spy ace

Chapter 831

Chapter 831
"Ja, ich kann Deutsch sprechen. (Yes, I can speak German.)" Fan Keqin said: "Vor ein paar Jahren habe ich an einer deutschen Universitt studiert, wo es groartig ist (A few years ago, I was in a German school Studied at university, it was great."

"Haha." The foreigner laughed, but still in Chinese, said: "No wonder, but my friend, you have to speak Chinese with me, you know? Even if you help me practice. You know, my spoken English is still not good. Off. They said it had a... smell."

Fan Keqin also said happily: "Sweet with raw food?"

"That's right!" The foreigner laughed again, "That's the taste."

Fan Keqin said: "No problem, buddy, what's your name?"

The foreigner was still very enthusiastic and said: "Erwin#Bach. Just call me Erwin, I'm from Berlin. And you, my friend."

Fan Keqin said: "My name is Wan Zun, Erwin. By the way, please give me a glass of wheat beer, and German elbow, the authentic way, you know, and a German sauerkraut, and bread .”

Erwin#Bach said: "The kerosene problem! Oh! Look, Wan... what have we done to keep your beautiful girlfriend waiting for so long." Then he turned to Zhuang Xiaoman and said: " Ma'am, what would you like to have?"

Zhuang Xiaoman asked with a smile, "Any recommendations?"

Erwin said: "Of course, Wanwan's German elbow is very good, but for women's tastes, I personally recommend how about lean sausage? It tastes very strong, and it goes well with bread and juniper berry sauce. Or potatoes are very good." Great, another glass of wine?"

Zhuang Xiaoman said: "That seems a bit much, just bring me a piece of bread, juniper berry sauce and lean sausage. No potatoes."

"Mold problem." Erwin said, "Then please wait a moment, both of you." Then he walked back.

After waiting for less than ten minutes, Erwin began to serve food and wine, but he and Fan Keqin didn't chat for a while, and went to work on other new guests and customers who wanted to pay.

Zhuang Xiaoman was a little funny, and said in a low voice: "Brother, is it true that you told him to do business in partnership?"

Fan Keqin replied: "When we come back to China this time, what we are looking for is business opportunities. No matter what the business is, as long as making money is our goal. So it doesn't matter whether it is true or not."

Zhuang Xiaoman naturally understood what the other party meant, so she nodded and said, "That's right, we are businessmen."

Fan Keqin ate a piece of elbow and took another sip of beer. Well, the feeling of drinking cold beer in summer has been found.But...it's winter now, so the beer is naturally not ice cold.Now there are only two skewers of mutton and kidneys.

Seeing Fan Keqin's delicious food, Zhuang Xiaoman couldn't help but feel a little funny, because sometimes men, no matter how old they are, will have a childish side.She had never seen such a side of Fan Keqin before, and unexpectedly she saw it now.

In fact, Zhuang Xiaoman was a bit misunderstood, because isn't this a kind of disguise?Moreover, this is a natural disguise, which is the most difficult for people to see through.At this time, Zhuang Xiaoman was a little deceived.

After eating and drinking, Fan Keqin asked Erwin to pay the bill, and the two of them really hit it off.Of course, Fan Keqin took the initiative, as if Miao Yue approached Cao Yan.As long as the method is right, the two sides can see each other in a very short period of time.And not only women and women, men and men sometimes become confidantes, and the time it takes may be shorter.

In addition, Fan Keqin also hooked the other party with business.You know, apart from those who are fleeing, most of the foreigners who come to China now come here to find opportunities to make a fortune. In addition, Erwin has already started a business. Why?Don't you just want to make money?Hearing that Fan Keqin told him that he wanted to start a business as a partner, he was not in a hurry.So it can be said that the two hit it off, and the more they talked, the happier they were. What is so good about Germany at this time?Definitely a German industrial product.

Fan Keqin said: "Erwin, don't you have friends in Germany? Ask them to help and provide something. For example... well, German cars are not as good as American, British and Japanese cars. Bad. I've lived in Germany, and I know it for sure, so as long as you can get it in, huh? Are you really worried about selling, Erwin?"

After hearing this, Erwin was actually a little moved, but after thinking about it, he frowned and said in a low voice: "Wan, you also know that now that the Americans have declared war on Germany, some things cannot be transported at all. What a...damn, what a stupid jap."

Fan Keqin was a little surprised, and said, "The Japanese? They are allies with Germany."

Erwin curled his lips a little after hearing this: "You know? Germany did make a lot of mistakes in this war, but I think the most wrong one is to establish relations with the Italians and the Japanese."

Fan Keqin naturally knew what he meant.In this war, Italy almost became the funny master of later generations.What about Little Japan?The tactical ability is indeed good, but the strategic vision is very low.The attack on Pearl Harbor now looks to have really hit the American fleet hard.

But with the industrial capabilities of the United States, it won't be long before it will almost become a berserk mode.In fact, before the Pearl Harbor incident, there was a general feeling in the United States that "this is not our war".They are pure opportunists who only want to make war fortune.At the very least, if they really end up participating in the battle, it will be greatly delayed.

As a result, once the little Japan came, there was no other way, and the Americans had no choice but to join the war immediately.We must know that when we were in Midway Island, the United States and Japan had almost the same number of aircraft carriers. As a result, in the second year, if the main aircraft carrier is not counted, the Americans launched more than [-] escort aircraft carriers in a little over a year. .Little Japan was a little confused at the time, not to mention other warships.

According to Fan Keqin's analysis, although it is not yet that time, Germany is really dissatisfied with Little Japan for the United States to end the war so soon.That's why Erwin said that.

After hearing this, Fan Keqin pretended to consider the other party's words seriously, and then said: "This is indeed a big problem. Now Germany is using submarine warfare to block the UK. It's very unlikely."

"Yeah." Erwin was also a little helpless, and said: "How else would I only open this beer hall? Huh? Wan, can you imagine that I don't make a lot of money, but I can only earn some service fees. in your mood?"

(End of this chapter)

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