spy ace

Chapter 863 Investigating the Military Aircraft

Chapter 863 Investigating the Military Aircraft
Therefore, Fan Keqin felt that it was not surprising that the other party knew these things.But if Fan Keqin didn't get Sun Guoxin's approval, no one can say that.So he smiled and said, "That's good, what did the boss say? Didn't you give any benefits to the brothers?"

Dong Huayi said: "Then why not send it? For sure. Besides, because of this matter, the old man summoned the director himself. I am very happy to see the status of the director back."

Having said that, Dong Huayi added with some emotion, "If the importance of our Security Bureau is increased in the old man's mind, I guess we can definitely get more resources. Besides, I will inform you again. This matter, the document of the Military Commission has been released, and our Security Bureau may continue to expand, especially your investigation department..."

Speaking of this, Dong Huayi said in a softer voice: "Maybe it is to increase the right to investigate the army. You know, this piece was originally owned by the Military Control Bureau. Now that this job is assigned... It does increase the right, but you also I know, brother, if I fail, I may offend those military leaders. In short, you have to be careful."

Fan Keqin nodded solemnly, and said, "Thank you Brother Huayi for reminding me, I will be careful."

"Yeah." Dong Huayi said, "That's all right, I'll go out for a while, you go upstairs, and wait until I get back to you."

"Sure, then I won't refuse." Fan Keqin said with a smile, said goodbye to Dong Huayi, and went upstairs directly along the stairs.Turning to the right, you came to the door of the director's office, and entered it through Liao Wangkun.

As soon as Sun Guoxin saw him coming back, he immediately put down a document he was reading, took out two cigars, walked around the desk and gave one to Fan Keqin, then patted Fan Keqin's arm heavily, and said: "Really Well done, Keqin. Going into the tiger’s den alone, strategizing, and destroying the weapons research institute and arsenal of Little Japan in one fell swoop. After the old man found out about this, he immediately personally ordered a reward for you. It’s really amazing.”

Fan Keqin came to understand a little bit, it wasn't Dong Huayi's slip of the tongue earlier, because Sun Guoxin also mentioned the word arsenal.But he himself understood that it was really just a weapons research institute in Little Japan. Of course, there was nothing wrong with insisting that it was an arsenal.Because the weapons research institute will definitely produce one or two new weapons based on the designs of some gun designers, or researchers such as scientists.Then test it.

But the production of new weapons is nothing more than a sample, so if you say that it is just a research institute rather than an arsenal, it should be more accurate.

Now that Sun Guoxin also said the word "arsenal", it is impossible that Dong Huayi made a mistake.It is estimated that he may want to report this way, the credit is greater, and it is indeed related to the arsenal.It's nothing more than wanting more credit.This can be seen from the fact that a small team of devil soldiers that he knew has become the two teams that Dong Huayi said.

But Fan Keqin also understood that he didn't need to say anything.Because it's okay to make the credit bigger.As long as there is no exaggeration or fraud in the early investigation or intelligence, but after completing the mission, it doesn't matter if you want to get more rewards.

But if the information from the previous investigation dared to falsify, then Fan Keqin could not be blamed.It is bound to be dealt with seriously, because in this way, if the falsehoods were made in the early stage, the information will become inaccurate.When customizing the action plan, fatal mistakes may be made.This is something Fan Keqin can't stand, and it's also a principle.That is: "The situation in the early stage must be accurate and must not be violated. But it is also possible to gain more benefits and credits afterwards."

So Fan Keqin said with a smile: "Secretary, this time I went with Zhuang Xiaoman. In addition, the cooperation of the brothers is indeed in place. The most important thing is your support. If not, it is absolutely impossible to complete for this task."

Sun Guoxin was also very happy, and said: "Come on, let's sit down and talk." After finishing speaking, he pulled Fan Keqin to sit on the sofa.

Fan Keqin immediately helped him light the cigar, and then took a puff by himself, saying: "Boss, I started to rush back the day before the action of the local brothers, and kept a low profile all the way, so I don't know the specific situation. Now How is it? What happened to the secret base in Little Japan?"

Sun Guoxin exhaled a mouthful of blue smoke, and then whispered habitually, "All four Japanese weapons experts died, and there were more than a dozen technicians. A small group of devil soldiers guarding the weapons research institute were killed by wolves. All the groups and litters were taken away. No one slipped through the net."

Fan Keqin noticed this time that Sun Guoxin was talking about a small group of devil soldiers.In other words, exaggerating the achievements and achievements must be Sun Guoxin's acquiescence, or even his own instructions.

Sun Guoxin went on to say: "In addition, according to the incomplete statistics of the local brothers in the city, as of the day before yesterday, at least [-] people were killed by the police of the puppet government and the Japanese agencies stationed in Fengtian. One of them may be a Japanese special agency. But this information is not yet fully confirmed. However, it is understandable that if such a big incident happened in Fengtian, Little Japan and the puppet government will definitely jump over the wall, and the whole city will enter a stage of turmoil. Probe and prove this information , It’s really not easy, and we still need to wait for the wind to pass before we can slowly confirm it further.”

After hearing this, Fan Keqin nodded with a smile, and said, "Well, the smooth implementation of the plan is more important than anything else. The result now is really, quite good."

"Come on, tell me." Sun Guoxin asked: "What happened at that time? Be more specific."

"Yes." Fan Keqin agreed, and said, "After Zhuang Xiaoman and I arrived in Shanghai, we didn't immediately contact the Wolf Pack and Fengtian Sub-bureau, but went to Chongshan Street first..."

Fan Keqin's memory is still very good. After arriving in Fengtian, how did he investigate first, how did he contact the wolves and the local branch, and finally how to customize two sets of plans according to the investigation situation. The specific steps of the plan are as follows: What, etc., all of them were introduced to Sun Guoxin in detail.

When everything was finished, Fan Keqin finally said: "That's it. I bought the ticket at the train station and waited for Zhuang Xiaoman. When she came, I made sure that there was no tail behind her. I met her and listened to her report." , and finally got in the car, and set off directly to Shanghai first. It was also because I left early..."

(End of this chapter)

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