spy ace

Chapter 768

Chapter 768
Fan Keqin laughed, and said: "It's hard to tell if you know someone or not, because the initiative is not with them yet....Give me one too."

"Hey." Zhao Debiao lit the cigarette for Fan Keqin, and said: "The puppet army's whistle for inspection at night will not be strict, but we can't stand the inspection now, and we must do a big job."

Bai Fengtai in the backseat interjected, and said: "A big fight? It doesn't count, how many people can the whistle horse have if it is full?"

Zhao Debiao said: "That's what I meant, a fight or something. When you went out last time, how many people were there?"

Bai Fengtai said: "There are only four on the card. The house next to it... the room is not big, and there are probably seven or eight people in it. But there are two side three rounds and one army card. I don't know what to do this time. What's the situation."

Kang Changming said: "Well, it seems that there is only one class, and it is not difficult to deal with."

Huazhang said: "It's better not to shoot or not to shoot. This way the confidence is greater, but looking at it now, it seems that you can't do without shooting."

Fan Keqin turned a corner in the car and was about to reach Jiuqu Road, and said: "If you are sure, you can kill them all with the muffler. After all, it won't spread too far. But I don't think it's necessary. It’s more sure to use a submachine gun, hey, don’t forget, when you pass the card, hit the people first, and after all the weapons are released, also attack their vehicles twice. Each car must have at least two tires. .”

Everyone said "Understood." After that, Bai Fengtai said again: "I use fifty rounds of drum drums, and I will do this."

Zhao Debiao said: "I use it too. First knock down all these guys, and then sweep the car."

"It's all ready." After Fan Keqin said something, the car had turned again and came to Jiuqu Road, just as Fan Keqin turned the corner.I saw a light about [-] meters away. It was the wires passing by Senkala, and there were street lamps on both sides of the clip.And in an independent one-story house next to the card, there is also light coming out.

Fan Keqin said: "Load the gun, we have headlights, their sight will be disturbed, if I say shoot or shoot, you shoot immediately, do as I said before."

"Understood." Everyone replied again, and they all took Thomson upright from the bottom of the car, and loaded it with a clatter.Zhao Debiao also put Fan Keqin's gun on the bottom of the car in the middle of the seat, with the muzzle facing up.And loaded him.

Their movements are very fast, and they are done in a few seconds.Originally, how long can a bolt be pulled?After they finished their work, not long after, the car had reached the middle section. In fact, at this time, it was equivalent to having completely left the city.Because the last building was behind them.Not far ahead is the checkpoint.

Fan Keqin had excellent eyesight, and the other party was afraid that others would not be able to see him, so he lit a lamp at each end, and there was also light from the house next to him.So the three people on the card can obviously be seen.

This is less than the last time Baifengtai passed the customs.The people of the puppet government, the puppet army, their combat effectiveness is really not high.It is normal that there are fewer whistles that come out to stand guard at night.

When the three puppet soldiers saw a car approaching, one of them, with a flashlight in his hand, turned on the switch, took two steps and drew a few circles towards the front of the car, which meant to stop and check!
Fan Keqin slowed down slowly, stopped the car at a distance of seven or eight meters from the other party, and quickly ordered: "Action!" Then he picked up Thomson, and when he pushed the car door, he said loudly: "Dung Shoukang耨, Aleña Alei!" He said that when he played a game in his previous life, a dubbing by Little Japan, he didn't know what it meant.He can also speak some raw Japanese in simple conversations. He really doesn't know what the dubbing of the game is like in the second.

The puppet soldier with a flashlight wanted to greet the car when it stopped, but when the door opened, a Japanese sentence came out, thinking that it might be a Japanese car.Unable to help, he bent slightly, paused for a while, and didn't dare to ask the other party to turn off the engine and turn off the dazzling headlights, and asked politely: "Which prince is it?"

Before he could finish his words, all four doors of the car had been opened. Under the illumination of the headlights, there were faint figures, as if a few people had come down.

Fan Keqin just got out of the car, leaned on the car door, pulled the trigger and fired. The small half-shuttle bullet of "chug chug" flew out immediately.Zhao Debiao next to him, as well as Kang Changming and Bai Fengtai who got down from the back seat first, swept past the three people facing the checkpoint.

Huazhang was in the middle of the back seat, so she was the last to get out of the car, so as soon as her foot touched the ground, she immediately moved to the side and opened fire violently at the house not far away.

It is said that there is no house here at all. This is a temporary checkpoint set up in order to arrest Wu Jingzhong a few days ago. It is built directly from wood.But the wood is not a bulletproof thing, and it immediately made a series of "do duo duo" sounds, and was swept out of the dense holes by Huazhang.

The way she fired the gun just made up for the flanks of Fan Keqin and the others. After all, there are only two points now.When they were beating the three inspecting puppet troops, if someone came out of the room on the right, it would be bad.

After about ten rounds of bullets were thrown out, Fan Keqin immediately turned his gun and started shooting at the wooden house in front of him.As for the three puppet soldiers, they had already been beaten into sieves. At such a close distance, each of them was shot at least seven or eight times, and they were trembling all over.It wasn't until there was no more impact from the bullets that the man fell down with a bang.

Most of the shuttle bullets of "chug chug" were fired, Fan Keqin turned his gun again, and fired at the two tricycles parked on the side of the house. It was scrapped. If it doesn't go through a major repair, it might as well just throw it away.

"Cease fire!" Fan Keqin yelled, and the gunshots stopped immediately. He listened carefully for a few seconds, well, there were no human voices in or around the room.So he waved his hand and said, "Get in the car! Let's go." As he spoke, he bent down and got into the cab again.

The same is true for Huazhang and others. They got into the car immediately, but Zhao Debiao and Bai Fengtai on the side of the co-pilot opened the window and put their guns on...

(End of this chapter)

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