spy ace

Chapter 634 Action

Chapter 634 Action
Back in his office, Fan Keqin thought about it carefully, now the situation is basically clear, just wait for the news, because there is no need for him to be in the middle for the time being, so he looked at his watch, picked up the phone and gave it to himself Girlfriend Lu Xiaoya called, and when classmate Xiao Lu's voice sounded on the other side, Fan Keqin said, "Ms. Lu Xiaoya, I will officially inform you that I will ask you out tonight. I wonder if you are free?"

Lu Xiaoya smiled and said: "Yes, Mr. Fan still has a lot of face. If you don't have time, you have to be free."

Fan Keqin was still serious, and said: "Very well, then I will be at your door at around [-]:[-], and you will come out obediently, or you will bear the consequences."

Lu Xiaoya asked with a smile, "What are the consequences?"

Fan Keqin replied: "The consequences are very serious, and I will be very, very angry, so I lose my composure, crazily smash the door of your house, and then fight you out and run away."

Lu Xiaoya "hehehe." smiled and said: "Okay, then I will wait and see."

The two got bored for a while, then hung up the phone.Fan Keqin looked at his watch again, it was already five o'clock.He took a stack of newspapers from the side.These newspapers are about half a month's worth, a total of about ten copies.Every morning, Zhuang Xiaoman would put the newspaper in Fan Keqin's office, and after he finished reading it, he put it on the cabinet next to him.Or sometimes, after get off work, pack something that cannot be seen by others, such as a bullet box or something.

Fan Keqin knew that these were outdated newspapers, so no one would pay attention to them, but he still read them in detail in today's New Evening News.What he is looking for now is the handwriting that he needs, so he doesn't need to use his hands, just read it with his eyes first.

To be exact, Fan Keqin only needed to find eight words: "You have been exposed, evacuate quickly." Or homophones with different words, or synonyms.

Your writing is very easy, Fan Keqin found it on the front page.In the second edition, there is an article that introduces some deeds of the War of Resistance and mentions many heroes who died. One of the words is that the dead are gone.In this way, the word has been found by him.

And so, next, Fan Keqin flipped through less than four pages, and already got the number of words together. Some of these words were titles, so the handwriting was a little bigger.There are also some specific content, the font will be smaller, but it does not affect the clarity, and the original plan: quickly evacuate the four characters, has become immediately evacuated, but the meaning has not changed.

Fan Keqin took out a knife from the drawer, and cut these characters into squares.Then, from the white edge at the very edge of the newspaper, a small strip of paper about less than a bunch long and five centimeters wide was cut out.Carefully put this note and those small prints in the inner pocket of the suit.In the end, the newspaper was burned directly in the brazier.

Then he got up and put on his woolen coat, walked out of the office door, and said, "Xiaoman, I'll leave a little earlier, when it's o'clock, you can leave if you have nothing to do."

Zhuang Xiaoman agreed, and then began to pack her things and prepare to go home.Fan Keqin didn't care about this, he is now a high-level security bureau, no one will say anything when he gets off work early, and besides, the whereabouts of the secret agents are kept secret, even if they don't come for a few days, there is no problem.

After leaving the gate of the Security Bureau, Fan Keqin drove straight along the road, passed a restaurant, turned the car in, and came to the back alley of the hotel.Fan Keqin took a look, well, he was lucky, he found a garbage disposal point not far away.

He drove the car slowly, stopped, and carefully looked at the garbage dump through the car window. After he found his target, he began to search around again.In just a few seconds, Fan Keqin found everything he needed.

It was originally a back alley with few people, so Fan Keqin purposely found an empty space, got out of the car quickly, first picked up a twig that he saw just now, and walked to the garbage dump in three steps. A small section of noodles was picked up by the flowing water, and they immediately returned to the car.

Close the door, hold the stick in the left hand, take out the note and handwriting in the right hand, divide the small section of noodles into eight sections in front of the windshield, stick them on the note, and then use the cut out handwriting, according to The order "You have been exposed, evacuate immediately" was posted on the noodles.Finally, press it with a small stick to ensure that the bond is firm, roll the paper strip into a small roll, and put it away again in your pocket.

Putting the gear on, accelerating the pedal, Fan Keqin drove the car out of the alley, saw a newsstand at the corner of the street, bought a copy of today's new evening paper, and put it in the co-pilot's hand buckle.Then without any hesitation, he drove to the door of Lu Xiaoya's house in one breath, and honked the horn three times.

It didn't take more than [-] seconds. As soon as the door opened, Lu Xiaoya looked out curiously, and found that it was indeed Fan Keqin's car. She immediately said something happily inside. It is estimated that Lu Suiyun came back early today, and then directly picked up the car. Came out with a small bag.

After getting in the car, Lu Xiaoya said: "You really don't knock on the door, you have lost your image of a gentleman in the past."

Fan Keqin still had a serious face, and said: "That's right, a manly man, he must do what he says. If you didn't come out just now, I would absolutely slam the door madly, and run away if you resist."

Lu Xiaoya said happily: "Isn't that considered snatching a marriage?"

Fan Keqin nodded seriously, and said: "This proposal is very good, I have to try it when the time comes."

Along the way, Fan Keqin dragged his calf to the cinema.Well, not to mention there is a new film, and it is the American film Citizen Kane.Fan Keqin has heard of this film in his previous life, and it is said to be very classic.But it's too old, so I didn't watch it.This life just makes up for it.

In fact, this film was released in May last year, but it was only after Chinese New Year, and it was only spread to China, and there are very few copies of the film, so not many people have seen it.After inquiring at the ticket window, the previous game had already started, so they could only buy tickets for the next game.

Fan Keqin said: "It's just right, let's go eat something and watch it when we come back."

Lu Xiaoya agreed, "What do you want to eat?"

"Usually, this kind of question is raised by women." Fan Keqin was still serious, and said: "As for men, what they have to do is to satisfy women. But my personal suggestion is not to eat Western food. How about the nearest one? It saves you from going back and forth. .”

Lu Xiaoya agreed with a smile, and asked, "Are you stimulated today? How did you change your style?"

"Nonsense." Fan Keqin said, "Various changes are my style."

(End of this chapter)

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