spy ace

Chapter 809 Friendship

Chapter 809 Friendship
After explaining all these situations in detail, Miao Yue said with a smile: "I asked Cao Yan to go shopping with her tomorrow afternoon, and the appointment was to meet at my company, so that I could give her a hint that my company Very strong. It can also prove that my ability in this area is very strong."

After hearing this, Fan Keqin nodded with a smile, and said, "Very good." Then, borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, he opened the cigar box Mo Sheng put on the coffee table, took out a cigar and handed it to Miao Yue.

At this time, Fang Yuhui also came back, and as soon as he entered the room, he took off his coat and said, "Brother Zun, I followed Cao Yan until I got home. After she left Miao Yue from Gaode Western Restaurant, she went to the next Bought some food from a store and went home. No contact with anyone."

After talking, he had already walked over, took a cigar himself, lit it and took a puff, then looked at Miao Yue and asked, "Have you finished reporting to Brother Zun?"

Miao Yue exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "Well, you came back just now."

Fang Yuhui looked at her with a smile, and said: "I can see that you have a good chat. Brother Zun, brothers, you say, the friendship between women and women is really...sometimes really inexplicable, like this We can become friends…”

"Hey?" Miao Yue gave him a sideways look, and said, "What is inexplicable? What's wrong with women's friendship?"

"Hey! Don't get me wrong." Fang Yuhui smiled and said, "I'm just praising you for your great progress. It doesn't mean anything else."

Mo Sheng still kept smiling, and said: "In fact, men are sometimes like this. When a certain topic, a certain event, or a certain point is matched, the friendship will advance by leaps and bounds. That's why there is that sentence, it is called hit-time. "

"Hey." Miao Yue said with a smile: "Look at how Brother Sheng talks, can you learn from it?"

"Okay, okay." Fang Yuhui laughed and said, "It's my way of speaking that is wrong. I will definitely pay attention in the future."

Qiu Shengzhong also smiled and puffed out smoke, and said, "Xiaoyue has an appointment with Cao Yan tomorrow afternoon to go shopping, you don't know that yet, do you?"

"I don't know." Fang Yuhui shook his head, and said, "I'm at a fly restaurant opposite, and I can only see the two of them having a good conversation, but I can't hear what they said specifically."

Miao Yue looked at Fan Keqin and said, "Tomorrow, I have some ideas, such as giving her a gift or something, Brother Zun, you can help me analyze and analyze, should I continue to complain about Brother Sheng, or... talk to her For other topics, for example, you can properly ask about her personal affairs."

Fan Keqin flicked the cigarette ash and said, "You can give gifts, or you can ask Cao Yan some personal questions. After all, the other party accepted your invitation to cheat, so Cao Yan has a good impression of you psychologically. At the very least, there is no sense of repulsion, which is very important. But you also need to grasp the issue of degree, and it is best to guide her to reveal some. For example, when you go shopping, it is impossible for a couple to not see Right. It doesn’t matter if you saw someone in a state of passionate love, or someone who was young, or someone who was arguing, because no matter what, you can pretend to think of something and express some emotion. Cao Yan is in your On the side, you have already talked about this topic, so it is impossible for her not to answer a sentence. As long as she answers the topic, you can follow along and find an opportunity to ask about her private affairs. "

Fan Keqin paused when he said this, and then said: "Then, you have to look at Cao Yan's specific performance. If she shows a form of resistance, then you should not ask further questions, but bring the topic back to the topic again." to yourself, so that she can virtually resolve her sense of rejection. But I believe that she should not be too repulsive, and it is impossible for her to keep her mouth shut and not reveal anything. She stands in the same camp. Gradually, she will definitely regard you as one of her own. It is only a matter of time before she can fully gain her trust."

"But there is one situation that you should pay attention to." Fan Keqin took another puff of cigarette and said, "That's an excuse to meet her again. It should be prepared in advance so that it won't be abrupt. For example, the two of you are shopping At the very beginning, you revealed that you wanted to buy something a little special. This thing should not be too special, it will appear deliberate. But it should not be so easy to buy. But remember, you have been shopping until you At the end, even if you see it, don’t buy it. Find some excuses, such as not meeting your expectations, wanting other styles, etc., so that you can excuse that you didn’t buy it at the end. Cao Yan continued to buy things like that when he was cheating on the street.”

When Fan Keqin said this, he looked at Miao Yue with a smile, and said, "Of course, what I said is just a meaning, and you can create other excuses to meet again. But... the central idea, do you understand?"

Miao Yue smiled and said, "Understood. Don't worry, I think what you said just now is very good. In addition, sometimes the excuses for women to meet don't need to be too complicated, but they seem more intimate."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Well, you can handle it yourself." Then he stood up and said, "I'm engaged the day after tomorrow. If you're free that day, come at two o'clock in the afternoon. It's at the Double Happiness Hotel in Huangshan District."

Everyone was startled when they heard this, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Brother Zun. But, shall we go? Are there many brothers from the Security Bureau going too?"

Fan Keqin said: "It's okay, even if someone sees you, it won't be a problem. After all, the security bureau is under the control of the boss, so it's safe. So feel free to come here boldly, and if I contact you in the future, even if someone accidentally sees you Arrived, but can eliminate part of the attention."

Mo Sheng nodded and said: "Well, I should be fine. For Xiaoyue, it seems that we can only see the progress."

Fan Keqin looked at Miao Yue and said, "Actually...you can bring Cao Yan, even Dai Chundi doesn't know that the boss is the boss, so it doesn't matter if Cao Yan comes. Of course, it's up to you scale."

Miao Yue nodded and said, "Yes, I understand, then I'll take a look at Cao Yan's situation."

Everyone congratulated Fan Keqin again and sent him to the door. Fan Keqin waved them back, opened the door and walked along the stairs to the back alley, got into the car, and started driving to Sun Guoxin's home.

After the guards in black suits opened the door, they parked the car in the yard. Fan Keqin walked into the villa and saw Sun Guoxin and his wife having dinner.

It seems that there should be nothing wrong with the Security Bureau today, otherwise Sun Guoxin would not have come back so early.

(End of this chapter)

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