spy ace

Chapter 829 The Peace Hotel

Chapter 829 The Peace Hotel
Fan Keqin came out of the director's office, took his luggage in the mail room, and walked out.I saw two rickshaws parked at the corner on the left, and Zhuang Xiaoman was standing beside them.

After walking over, Fan Keqin smiled and said, "Darling, you have been waiting for a long time. Let's set off immediately." Then he turned to look at the coachman and said, "Let's go to the passenger terminal."

After finishing speaking, he helped Zhuang Xiaoman into the car behind, and then he got into the car in front by himself.

In other words, the rickshaw business in Chongqing is not as common as it is in Shanghai, but you can say that it is not a small number, because you can always see a few of them every now and then when you walk on the street.

And these coachmen knew in their hearts how the road should be taken, and they were very familiar with it.So soon the two of them came to the pier.After getting off the car, Fan Keqin paid the money, helped Lu Xiaoya carry her luggage, and boarded a passenger ship bound for Nanjing.

It is really inconvenient to travel these days, what Fan Keqin especially hates is taking a boat.Mainly because of his cautious character, he hated the boat as a means of transportation.

Because there is no shelter on the water, no one to rely on, and when they enter the jurisdiction of the puppet government, if they really encounter patrols on the water, they can only use the identity documents prepared in advance to get through.But as long as it is discovered, it will really be in danger in an instant.As long as one is not handled properly, it is almost a fatal situation.

Of course, everything has two sides.The single choice of transportation is not only for Fan Keqin and others, but also for everyone.The number of people on the boat increased, and it was very difficult for the other party to accurately identify a problem among so many people.

All the way to Nanjing went smoothly. Although it can be said to be the center of the puppet government, it can be down-to-earth after all.Fan Keqin felt a little more comfortable in his heart, and besides, they really didn't do anything, unless there was a very special accident that engulfed them in something, otherwise, the chance of encountering trouble was relatively low.

It was already evening when we arrived in Nanjing. Fan Keqin and Zhuang Xiaoman bought tickets for the next day, and they were medium tickets, which cost a little more than [-] yuan.It can be seen how expensive train tickets are this year.

Of course, Fan Keqin is not short of money, and he can reimburse the full amount without using the ticket stub later.If things are successful, there will be bonuses, and even a lot of reimbursement.

So the two found a hotel near the train station, opened a single room and slept overnight, and continued on the road after breakfast the next day.

After reaching Shanghai all the way, Fan Keqin and the others bought a ticket to the outside of the customs again non-stop, and finally made it to the destination of this trip, Fengtian, which is the future Shenyang City.

The identity they used for this trip was the name of the young couple, or the identity of an overseas Chinese in Malaysia.The obvious purpose is to come here to do business.

You know, war wealth is now distributed by a large number of people in every country, so this purpose is very normal.The real purpose behind the scenes is to get rid of the Japanese Weapons Research Institute outside Shenyang City.

So after getting off the train, Fan Keqin and Zhuang Xiaoman got bored and entered a relatively high-end hotel, the Peace Hotel again.

It opened directly to the suite on the third floor. After entering the room, Fan Keqin and Zhuang Xiaoman put down their luggage.Immediately checked the situation inside the room, and after confirming the safety, he called room service, and began to study while eating and drinking.

Zhuang Xiaoman put down the red wine and said, "Brother, it's a bit late today, leave it to me to contact the wolves tomorrow. Where do you think is a better place to meet them?"

After hearing this, Fan Keqin recalled the local map carefully in his mind, and then said: "At the intersection of Chongshan Street and Huangbei North Road, there is a heavy industry school. If this is still there, it is diagonally opposite to the right. Find a popular restaurant with a lot of people, and you can meet there. If the school is no longer there, find a similarly popular restaurant on Wudang Avenue. The time...just the day after tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. After all, when you contact, the other party also needs to have a reaction time. If it doesn’t work, just push it back and make up your own mind.”

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and said, "Okay, do you have any specific instructions? I can convey them."

Fan Keqin said: "Let them keep a low profile and continue to investigate the action information of some departments of the puppet government in the city according to the previous behavior pattern. This will allow us to judge some situations of the destination from the actions of the other party. In addition to these , Let them dispatch new faces in batches and take turns to investigate near the factory ten miles away in the southern suburbs. Remember, the time should be staggered. For example, if you send people this morning, then tomorrow will be noon and the day after tomorrow will be evening. But the principle Still would rather miss it than expose it."

Zhuang Xiaoman immediately said: "Understood, I will convey clearly."

Fan Keqin ate a mouthful of stewed beef brisket and potatoes, took a mouthful of steamed buns, swallowed it, and said, "Tomorrow, let's do this. When we get up in the morning, let's go shopping first and buy a pair of clothes. The coats we are wearing now are still here." It's a bit thin, and then, by the way, take a stroll at the two places I just mentioned, choose a place, and then you can place the signal to contact the wolves."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and said, "Okay, I still have to buy two pairs of shoes, one beautiful pair for when I'm with you, and another pair that can be more comfortable, as a backup in case of emergency."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, it's reasonable, but comfortable shoes should not be too ugly, it doesn't match your temperament."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and said, "Well, I understand." He drank some soup with her, and said, "Brother, I need to contact the local branch tomorrow for the weapons, and ask them to provide them?"

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said: "Although we don't need it for the time being, we should be prepared for this thing. Two short guns are enough. But we can't carry it with us. We can hide it in a secret and convenient place. When we need it, we can use it It can be used now. You don’t have to worry about being exposed during inspections.”

Zhuang Xiaoman pointed to the window sill and said, "When I checked the back room just now, I found a suitable place outside the window."

"Oh?" Fan Keqin recalled for a moment, then nodded and said: "Well, the hotel's signboard is fine, but it still needs to be covered up. It can be wrapped with a cloth of matching color, so that it will not be conspicuous. "

After the two of them had finished eating, they had almost discussed it, and there was nothing to do, so they went straight to bed.That's right, although it is a suite, there is only one bed.

(End of this chapter)

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