spy ace

Chapter 764

Chapter 764
Fan Keqin ignored them, and quickly said in a low voice: "Don't worry about them, go face to face." Saying that, he just carried the bucket and stopped throwing TNT, but walked straight forward, and Zhao Debiao did the same.

The two guys with flashlights didn't pay attention to the patrol at first. After all, it was a patrol team composed of ronin, so after they turned around, they were chatting and laughing with each other.But about a few seconds later, one of them first saw the two of Fan Keqin, reached out to touch his companion, and said, "The two of you are がいます... 労働者のように见えます. Things を闻いてみましょう." ( There are two people... look like workers, let's ask about it.)
The companion agreed, and the flashlights of the two flashed over, asking, "Hey! Who is it?"

Fan Keqin and Zhao Debiao had already passed the third wall and arrived at the entrance of the street formed by the villa.This location is just past Fujido's residence, but if someone on the second floor really looks at it, it's not impossible to find it.

Therefore, Fan Keqin asked slightly dissatisfied: "あなた达はwho desuka?" Eye.

The two ronin were stunned for a moment by a Japanese sentence. At first they thought that if they were workers, they were probably Chinese. After all, the small Japanese lived in Hongkou District, and there were very few low-level workers.But once Fan Keqin's Japanese was over, he was naturally the first to react that the other party was Japanese, or could speak Japanese.

As a result, Fan Keqin walked across the intersection two times, and used the courtyard wall of another villa to block the sight of himself and the Fujitang villa.

But the two ronin reacted quickly, and walked towards Fan Keqin and said, "Are you Chinese?"

It turned out that although Fan Keqin could speak some Japanese, his vocabulary was limited after all. Coupled with the problem of accent, when he spoke longer sentences, he would naturally have some accent.And it's night now, meeting strangers will naturally arouse the other party's vigilance, and it's normal to be more suspicious.

However, Fan Keqin should have become suspicious when he saw the other party's behavior, but he didn't have much hostility.So he immediately changed it to Chinese, and said: "I am a worker hired by Mr. Rixia..." As he spoke, he pointed to the buckets in the hands of himself and Zhao Debiao, and then pointed to the bucket behind him. Road, then turned to the front again, pointed to Zhiri Xiazhi's villa, and said: "Go to his house to send paint for the wall."

After saying this, the two ronin also followed the direction he pointed, looked at his bucket, and came to Fan Keqin and the other two, saying, "Don't move, we want..." Wanted to say check it out.

But Fan Keqin put down the bucket in an instant, and punched him with a flat uppercut with his left hand like lightning.It turned out that when he pointed back and forth between the barrel and the road behind him just now, he was actually observing the road behind him - there was no one behind him at this time.That's why he made the move.And it was a sudden shot.

Although the two ronin were a little wary at this time, they were really used to it in China, and this was Hongkou District, which basically belonged to their own territory, so their vigilance was not so high.Another important factor is that Fan Keqin's explosive power is too fierce and too fast.Therefore, the ronin didn't even have the reaction to dodge, and was punched on the cheek.His head was hit directly like a rattle, shaking back and forth for a while, and he lost his breath in an instant.

Anyone who knows a little bit about fighting knows that if you are a professional boxer, especially a professional heavyweight boxer, as long as you hit your vitals, you can basically kill you with one punch.Unless it hits the arm or the non-lethal parts of the shoulder.And Fan Keqin's explosive power has almost reached the limit peak of the human body, this punch is definitely much stronger than the professional heavyweight boxing champion.Therefore, the opponent has been shocked and convulsed in an instant, and even if he is not dead now, he will definitely die after a while when the injury occurs.

Moreover, Fan Keqin's explosive force was too strong, after he punched out, there was a fierce low sweep of his legs.

As the saying goes, unless it is an excellent opportunity, unless it is an excellent opportunity, please remember this sentence, unless it is an excellent opportunity, so it does not mean that you can't shoot your legs at all.Why?That's because after the attack of the legs, your center of gravity must be unstable.Even top fighters won't make moves easily.Not to mention mandarin duck chain legs, or one-hundred-eight, three-hundred-six whirlwind legs. Or tantamount to courting death.

But Fan Keqin's kick is a low-sweep kick in Muay Thai. As I said before, Fan Keqin's kung fu is a fusion of various modern boxing techniques.Wrestling is a variety of wrestling in Chinese Sanda.The hands are practiced from the various boxing techniques of the Russian boxing system, while the legs, knees, and elbows are from Muay Thai, and the ground skills and various capture techniques are from Barou.And this low kick is in Muay Thai.It can be said to be very, very fierce, and the opponent is unprepared.With a click, the opponent's calf was directly kicked off.The body immediately tilted to the side.

Although Zhao Debiao is not as powerful as Fan Keqin, he is an old hand after all. He rushed forward, and before the opponent could cry out in pain, he hugged the opponent's neck with both hands, and used a reverse guillotine lock, with a crisp clicking sound. rang again.It directly killed the other party.

Fan Keqin grabbed the guy who was punched to death by himself with one hand, and quickly went diagonally to the opposite side, saying, "Throw it into the trash can!"

Sure enough, the high-end villa area is different, the garbage bins are all new, and the surrounding area is also very clean.There is no pile of garbage.

The two men quickly came to the front, lifted the lid, and threw the two dead men over.This process was actually very short. After all, Fan Keqin shot too quickly. It really didn't take two or three seconds to kill two people.It took less than four seconds to drag it to the trash can, and after closing the lid, it returned to normal. In total, it took less than ten seconds.

They returned again and listened quietly for a few seconds, nothing happened!Then step up.So he picked up the bucket, stood under the courtyard wall of this villa, dipped the paste in the bucket, and threw the last three TNTs out in a row.Then he turned around and said, "Go back."

The two turned around and leaned against the wall, and resumed their normal walking posture. After passing the villa in the middle, they would slow down a little when crossing the intersection to see if there was anyone on the road.Soon he turned back to Hsiachi's villa.

(End of this chapter)

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