spy ace

Chapter 648 There is news

Chapter 648 There is news

After hearing this, Sun Guoxin said: "Well, the Japanese in the Northeast rarely suffer such a blow. If it can be realized, it should be the first time. Prevention, vigilance, response, etc. will be insufficient. If it is as you said , and if it is implemented, there should be no problem."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, I also feel that the success rate will be relatively high. I just don't know if the secret service team can grasp it when it is implemented."

The next two people speculated and simulated again. Sun Guoxin was responsible for the various reactions after being attacked, and Fan Keqin responded to each other according to the arrangement of the special service team.The final result was good, but it was just like what Fan Keqin said, whether the secret service team would seize the opportunity during the specific implementation.

After leaving the inner room, Sun Guoxin looked at Mo Sheng and the others, and said, "Okay, it's getting late today, so there is no delay. If there is any situation, you can contact your boss." Then he turned and looked at Fan Keqin, Said: "I'll go first."

Fan Keqin sent Sun Guoxin out, and then turned back.Since it was the first time they met, the method of mutual contact should be explained clearly. After exchanging with them, they dispersed immediately.

Fan Keqin drove to Lu Xiaoya's house again, feeling bored for a while.Then I went home and began to take a bath according to the old rules, and fell asleep.In the morning of the next day, he had just arrived at the Security Bureau, and the apprentice had already arrived at the door.

It was Qian Jinxun who sent several internal agents from the secret room of the Intelligence Department to learn magic tricks from him.Fan Keqin was also unambiguous, it was impossible to learn hand lottery, the time was too short.Therefore, we can only work hard on large-scale stage magic.Therefore, he had been prepared for a long time and handed over two hand-painted blueprints to them, which is the practice of different props.The first is simply two large wooden boxes, plus supporting shelves.The second is a large wooden jar.

In fact, it is a wooden box with only a frame.After instructing them to find a carpenter, get a flagpole back, of course, the kind that is held by one person, and buy a colorful, fancy cloth sheet.

There are a total of two magic tricks he wants to teach the other party, because the time for one magic trick is too short, and two magic tricks are enough.What show?It's very simple, one is Wan Jian piercing the body, and the other is changing shape and changing shadow.

There must be many holes in the wooden jar, which are reserved for inserting swords. After people entered, the magician began to insert swords densely, but in the end nothing happened to anyone.The principle is too simple. It is to let a lady with a relatively small body go in, and then keep still according to a certain posture, so that she can perfectly avoid the seemingly impossible sword.From the outside, it's still impressive.

So after they got everything ready and brought them back, Fan Keqin was on the second floor of the basement, and when he told them, the group of people immediately understood.

The second performance, the apparition, is actually simpler. It uses visual deception, and a woman enters the high wooden box on the left.The magician made two gestures in front, then used himself to enter a shorter box, then used the cloth as a cover, shook his hand, and put down the cloth instantly, the positions of the two people had been exchanged.

This is also skillful, it is nothing more than two people switching positions under the cover of cloth, and it has to be invisible.From the viewer's point of view, it's really like teleportation.But in fact, from the rear, it's pretty fucked up.

These two magic tricks can basically be changed by understanding the principles, but it is not enough to be able to change, they have to be performed vividly.Fan Keqin has also seen a lot of performances, so he learned from them and guided them for a whole morning, and this group of people has already been able to perform well.I believe that with the current effect, it is enough to stun everyone in this era, after all, this is not the time.Even if the escape master Houdini came, compared with this one, he would look a little rough.This is the result of the limitation of the times. You can't accept it, because the effect of the packaging is completely different.

After lunch, Fan Keqin asked them to practice by themselves and went back to the office.It is still necessary to clearly distinguish between the primary and secondary, and use a few hours in the afternoon to give a lecture to the analysis team members of the investigation department again.Then start the normal process.

During the day, there was basically nothing going on, but at night, it was almost time to get off work.Zhuang Xiaoman's voice rang through the buzzer: "Virgin, Bureau asked you to go to his office."

Fan Keqin's first reaction was that there was news about TNT.Go straight out to the second floor and enter the director's office.Sure enough, he felt right.

Sun Guoxin said: "People from the Beiping branch encountered something on the road, and a brother died. Fortunately, they have got TNT now. I have asked them to secretly send this batch of goods out of the customs."

Fan Keqin sat opposite him and asked, "What happened? The Japanese?"

Sun Guoxin nodded and said: "Yeah, I was unlucky, I ran into the patrol team, but fortunately, it was a small group of enemies. After losing a brother, they set up two traps to escape. Later, I was afraid of my purpose. The land was discovered by the Japanese, so after a long detour, I was connected to my old classmate. Just now, a telegram came and reported the matter to me.”

Fan Keqin asked: "Secretary, among them... can't there be any accidents?"

After hearing this, Sun Guoxin said with certainty: "No. I know what you mean. Are you afraid that there are ghosts in it? Or, during this time, the people in Peiping have actually rebelled?"

Fan Keqin said with a smile: "The bureau is wise."

Sun Guoxin said: "Don't worry, I have asked the investigation team of the Beiping Bureau to start investigating this matter. In addition, this team has a total of [-] people and lost a brother. No matter how powerful the Japanese are, it is impossible to capture them all at once. .There will always be one or two who escaped. Even if the rest of the people are traitors, we will know in a very short time. So this possibility is too low."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "That's good. Are they sending the goods out of the customs by breaking them into parts?"

"Yes." Sun Guoxin said: "Eighteen people... Oh, now there are seventeen. If they are put together, the goal is still a bit too big, and it is easy to be interrogated. Therefore, it is necessary to break it up into parts, and even When encountering inspections, as long as they are not too unlucky and have a little time to react, they will be innocent if they temporarily hide the goods somewhere."

(End of this chapter)

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