spy ace

Chapter 857 The Raid Comes

Chapter 857 The Raid Comes
But these, the six sons don't need to worry about it. In fact, the work of the branch of the local security bureau has basically been completed.So without hesitation, Liu Zi immediately picked up the phone beside him and dialed a number.

When he heard a long tone from the receiver, he breathed a sigh of relief, which proved that the temporary thread was still there.It has not been destroyed.

Sure enough, there was only one ring, and the phone was picked up by the other side.Said: "Hey, who is this gate looking for?"

Liu Zi immediately said, "The meal is ready. It's ready to eat."

The person who answered the phone said: "Okay." Then he put down the phone, quickly ran to the car from the grass, got into it, and said, "Start to act." As he spoke, he leaned on a Tom in the middle Sen picked it up and loaded it directly.

The car started immediately, and the driver deftly shifted into gear, fueled up with his feet, and drove the car directly out of the back of the dirt bag and into the road.

The dirt bag they were hiding in before was only a few hundred meters away from the factory in a straight line. They drove to the front very quickly, and the car turned off the road and drove towards the gate of the factory.

Through the front windshield, the five members of the wolf pack who had already changed their clothes at this time in the car could all be seen.At the gate of the factory, about ten meters in front, there is a bayonet.In front of the bayonet, there were three little Japanese soldiers with long guns on their backs, staring at the car they were waiting for.

The factory door behind the bayonet is open, but there are also little devils standing guard on both sides of the door.About three meters to their right was a simple machine gun position, with a light machine gun pointing in the direction of the road leading to the factory gate.The machine gunner at the back didn't seem to be attacking, but he was on the side of the light machine gun.

Another possibility is the secondary shooter, also on the other side of the machine gun.These two boys are like a small animal on the African grassland, with their upper body upright, looking at the car they are waiting for.

About five meters to the right of the machine gun position, there is a bungalow.There is a door on the left side of this bungalow and a window on the right side.Although it is impossible to observe whether there is anyone in the window from this angle.But this is almost certain, after all, the chimney above the bungalow is still smoking.

About seven or eight meters away from the bayonet, the car stopped.At the same time, as soon as the car stopped, the co-pilot, the wolf pack agent wearing the uniform of the little devil's officer, seemed to hear something, then turned his head and bowed quickly, and said loudly: "Hi one."

As soon as he did this, it may be because of the Japanese sentence and the officer's uniform he was wearing.As a result, although the gang of little devils didn't let them go, they stood at attention at the same time.

As soon as the voice of "Hi One" fell, the four doors of the car opened at the same time.The five people in the car got out of the car almost at the same time within a second or two of each other, and just stood firm.The special service members of the five wolves sped up their movements significantly, and the Thomson submachine guns that were blocked by the car doors and military cloaks suddenly came out.

"Tata, tata...", the muzzle of the gun immediately began to swallow flames.At this moment, the two devils standing guard at the gate of the factory, the three at the bayonet, and the two at the machine gun position began to sway almost at the same time.

Originally, it was so close.And they thought they saw the Japanese officer, and they stood at attention.In addition, Thomson's rate of fire is fierce.There was no reaction at all, and they all confessed their lives in one face-to-face meeting.

The few people who were using submachine guns immediately relaxed their fingers, turned the muzzle of the gun, and pulled the trigger again.Then I saw the door and window of the small house not far away, which were immediately covered by bullet holes.The wooden door was knocked, and sawdust flew across.The windows were broken.

The only team member who used a short gun took out two grenades from his pocket when they shifted the muzzle of the gun, pulled out the safety latch in an instant, and after a delay of about two seconds, he swung his arm vigorously and swished. Two black American grenades were thrown through the broken glass.

As soon as the sound of "boom boom" came out, almost in the next second, two people with submachine gun ammunition rushed to the front, and continued to shoot inward from the window.The other two people had already rushed in from the door, forming a cross-shooting circle with the two people standing at the small door and outside the window, and they also started shooting frantically.

So is there anyone in the house?Really, the discipline among the little devils is still very strict. There are a total of sixteen little devils here, seven outside and nine inside the house.Two of them are positive and negative sub-captains.

Although they heard the movement of the car, the wolves attacked too quickly, almost as soon as they made contact, the next car was delayed for a second or two, and then launched an attack.

It took only two seconds to kill the few people outside, and then they shot suppressively at the hut.Before they could even react at this time, two of them were killed on the spot.The rest quickly ducked down to dodge, but at this moment, two grenades were thrown in again.

After the two bangs, they were all in the same room. Even if they were not killed immediately, such a short distance would have directly shocked people.

Besides, this was not over yet, the wolves immediately rushed to the window and the door of the house, and continued to approach the sweep, and all the people in the house were instantly and completely killed.This is called a continuous attack, one after another at all, until you are killed.

At the beginning, the agent in the co-pilot position saw that all the little devils were suddenly killed, and while changing the magazine, he shouted: "Attack inside!"

This was agreed a long time ago, and the remaining people are counted, especially after the shooting just now, even the drums are basically out of bullets, so everyone basically changed their magazines and started rushing into the factory gate ...

It is said that the wolf pack members hiding in the sewer beside the entrance of the office building, especially the first one, saw the sky gradually getting brighter from the small hole at the mouth of the well, and began to remind the people behind them to be ready at all times.

Sure enough, when he heard Thomson's unique firing sound, he quickly identified in his mind that it was the gunshot coming from the direction of the factory gate, so he didn't hide anymore, and roared, saying: " Start to act! Come with me!"

When he said the first two words, he had already bent over and stood up, using his shoulders and back to push the manhole cover up.When he said the word action, he had already rolled over and jumped to the ground.Finally, after finishing the three words "follow me", he had rushed to the door of the office building for five or six steps, and was about to enter the door.

(End of this chapter)

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