spy ace

Chapter 873

Chapter 873
Huazhang went on to say: "Because Little Japan's preparation time is not easy to be too long. If it is too long, it will increase the possibility of leaking secrets."

Fan Keqin still agreed with her point of view. In fact, he thought more about it, so he said, "Tell me, is what Gao Haiyang said true? Is there really such a boat?"

Hearing this, Huazhang frowned slightly, and said, "You mean, we were deceived by Gao Haiyang? Is he lying?"

"No." Fan Keqin said: "He didn't lie, and neither did Li Bing. The possibility of this plan being true or false is too flexible."

"Flexible?" Huazhang said a little puzzled: "I still hope to see the teacher."

Fan Keqin said: "A secret that was planted more than two years ago has now been activated. This action is naturally true, because there is indeed a person named Li Bing now, and I will contact him again. And the contact in the special frequency band, It can also prove that Gao Haiyang did not lie. But... what about the person who planned this in Little Japan? Where is a certain leader in their base camp? Is there any possibility of him lying?"

Huazhang seemed to understand what he meant, and said, "Virgo, what you mean is that it doesn't matter whether this plan is true or not, but this plan can change at any time. If Gao Haiyang has problems, then naturally there is no need to implement the plan." , if Gao Haiyang is okay, then launching such a terrorist plan behind us seems to be a very good move. But the question is, what does the base camp of Little Japan think, right?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "Think about it, everything in it seems to be logical. Although Gao Haiyang has not done anything for more than two years since he was turned into a traitor by them. But it is impossible for Little Japan to really It is very logical to give up such a secret, so it will naturally be activated and used. "

Huazhang snuffed out the cigarette butt, and said, "That's right, every shadow has a role to play, and it's impossible to just throw it away."

Fan Keqin said: "Then, after all, it has not been used for more than two years. It is very reasonable to test it out and send someone like Li Bing to connect with him to play a role of safety and insurance."

Hua Zhang agreed again: "That's right."

Fan Keqin said: "All of this is logical, but there is only one thing that I feel is not quite right, that is, Li Bing, the person who plays the role of security insurance, explained a little concretely when meeting with Gao Haiyang."

After hearing this, Huazhang was also suspicious, and after thinking for a while, he said, "This... Virgo, if Li Bing is safe, he will tell Gao Haiyang to pick up a ship with a lot of explosives on it. Gao Haiyang knows After understanding this point, if there is any problem, it can be exposed early..."

When she said this, she immediately felt something was wrong, looked at Fan Keqin and said, "Virgo, this seems a bit deliberate!"

"That's right." Fan Keqin said, "If I assign a mission together, I won't do that. As long as I explain clearly what the other party should do. I won't say what's on that ship. Just need to Just let him accept it."

After hearing this, Huazhang fell into deep thought, and said after a while: "Then what is this for? Just to test Gao Haiyang? It seems that it is not right for such a traitor to test whether the whole plan can be implemented. "

Fan Keqin said: "The possibility of inadvertently telling the truth...is not impossible, but it is really low, almost impossible."

Hua Zhang said, "Then what's the point of Li Bing doing this?"

Fan Keqin said: "Let's think about it the other way around. What Li Bing said is really meaningless to Gao Haiyang. Because no matter whether he knows what is on the ship or not, he has to respond, because He has indeed become a traitor. If it is a simple temptation, then the Japanese plan may not be a ship of terror plan."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin was startled suddenly, looked up at Hua Zhang and said, "In addition to the current address, Li Bing also set up a spare safe house for himself."

After hearing this, Huazhang said thoughtfully: "Yes! And I paid half a year's rent. This is a long-term backup action."

Fan Keqin said: "Li Bing...there is a high probability that he is a genuine Japanese spy... Japanese spies are very professional. Under normal circumstances, it seems to be a normal action to lurk in one place and leave a way out for yourself. , If it were me, if I wanted to lurk in a certain enemy-occupied area, I would also set up a backup safe house for myself. But this guy's action is that as soon as he arrived in the local area, he took down two garrisons, and then lived in another place, and a house is vacant. What do you mean?"

Huazhang said: "Xiaozhi understands what you mean. There is only one unreasonable thing here, that is, he is too quick to prepare a backup for himself. From the perspective of the other party, when he arrives here, even if he prepares a spare safe house, he must After a while, there will be a buffer."

"That's right." Fan Keqin said: "Just arrived at a place, keep a low profile, wait until it's not so conspicuous, there is nothing wrong with slowly preparing a safe house. But he prepared one immediately after arriving here. This shows that he is He came with a purpose, and he knows that he will probably use it next time!"

"He will only use it when he may feel dangerous." Hua Zhang said: "But Li Bing still lives at the current address and has not used this spare house. That means he still feels safe for the time being. However, once When he came here, he knew that he would use the safe house, so...he knew what he was going to do next, and this action must be dangerous, so he prepared the house early."

"Yeah." Fan Keqin smiled and said, "He knows what he is going to do. In other words, Li Bing came with a mission. A person who came with a mission picked up Gao Haiyang and said In order to let it meet the ship, it also said a little more specific content. Think again, what does this mean?"

After hearing this, Huazhang said: "There is only one possibility... to divert your attention and make a noise. But... Virgo, I still can't figure it out. His connection with Gao Haiyang is based on circumstances that we don't know. He can't predict the future. , I’m sure we’ll lock on Gao Haiyang.”

"Of course he can't predict the future." Fan Keqin laughed: "But he must have prepared something to expose Gao Haiyang. Although I don't know his method yet, if he really wants to make a fuss and attract our attention...it must be When the high ocean picks up the ship."

(End of this chapter)

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