spy ace

Chapter 834 Lessons Learned

Chapter 834 Lessons Learned
Zhuang Xiaoman was startled, and then immediately went to the side wall of the window.

But Fan Keqin said next: "Don't look, I've already solved it."

Zhuang Xiaoman sat down suspiciously, and thought about it carefully.Seeing her like this, Fan Keqin didn't bother her, because the best way for a person to make progress is to start thinking about what went wrong immediately after knowing that he has made a mistake.Because people cannot always be right, there is another saying - we are all moving forward in mistakes.

Although mistakes in the secret service industry mean that a crisis is approaching, but no one can be completely error-free.As long as you don't make fatal mistakes, you're fine.

Fan Keqin seems to almost never make mistakes, as if in this field, there is no situation that can stop him.But in fact, in his previous life, he also had a novice period.Having accumulated enough experience, this will make him look extremely powerful now.

Zhuang Xiaoman was obviously thinking about it carefully, and soon, she raised her head and said, "Brother, did you follow me on the nearby Sanle Street? Could it be that... the puppet government has set up a plan around the Peace Hotel?" eyeliner?"

Fan Keqin hummed, and said, "You can think of Sanle Street, which means that you were very vigilant before this, and you can be sure that you have not been followed. Right?"

Zhuang Xiaoman said: "Yes, before this, almost every time I passed an intersection, I would use the windows of the buildings on both sides of the street and other reflective objects to determine the situation behind me. Then I want to have dinner with you when I come back, so I just bought some sauced beef on Sanle Street, only a few tens of meters away from Sanle Street to the Peace Hotel, and I... relaxed my vigilance."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, it's only about [-] meters away from the Peace Hotel. I didn't notice it at the end. It's really a bit of luck. That person told me before he died that he wanted to do it with you. He is a businessman, judging by his demeanor and words and deeds, I guess it is a three-handed person, he is the one who got his eye on you when he thought you should have a lot of cash on you when you bought these meats on Sanle Street."

Speaking of which, Fan Keqin reached out and took out a piece of sliced ​​sauced beef from the oil paper bag on the table, stuffed it in his mouth, um!good to eat!Just add some mashed garlic or something, it will be more delicious.But after all, I am with a lady, so let’s talk about mashed garlic, unless the other party also eats it, and it only needs to have a similar smell.

After swallowing it, Fan Keqin said: "The ancients often say that you should be cautious at the beginning and the end. You have done [-]% of a thing, but if you relax at the last [-]%, everything before that may be in vain. .”

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and said: "Yes, I did slack off at the end. If that person is really professional... Fortunately, you help me keep an eye on the back, otherwise the consequences are really hard to say."

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, you can recognize your mistakes and pay attention to this problem in the future, that's all." He picked up a piece of beef again and said: "But in our business, sometimes we must Look at the problem from both positive and negative sides. For example: Once the anti-stalking action comes out, your identity will be exposed with a high probability, because you have not received training in this area, how can you make professional anti-stalking actions, or protective actions? What about the measures? So sometimes it is best to do nothing, as always. So this time, it cannot be said that you are completely wrong. After all, that kid is eyeing you just for the three-handed business. If he succeeds, we But it’s just a loss of some money. As I said just now, just pay attention to the issue of being cautious about the beginning and the end in the future.”

Zhuang Xiaoman's face was a little red, and said: "Yes, brother, I will definitely remember."

Fan Keqin picked up a piece of sauced beef again, and said: "This beef is well bought, oops... It's been a long time since I have eaten such authentic sauced beef. Come on, you haven't eaten it yet. Tell me by the way, put a password things."

"Yes." Zhuang Xiaoman agreed, sat down, ate and drank with Fan Keqin, and at the same time explained the situation after they separated from Fan Keqin.

Actually, it's really nothing special.But it is extremely practical: the password is agreed in advance, and there are many one-time dead letter boxes on Post Street.What does that mean?That is, in a certain residential area, the residents in each unit door have that kind of mailbox downstairs, but the mailboxes of most people are useless, and they may not receive a letter for several years. letter.

This kind of mailbox, after being used by the agents, will be discarded once.It's really impossible to check a little bit, and you can't even do it after you know it.Because after using it once, you won’t be using it any more, so you’ll have a hard time squatting until you’re dead, isn’t it!
This time, it was this kind of one-time dead mailbox that contacted the wolves.Zhuang Xiaoman first bought paper, pens and envelopes at the store.Then, using code words, he wrote a letter that looked like the content of visiting relatives.In fact, it is the time and place that need to be connected.Then post it to a one-time dead mailbox.

During the process of coming back, Zhuang Xiaoman was quite careful.Her ability is really not weak, and she didn't do any anti-tracking actions, but she was using mirrors, windows, or corners on the street to pay attention to the movement behind her from the corner of her eye to see what was behind her. There is no tail, which is the same as Fan Keqin's usual method.

The advantage is that the movements are stealthy, even if there are professionals watching, the other party is just walking normally, without any protective measures.

The downside is that you need to watch and analyze more, because it is too secretive, and it will definitely be like this.For example: Do you look back clearly, or do you see things clearly with peripheral vision?Definitely look back.Therefore, people who use this technique need to have good analytical skills and strong observation skills.In addition, you have to observe frequently, and then superimpose the information you observe each time, so that you can make a correct judgment.

Zhuang Xiaoman kept observing all the way, she can be sure that there is no tail behind her.In addition, this is the first time she has come to Fengtian, and she has never shown her face before. It can be said that she has no acquaintances here. Besides, she has not done anything, and the chance of being affixed is very low, so she is in Sanle. On the street, let your guard down.But let a relatively layman with three hands follow her at a distance of about [-] meters.

After talking about this, Zhuang Xiaoman finally said: "Brother, I made an agreement on tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. If no one comes to the meeting in these two days, the other party or us will be delayed by something..."

(End of this chapter)

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