spy ace

Chapter 691

Chapter 691
Zheng Lingyu went on to say: "This is the time of receipt, Director Fan can check it afterwards."

"No, Miss Zheng is the most reassuring for us." Zheng Lingyu smiled after saying a word.After Fan Keqin took it, he said again: "Thank you, are you on duty today?"

Zheng Lingyu nodded and said: "Yes, I did it on purpose. I will be on duty first, and then I can rest for a few more days in a row."

Fan Keqin said: "Oh, Miss Zheng, who is on duty at the telecommunications office after you rest?"

Zheng Lingyu said: "Don't worry, Director Fan, there are two people who supervise each other every day. Nothing will go wrong."

"Oh, that's not what I meant." Fan Keqin laughed and said, "I'm afraid that I might not know who to turn to when sending and receiving telegrams. I'll understand when you say that."

After sending Zheng Lingyu away, Fan Keqin turned around and entered his office again, closed the door, went to the desk, picked up a little code book, checked the content and began to paraphrase.

It can be seen that this is a relatively long telegram, because it took five or six minutes to paraphrase Fan Keqin.After everything was written on paper, Fan Keqin started from the beginning.

I understand, this is a situation sent back by the Shanghai investigation team, which is related to what was sent back last time.Because last time it was said that the security in Shanghai had been strengthened, but this time, the investigation team discovered the reason.That is, there is a heavyweight in Japan who has arrived in Shanghai.And it came on a landing ship and was escorted by two destroyers.Because of this, Fan Keqin judged that the investigation team was able to discover the movement.

Then the investigation team inquired in many ways, and finally figured out who was coming.Fujido Tokimune, but the investigation team didn't mention what kind of official this kid is, and it probably didn't find out, but the mayor of the puppet government, the old devil Matsui Tadashi who was stationed in the Japanese Navy Department in Shanghai, and other big figures were all there to greet him. The guards on the outside are the secret agents of Shanghai Tegao Technology Co., Ltd., Japan, and almost all of the puppet government's No. [-] personnel.

The telegram sent the news that they could see and inquire about, and there was nothing else, such as guesses and inferences.This is to reduce the content of the message as much as possible and shorten the time for sending the message, which can be safer.In addition, what Fan Keqin said when training them is that the content must be objective, as long as you send what you see and hear truthfully, and let the headquarters judge the situation by themselves.If you add some of your own subjective assumptions, the final judgment may have the opposite effect.

Fan Keqin burned all the original telegram and the free-translated paper with a silver case lighter.I couldn't help thinking about the situation.This guy named Tokimune Fujido, it must be a bad thing to come to China at this time, because the Americans have now started to open their posture on the Pacific battlefield, looking like they will never die.

However, the Americans' war capabilities in the early days were really not good enough, so they relied on their own industrial strength to use endless hard piles of firepower.And in the beginning, it wasn't the American command, but the more fucked up British command, who can't be defeated by anyone. Except for the Italian army, it seems that the British army can't do it head-on, except for what the Americans want. , except for everything, he was almost beaten like a dog by the Germans.Of course, it's an exaggeration to say so, but the real situation... doesn't seem to be too different.Except for the navy, but that's because the Germans don't have a decent navy.But it is the broken submarines of this year that are about to eat up the blockade of the British mainland.

It's a bit far-fetched, Fan Keqin thought about it for a while, and said that a person's role in the overall war must be limited, even if this person is awesome and wants to influence history, the effect must be slow.

Therefore, it is hard to say what kind of role this Fujido Tokimune can play after he comes now, and it is not clear what purpose he came with.But just looking at Shanghai's visit to him and such a big battle, the value of Fujido Tokimune must not be small.

At this time, Fan Keqin was a little undecided, whether to make this Tokimune Tokimune a target.He thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to let the investigation team investigate the situation again.So he got up and left the office, went directly to the telecommunications office to find Zheng Lingyu.He told the other party the content of the code word he had prepared.Unless Zheng Lingyu also knew the code book and the agreed code word, otherwise it was impossible for her to know the specific content.

After watching her post the report, Fan Keqin thanked her again, then turned around and left the security bureau, and went to find Lu Xiaoya again.What stage are the two of you now?Just like the old saying, a dry firewood and a fire, as long as they are together, they will catch fire.

So no matter how tired I was, I waited until the evening, found a romantic place to have some dinner, and then sent Lu Xiaoya home very late.Half an hour later, Fan Keqin drove to Huazhang's home.

This is Fan Keqin's first time here, and the chick lives alone, looking very deserted.I don't have a boyfriend either, so I don't have the slightest taste of the year that can be said.Fortunately, Fan Keqin bought some things before he came, otherwise the two of them could just sit down.

Opening a bottle of champagne, Fan Keqin and Xiao Niu began to inquire about today's situation while tinkering with the smoke.Huazhang drank the wine in one gulp, moistened his throat, and said, "Virgin, that man is really a layman, I think you should stop following him, or find a chance to let the brothers tie him up. Once you scare him, he will definitely give up What to ask and what to say."

Fan Keqin smiled and said, "It's okay, this is enough. How is it? Still nothing to gain today?"

"No." Huazhang said: "I changed to a good tracker. He found a chance to enter the big car shop to inquire again, and found that the man seemed to be crying. It's not a big deal. He also asked the big car shop My boss, whether he needs to work or not, doesn't seem to be planning to leave. Otherwise, I guess how could he start looking for a job." At this point, she took the wine and poured herself another glass, but she didn't drink it, and continued: "Besides, that man wandered around the street all day long and made several phone calls. The brother who was following him called the man on duty in the telecommunications department and checked the number he broadcast. It was the same No. [-], the owner's surname is Zhuang. Virgo, is Secretary Zhuang's home?"

Fan Keqin didn't answer, but said, "Is it connected?"

"The first one got connected." Huazhang replied, "But he hung up soon after. He made several calls after that, but no one answered at all."

(End of this chapter)

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