spy ace

Chapter 817 The Opportunity Comes

Chapter 817 The Opportunity Comes
Qiu Shengzhong continued: "But he didn't go anywhere else. He just stayed in the shopping mall under his name for about four hours, and then went home. Oh, and bought some food and a few bottles of wine on the way. In addition, brother Sheng stared at him yesterday morning, so he went directly to his home and found that this kid was there, so it shows that this kid also stayed at home the night before. So he hasn't been to the casino for at least thirty hours."

Fan Keqin listened, thought about it, and asked: "During the last investigation, it was said that... this kid always likes to go to the casino from time to time. If there is no problem with this situation, then he... may go out to the casino in the near future Played a few games."

Qiu Shengzhong said, "Or...could it be that this kid has no money?"

Fan Keqin waved his hand and said: "Probably not. It can be said that his spring shopping mall is basically making a profit every day. It must be no problem to get some money to play in the casino. As for the casino...why can it be so generous to let him owe a few dollars?" Qian Yinyang's arrears? He must be paying attention to his situation. If not, how could he be allowed to drag the money all the time, and what he is playing is a long-term effect. You can not pay the money first, or even not pay it back. Hurry up, as long as he still comes to play, the casino will always be able to make money."

Qiu Shengzhong nodded and said: "Well, the boss of Zhaocai Casino is still savvy. His vision is not so short-sighted. He knows that what he is doing is a business that does not require any capital. Although the other party owes money, as long as he pays back to play, he will There is a steady stream of money, which is one of the reasons why many gamblers are willing to go there.”

Fan Keqin talked about the soot, and said: "Well, that's because they understand that the other party can always make money. As long as the gamblers make money, they will never excessively collect debts, just ask the other party to pay some interest. Then what? Instead It’s very generous to invite the other party to come and play again. But those who have no money to earn, or those who have no job, hehe, look at them and see how polite they are.”

Qiu Shengzhong nodded and said, "That's right, but his methods are much more sophisticated than other casinos."

"Oh?" Hearing what he said, Fan Keqin became a little curious and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"The owner of Zhaocai Casino is indeed very clever." Qiu Shengzhong said: "Those who have no money to pay back, those who have not yet worked, their methods are not aggressive at the beginning, but they will use their own relationship to help the other party find some money." Work or something. But if the gamblers don't even want to work...then they will really start to use the most drastic measures."

Fan Keqin nodded approvingly, and said, "This casino owner is really smart. Then... with this style, can our plan be carried out smoothly?"

Qiu Shengzhong nodded and said: "It should be possible. The premise of their use of these methods is that the gamblers are still giving them money in a steady stream, but one of the gamblers who owed a huge amount of money died, so they naturally don't want to pay for this debt." It may disappear. So don't worry, Brother Zun, your plan and your humble understanding of this casino are still fine."

After hearing this, Fan Keqin gave an "um" and said, "How do you know this casino so well?"

Qiu Shengzhong said with a smile: "Because I was planning to open a casino some time ago, I arranged for a brother to enter the Zhaocai Casino to see how they operate, so these things are all feedback from my brother."

"Oh?" Fan Keqin said with a smile: "Okay, the casino is... a lot of money. It can be opened, but... pay attention to the problem of speed."

Qiu Shengzhong nodded and said, "Don't worry, Brother Zun, I will pay attention to the scale."

Next, Fan Keqin asked some details about the monitoring, such as whether Dai Chundi had any guests at home, how many times he made calls, who he talked to, and so on.However, in these cases, there is no special noteworthy information.

Just after eleven o'clock, Qiu Shengzhong was going to change Mo Sheng back.As a result, Mo Sheng called back, and Qiu Shengzhong answered after listening for a while, "Understood." He hung up the phone directly.

Then he turned his head to look at Fan Keqin and said, "Dai Chundi went out and went to Zhaocai Casino. Brother Sheng followed him and saw him go in before he called."

After hearing this, Fan Keqin's heart moved, and he said, "This is an opportunity!"

Qiu Shengzhong was startled, and said, "What do you mean? Do it now?"

Fan Keqin said: "Yes. Didn't he go to the casino? No matter how long he plays in the casino, he will always be tired after playing, so there is a high probability that he will go home after he comes out. We can sneak into his home in advance and wait. .”

After hearing this, Qiu Shengzhong thought about it for a while, then nodded and said: "Yes, after he played in the casino, he may also understand it as the last time to be cool when he investigates afterwards."

Fan Keqin nodded with a smile, and said: "Yes, people, sometimes before dying, they always want to have no regrets, or go crazy at the end. Now go and change Mo Sheng back. Then every half an hour Call this place back. Please let me know if something happens."

Qiu Shengzhong stood up and said, "Understood." Then he took his coat and went out the door.

After he went out, Fan Keqin lit a cigarette again and smoked slowly, but his mind was thinking about how to make Dai Chundi commit suicide.

First of all, fighting is definitely not acceptable.The most important thing is that if he dies, the bruises on his body will emerge.So you have to think of other ways to do it yourself.

About a minute later, Fan Keqin had roughly settled on Dai Chundi's death in his heart.Then I started to think about the steps of action.If it is to sneak into the other party's home, how can the other party write a will?This question can actually be forged, but it is easy for people to see the flaws in forged things.So it is best to let the other party write it themselves.

Dai Chundi definitely wouldn't write like this, so he needs to take some measures.force?Well, yes, it is possible, but if you blindly persecute, the other party will not see any hope of life, and may instead resort to the means of killing and breaking.So what to do?

Um!If you have, then give the other party an illusory hope, and then combine the means of persecution.But how to force it, after all, the opponent cannot take injuries.Perhaps through a thing can achieve the goal!

After everything was considered, Fan Keqin remembered all these things in his mind, and then thought about it from the beginning to the end. After confirming that there was no problem, he relaxed a little.

(End of this chapter)

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