spy ace

Chapter 885 Nails

Chapter 885 Nails
Firefox thinks that he is no worse than men, and his level of care is far more than that of men.In addition, the most important thing about her is her calmness.Women are naturally more emotional than men, but Firefox is naturally calm. It seems that she has been like this since she was a child. Even her mother commented that she is very cold-tempered.You know, Firefox was only fourteen years old at that time.

In fact, what her mother didn't know was that Firefox's cold temper was completely caused by her.Because she is a little neurotic, she will become excited when encountering anything, even chatting with neighbors, she will gradually enter the drama, substituting herself into Zhang San Li Si in her mouth, as if she really encountered something.

It is precisely because of Firefox's temperament that her observation ability is excellent, and her judgment is even more excellent.He is sharper than a fox in making decisions about things.So when she joined the security bureau training base, after the training, she was directly selected by Huazhang as one of the four captains of the security team, codenamed: Firefox.

Since Li Bing was locked, Firefox and her team members have been responsible for following this line.But apart from the last time when Li Bing suddenly had something that didn't conform to the law of the other party's life, until now, Li Bing has behaved just like a normal person.

But Firefox didn't feel anxious at all, she seemed to still maintain her absolute calm.

After a while, she picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, then put down the coffee again, she stirred the small spoon in the coffee cup and turned it towards the outside.

A secret service member sitting near the stairs saw him and immediately raised his left hand to look at his watch.Then he got up and walked downstairs with a friend who looked like a friend on the opposite side, and left through the door.

Similarly, when the two guests downstairs saw this, they were not in a hurry, they got up slowly, and directly pressed a banknote on the table.Then walked out.

They cooperated very well, with a distance of about [-] meters between each other. They were not conspicuous after mixing with pedestrians, but they could echo back and forth.

The reason why Firefox issued the order to act just now was because she saw that Li Bing had come out of the company and was locking the door.What about Li Bing?For an ordinary person, if he hadn't grasped the identity of the other party's spy in advance, and just followed like this, it would be almost difficult to find out that there was something wrong with the other party.

Conscientiousness is almost synonymous with Li Bing's work, just like the old scalper who will work diligently in all jobs in the company, whether there is a leader or not.

But having said that, a spy is a spy after all, and it would definitely be inappropriate for him to do something too outstanding.So he always commutes on time, just like most office workers.

But today's Li Bing, although on the surface he is still the same as before, but his heart is by no means as calm as his surface.Because he was going to do something today that he would never do normally.

For this reason, he deliberately left the company a few days ago, just before noon, in order to thoroughly confirm whether his environment was safe, and the result was very optimistic.

So he was still the same as usual, the last one to go out from the company, turned around and locked the lock unhurriedly, then came to the side, unlocked his bicycle, slipped twice, and rode on it with one leg.

However, Li Bing just crossed this section of the road and turned a corner directly. After walking for a short distance according to the usual route home, he turned a corner directly and entered a street.Then turned again, passed through a small alley, and then boarded the avenue again.

In this way, Li Bing's riding speed was a little faster than usual, but it was still kept in an unobtrusive manner.Thirty minutes later, he has arrived at Shishi Erdao Street, which is a little south of the West New District.

This place was built after Chongqing moved its capital.With the influx of a large amount of materials and funds, the old city of Chongqing has been expanded a lot.And there are several old stone factories and rebuilt warehouses here.

Although the warehouse here is not next to the wharf and other places, it is far away.But it is also true, the rent of this warehouse on Shishi Erdao Street is not as expensive as those on Wharf Street and Warehouse Street.It can be said that at half the price, you can get a bigger warehouse.

And the warehouse rented by Li Bing's car and horse shop is here.As soon as Li Bing arrived at Shishi Erdao Street, he immediately stopped his car at a wine shop, and then walked in. After a while, he came out again, already carrying two catties of old wine, as well as fennel beans and dried tofu. , and half a roast duck.

Li Bing got on the car again, rode forward for only half a street, and stopped in front of a courtyard gate.Then he raised his hand and patted the door, and asked loudly, "Is Daqun here? I'm Li Bing! Open the door for me."

After speaking, he slammed on the door again.After a while, footsteps came from the yard, and a male voice said, "Who is it?"

Li Bing smiled even better, and said, "I'm Li Bing! Hurry up, I'm here for a drink with you."

"Oh, Brother Li." The people inside seemed a little surprised, but also a little happy. Come on, hurry up, go in and talk."

"Then, I made two catties of old wine and half a duck. We two brothers should have a good drink later." Li Bing was talking, and he had already handed the food and wine to the other party, and said : "I'll push the bike in, don't lose it later." While speaking, holding on to the handlebar, he pushed the bike in through the small door in the middle of the big iron gate.

The two seem to have known each other for a long time, but they are a little polite to each other, so they should be not so familiar acquaintances.It turned out that this was a nail planted by Li Bing, because since he knew what was in the warehouse of the car and horse dealer, he deliberately approached the warehouse manager.

Of course, too much is not enough, the purpose is too obvious, so in the name of a fellow townsman, he made an approach, and said that he would have a drink with him when he had time.It is perfectly fine to bury the head of today's behavior.

Sure enough, the warehouse manager was also very surprised to see Li Bing coming, but he himself was quite happy, thinking that he and Li Bing were fellow villagers, which in Chongqing belonged to people who were strangers in a foreign land.In addition, although Li Bing had only chatted with him a little before and never showed up, but when he came to the door at this time, there was a feeling.Don't look at me as a fellow, it took me so long to come here, but what I said was still considered, at least very sincere.

(End of this chapter)

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