spy ace

Chapter 849 Information

Chapter 849 Information
Fan Keqin nodded after listening, and said: "Well, you continue to talk."

Zhuang Xiaoman said: "Okay, there are [-] people who will replace their class, and there is another class of the same class. They go to work for one night and rest for one night. They take turns to replace the sixteen people in the Changbai class at night." Squad. Then, at night... well, at [-]:[-] p.m., [-]:[-] p.m., and [-]:[-] p.m., a team of five people will be sent to patrol, but at this time, the wolves cannot stay outside the factory for the sake of secrecy. It was monitored, so I only saw them patrolling the factory. I don’t know whether they are patrolling outside or not. But I guess, with the usual style of little Japanese devils, they should patrol around.”

"En." Fan Keqin agreed, thought for a while, and said, "It's okay, you finish first."

"Yes." Zhuang Xiaoman said: "During the day, the team of [-] people on duty was replaced by [-] people from the Changbai shift back to the factory. But basically all of them were distributed at the entrance and inside of the office building and the two workshops. The wolves My brother saw it through a homemade periscope underground."

Fan Keqin then asked: "Well, what about the other class? The rest class is just sleeping?"

Zhuang Xiaoman said: "During the day...sometimes I also help out and show up inside the factory, but they are very relaxed. After all, they are working all day and overnight, so they are basically resting. And it is mainly in the office building. So the wolves judged that the office building should be their dormitory for rest. I think their judgment should be accurate."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, except for these little devils in charge of guards?"

"Well, the wolves also have feedback on this point." Zhuang Xiaoman replied: "Except for these little devils, there are a total of nearly twenty people, and it should be eighteen. These people are all wearing civilian clothes and are not equipped with weapons. Fourteen of them stayed in the workshop on the right for a long time. At night, they also went back to the office building to rest."

Zhuang Xiaoman paused at this point, and said: "The wolves responded that these fourteen people basically entered the factory at [-] o'clock in the morning, especially the workshop on the right, oh, what I said was facing the office building. , the workshop on the right. Almost all of them stayed in the workshop on the right as long as around eight o’clock in the daytime. Then, according to observations in the past few days, four people entered the workshop on the left. And I still went to get the cart and pushed some heavy things, and entered the workshop on the right again, so the wolves judged that the workshop on the left was just transformed into a warehouse by them. Otherwise, these plainclothes people would not There will be these two behaviors."

"Well, reasonable." Fan Keqin said: "Is there any more detailed information, I mean about these plainclothes."

"Yes." Zhuang Xiaoman said: "The four people who don't show their heads very much seem to have a high status. After coming out of the office building a few times, this group of people showed considerable respect when they saw it, because no matter who The soldiers in Little Japan, as well as some other plainclothes people, behaved very...respecting each other. But judging from the way they dress and walk, these four people are definitely not officers, and they must not have received any military training. Age does not count It’s too small, the smallest one should be around [-]. The largest one can be more than [-]. Of course, this is just a guess based on observations, and it may not be accurate.”

Speaking of this, Zhuang Xiaoman paused, and said again: "Basically, that's it, oh! In the past few days of observation, the four people only showed two faces, but they all held a long tube, which looked a bit like The kind of protective tube that preserves precious paintings, but the wolves should also not know that this is the weapons research institute of Little Japan. So they are not sure who the identities of those people are. But after listening to it, I feel... this The four people should be the key, and there is a high probability that they are experts in weapons or machinery, scientists and the like."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, this speculation is also reasonable. The wolves are not aware of the weapons research institute. However, they should have a rough judgment through observation, so it is normal to say so."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin lit a Laobaduo cigarette that can still be bought in later generations, and after puffing out a puff of blue smoke, he continued: "As you said, these four people may be small Japanese weapons The weapons expert of the research institute. Combining with what you said before, they carry heavy things in another workshop, and those fourteen people always work in the workshop on the right. And these four people are very respected, etc. According to information, they should be the main scientists leading the weapons research institute. At least, the probability is very high."

After hearing this, Zhuang Xiaoman thought about it carefully, and then said: "Brother, judging from the current information, there should be no need to change our plan."

"There is no need to change the plan." Fan Keqin said, "But the time of action needs to be carefully studied. What you just said is the patrol time at night, what about during the day?"

Zhuang Xiaoman replied: "During the day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, the morning is around ten o'clock, but there is no fixed time. In the afternoon, it is around three o'clock, and it is basically not fixed. The patrol route is fixed, but It basically covers the roads inside the entire factory. The non-Changbai shift will dispatch five, sometimes six people to patrol. Gather in front of the office building, and then, go right, then turn left and enter the right The road between the right wall of the workshop and the factory wall, then turn left, then turn left into the road between the two workshops, follow the road between the workshop on the left and the factory wall, and again from between the two workshops When I came back, I basically walked in a serpentine shape, and finally returned to the office building. The whole time was about five minutes."

"Well." Fan Keqin combined the factory structure diagram in his mind, imagined, and then said: "Although the time is short, the coverage rate is very high. There are basically no dead ends. From this point of view, we'd better avoid For example, ten o'clock in the morning, three o'clock in the afternoon, nine thirty in the evening, half past twelve and half past two in the evening. If not, the patrols are wandering in the yard, although I believe that with our firepower, even if Even if they bump into each other, they will end the opponent in a short time. But it is still a trouble, because if the opponent walks to a hidden place such as a corner alley, such as the corner of the courtyard wall, even if the opponent does not meet at the first time of the action, It is also possible that they will adopt sneak attack or cold gun tactics during the first contact, causing the wolves to lose a bit."

(End of this chapter)

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