spy ace

Chapter 820 Instant Control

Chapter 820 Instant Control
Fan Keqin pointed to a few hardwood chairs next to him, and said, "Let's eat the food first, we don't know when Dai Chundi will be able to come back."

Several people came to the coffee table, reached out to get some dry food and cooked food, and then sat on the chairs and began to eat and drink.

The same is true for Fan Keqin. He ate a mouthful of sauced beef, swallowed it, and said: "I will stress the steps again. After Dai Chundi comes back, Ah Cheng will be in charge of the ring. But you don't have to do it first. You can do it later when you have a chance." Asheng and Yuhui control each other from left to right, you should move faster than Acheng, so that it will be easier for him to set up. Remember, don't let him scratch randomly, you must pay attention and method, especially Be careful not to let him get hurt. At the same time, I will immediately hold him with a gun. In order to completely control him."

Having said that, Fan Keqin looked at Jingcheng and said, "Ah Cheng, are the headgear ready?"

Jingcheng nodded, quickly chewed twice to swallow the food, and replied, "It's ready." As he spoke, he took his bag from the side, opened it, and took out four large black handkerchiefs.Each was given one.Then he took the most common hemp rope, showed it to Fan Keqin, and put it back into the bag again.

Fan Keqin took the black handkerchief, folded it in half, and turned it into a triangular scarf. He tried it on his face, and it was long enough.So it was tied to the back of my head.But now is not the time to wear it, so he pulled down the triangular scarf and hung it around his neck, so that when he was using it, he only needed to lift it up.

Everyone followed his example and turned their handkerchiefs into triangular scarves and tied them around their necks.

Fan Keqin said: "Paper and pen, are you ready?"

Hearing this, Jingcheng took out a document bag from his luggage and handed it to Fan Keqin, who took it and took out three pens and a small stack of letter paper from it.Fan Keqin checked and found that the ink in the pen was full.So I repacked these in the file bag and put them on the coffee table.

This is basically the same, everyone checked the details while eating.It's almost time to wait, and I just finished eating.After all, they are all professionals, and many problems can be cleared up at a glance.

Jingcheng carefully packed the food after eating, and then put it in his own bag.Fan Keqin told them that it's nothing to do, just do activities in the square hall, so as not to leave any traces.I went up to watch in person.

Upstairs, Fan Keqin stood in the small corridor at the top of the stairs and looked around.There is a window here, facing the street directly in front of the house.So he hid on the side of the window and peeked down.

It is said that this window is also hollowed out and carved as a whole, which is of great artistic value.The small squares are arranged irregularly, and there are carvings on each small square, such as auspicious clouds, auspicious animals, etc., which are very beautiful.

However, Fan Keqin just took a quick look at him, and then concentrated his energy on the street.

After waiting like this, until it got dark, the pedestrians on the street gradually thinned out, and some vendors who set up small stalls had already carried their picks in the evening, and they were almost gone.

Another hour or so later, the sky was already completely dark, Fan Keqin saw a rickshaw running slowly from the street on the left, Fan Keqin had enough eyesight, and added the groceries on the left The light was on at the door of the store. With these conditions, he looked at the person in the car. It was a photo that Mo Sheng showed him at the beginning of the investigation - Dai Chundi.

Fan Keqin didn't hesitate any more, went downstairs quickly, and said: "The target appears, get in place immediately!" After finishing speaking, he pulled the triangular scarf over his face to cover his mouth and nose, only his eyes were exposed.Then hid in the stairs and drew the Colt pistol.

Mo Sheng and the others quickly covered their faces with the triangular scarf.Then Jingcheng took the hemp rope and stood on the far right.Mo Sheng was ahead of him, hiding in the wall on the right side of the door with his hands empty.On the other side, where the left side of the door is facing Mo Sheng, Fang Yuhui leaned against the wall to hide.

When they were all in place, it took less than three seconds.Then about half a minute later, I heard light footsteps outside, arriving at the door.Then there was another sound like iron scraping lightly, and finally with a click, the door was opened.

It was when Dai Chundi entered the house, turned around and closed the door, walked through a small porch, and just entered the living room.Taking advantage of the unpreparedness, the two black shadows on the left and right rushed up like lightning.They put their arms around Dai Chundi's arm.

Dai Chundi is not a professional. Although he is relatively stocky, can each arm compare to the strength of other people's entire body?In addition, this guy has been playing in the casino for most of the day, and his mental and physical state has long been exhausted.What's more, there was no defense at all, so he was immediately restrained.

Mo Sheng and Fang Yuhui used the method of hugging to control each other's arms. In this way, the enlarged area would not cause too high local pressure, so that the scars would emerge after his death.

This process took less than a second, and Dai Chundi shuddered in his mind, and the sound of "ah" just came out half a syllable.Jingcheng had already rushed behind the opponent, threw his hands down, put the hemp rope around the opponent's neck, and tightened his hands slightly.

But he is particular about his force, just like what Fan Keqin emphasized when he checked the details of the action with them again - don't force backwards horizontally, but force upwards after trapping the opponent.Of course, now is not the time to let him die, so it is just to prevent him from making a sound, and at the same time to make him think that he is waiting for someone, really just to prevent him from making a sound.

Fan Keqin was even faster, and just as Mo Sheng and the others took action, he walked out with a gun in his hand, and directly pointed the gun at the opponent's forehead, but he didn't use any force.It just made him feel the coldness of the gun barrel, and he would close it as soon as he touched it.And let the black muzzle of the gun be ten centimeters in front of the opponent's eyes, aiming at the center of his eyebrows.

After seeing the muzzle of the gun, Dai Chundi suddenly felt fear. It was at this time that Fan Keqin opened his mouth and said in a deep voice: "If you don't want to die, don't resist. Don't shout. Do you hear me? Otherwise, you will be killed immediately." you!"

Dai Chundi felt the strength on his neck, and it was true that the other party only exerted a little force, which made him feel uncomfortable, but there was no such decisive pull that would strangle you to death.Coupled with the black muzzle of the gun in front of him, and the icy cold feeling just now, how dare he resist?
(End of this chapter)

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