqin didn't come until almost nine o'clock, so she knew that it was her boyfriend who just got off work.And when he thought that Fan Keqin was so tired after working all day, he still didn't forget to come to see him, his heart was infinitely sweet.

Lu Xiaoya is such a person, she can be considerate.If you want to put this on other women, you have already opened your mouth and said: "You still know to come here! The hotel?" Not only hurt the good intentions of others, but also belittled yourself at the same time.

Therefore, Fan Keqin was also very moved when he saw Lu Xiaoya pulling him into the house and busy cooking for Fan Keqin, hot dishes and so on.

In other words, just heat up a meal and cook a dish to be moved?Yes, the real touch must not be the kind of ups and downs.For example, some people always talk about it: I must have a talk in my life, or experience a vigorous love.In fact, people who say this kind of thing are very young, and they don't even have much experience before they say it.If you follow up and ask him or her: "Dating, being in a relationship, isn't it just two people together, after feeling right, go out for dinner, drink some wine, watch a movie, walk on the street, go shopping. It's cold Yes, the other party is worried about whether you are wearing thicker clothes. When you are hungry, you are also worried about whether the other half has eaten. And what is the vigorous love you are talking about? What is vigorous and vigorous? Can you give me an example? ?”

If you ask this question, the other party will most likely not be able to answer it!Because after breaking up and reuniting, looking for someone else, and then looking for the ex again, and even staged a scene of chasing the plane, it is really stupid and naive.The other party was just influenced by movies or TV dramas, such as silly dramas such as life and death with color, and directly said the "vigorous" declaration without thinking.But it is also understandable, who has never been young.

Fan Keqin now feels that he and Lu Xiaoya have reached an ideal state. When eating, he thinks about whether the other party has eaten or not.Seeing myself coming, first of all care about whether I am tired or not.Even in hot and cold weather, we miss each other. This is a very good state.Even from some perspectives, this is already the best kind of love model.Both: Treat each other as your true other half.And for this love, they are full of confidence.

Old Comrade Lu was very generous, mainly because he believed in his heart that Fan Keqin was his son-in-law.So the very winking did not show up.did you see it?This is Fan Keqin's understanding.If you were replaced by a picky person, you would definitely say: "You don't even show your face, don't you think I'm your son-in-law?" This is the essential difference between people.Not only will the latter not be recognized by others, but it will lead to a gloomy color in one's entire life.Unless you actually make a change.

Seize the time and wait for a while, at about eleven o'clock, Fan Keqin bid farewell to Lu Xiaoya and returned to his home.Boil water according to the old rules, take a bath, and in the bath, smoke a cigar, have a good time, and then go to sleep.

The next morning, after washing up, Fan Keqin drove directly into the car, and first came to Warehouse Street to have a look.Seeing that Ji Ran's arrangement is good, and the people in the investigation office are different from the field team, they are all veterans, even good hands.So it's really hard to be found when it's disguised.Fan Keqin looked back and forth twice, and after confirming that no loopholes were found, he greeted the person in the intelligence department who was in charge of registration at the pier.Let them cooperate with each other, and then drive directly towards Wangjiang Road.

The pier here on Wangjiang Road used to be a kind of wild pier, with no one to take care of it, just a broken beach. Later, after the capital was moved, the whole local area was engaged in construction work, and then there was a regular pier.However, this place is mainly used to transport goods, and there is only one passenger terminal, so Fan Keqin walked around here twice, gave Ji Ran a few words, and then drove away again.

In fact, Fan Keqin estimated in his mind that the current SPB terminal is the most likely.If that mysterious person comes, most likely he will land here.The airport here, although not shut down in name, is almost there.Unless there is a very urgent situation, such as a senior official who has to go to other places for very urgent matters, the plane will take off.So [-] percent of the time, you won't see any planes.After all, Little Japan still has an absolute advantage in the sky. If you knew that you had a plane parked here, and would come and bomb it every three days, the plane would have been blown up long ago.

Here, due to the existence of the airport, some infrastructure is relatively complete, so there are more piers, although there is still only one road, that is, the big steps that can enter the urban area.But there is absolutely enough space.This has led to the fact that most of those fleeing, visiting relatives, and traveling on business almost all board or disembark here.

Furthermore, the spies will never find a chance to jump aboard and swim ashore somewhere.Because if you do this, you will definitely attract attention, which is something he doesn't want to see.So keeping everything normal and landing with the other people on the ship normally became his only choice.The most important thing is that the other party doesn't know that he has entered the sight of Fan Keqin and other Chinese agents.

Parked the car in front of a restaurant on Coral Road above.Fan Keqin got out of the car, found Tong Fei, listened to his report in a low voice, and then strolled back and forth a few times on the big steps and several docks, looking at his group of guards with his critical eyes. His subordinates were afraid of revealing any flaws.Corrected a few minor issues, such as dressing up as a laborer without a sweat towel.A guy dressed as a ship's mate is a little fair skinned, have him swapped with a dark-skinned minion and so on.Finally, he told Tong Fei to register with the people here, and the subordinates of the intelligence department of the intelligence department cooperated with each other.He also listened to the eight stalkers specially arranged by Tong Fei to find out what methods the mysterious person would use to follow after he arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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