spy ace

Chapter 887

Chapter 887
Huazhang got up, opened the door and was about to go out, he let out a snort, and said, "Sister-in-law is here."

Lu Xiaoya's voice followed, saying, "Hey, Huazhang, I'm not off work yet."

"No." Huazhang said with a smile: "The seat is in the room, you go in."

The two greeted each other, and Huazhang went to work on his own affairs.Lu Xiaoya walked into Fan Keqin's office. Fan Keqin stood up with a smile, took Lu Xiaoya's arm and sat down on the sofa next to him, saying, "Are you in a hurry at home?"

Lu Xiaoya smiled and said, "If I say no, aren't you very disappointed?"

"Yeah." Fan Keqin admitted directly: "I'm very disappointed."

"Then I'm just waiting in a hurry." Lu Xiaoya said happily, "I just came back from the publishing house, and I called home before going out, but no one listened, so I came to have a look. How is it? When can I finish my work? "

Fan Keqin said, "What's the matter with the publishing house?"

Lu Xiaoya said: "There must be a lot of people? Everyone is here. I am also the editor-in-chief besides writing. I have to approve a few books for publication. Bookstores in various places have to be contacted. This busy work has been so busy until now, even meals I didn't even eat it."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "This is to take credit for me by running here, but it's really hard work. I'll take you to a good meal later. Didn't you always want to eat authentic Shui Bao Belly a while ago? I'll give it to you After inquiring, there is a new restaurant just outside Santiao Street. The owner is from Peiping, and the taste is said to be very authentic. Let’s try it later.”

Lu Xiaoya nodded like a chicken eating rice, and said, "Well, okay, how long will it take for you to finish?"

Fan Keqin looked at his watch and said, "Wait a minute, I'm waiting for some news. Let's go when we're done." After a pause, he said, "Are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat Shall I use the bar mat?"

Lu Xiaoya said: "No need. I want to keep my stomach and eat it."

Fan Keqin touched the other person's stomach and said, "Well, it's a little flat, can you hold it?"

Lu Xiaoya said firmly, "Yes."

The two of you were bantering, that's how it is sometimes, and when you're alone waiting, it's going to be a tough time.But if someone talks to you, especially someone you like, time will slip away instead.

This is the case now, the two of them got bored, and before they knew it, it was nine o'clock in the evening.Zhuang Xiaoman's voice came from the buzzer, saying: "President, Team Leader Hua is calling."

Fan Keqin glanced at Lu Xiaoya, and said, "Honey, you wait for me in the back room, and I'll answer the phone."

Lu Xiaoya is not the type who thinks she can participate in anything just because she is Fan Keqin's wife.If she was really like this, Fan Keqin certainly couldn't really drive her away.But the two of them will definitely have some unpleasantness in their hearts.This is something that Lu Xiaoya doesn't want to see. In addition, she also understands what Fan Keqin does, so there are some things that she really can't just participate in casually as the lover of the other party.

So Lu Xiaoya agreed, got up and went straight into the back room.Fan Keqin also came to the back of the desk to finish, and pressed the call button of the buzzer.Said: "Come in."

Then he picked up the phone and said, "Hello?"

"Boss." Huazhang said: "The client and his family separated thirty minutes ago. He just arrived home at this time. There was no stop on the way."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, stare at him. In addition, he has just met his family members who have been drinking together, and he has to deal with it in the same way. Now it's a critical moment, and we can't relax at all."

Huazhang said: "Understood, I will keep an eye on it."

What Fan Keqin was waiting for was this news. He was afraid that Li Bing would go to the warehouse in Shishi Erdao Street as a cover, and then he would go somewhere on the way home, or meet someone, so he waited until now.

At this time, Li Bing had already returned home, so there was a high probability that he would not go out again, otherwise the actions of going in and out would arouse suspicion from others.Li Bing is not that stupid, so he probably wouldn't do such a thing.However, he was still a little worried, and directly informed the confidential team of his itinerary before hanging up the phone.

Calling Lu Xiaoya out, the young couple walked out of the security bureau.After driving, I came directly to the restaurant outside Santiao Street.It turned out to be open.

As for restaurants, it’s normal for them to be open at nine o’clock. Except for those whose business is not so good, there are no customers, so they may really close early.However, although the location of this store is not considered a prime location, it is not bad. The surrounding residential areas are all of the middle level or above.Therefore, the consumption capacity is relatively high.After work, it is a good nightlife program to go out for a drink with family and friends, and get together.

Fan Keqin parked the car at the door, and the two of them went in directly, but there was no room left, and they were discussing whether to go to another place, but the shopkeeper of the restaurant turned out to be very helpful.Of course, he must also be the one who sees people ordering menus.Seeing that Fan Keqin and Zhuang Xiaoman are well-dressed, well-mannered in conversation, and they came in a car, they must be distinguished guests.There is no reason to blast out.

So I asked the store clerk to borrow two chairs and a small table from the neighbor next door, and temporarily added a place in a corner.

Fan Keqin and his wife were naturally happy, after all, they came here to take a bite.Ever since, Fan Keqin ordered Peking noodles with fried sauce, a plate of fried belly, and a plate of sauced beef. Lu Xiaoya didn't know where she learned it. She said that she wanted to control her figure, so she didn't eat the staple food.

Fan Keqin thought that his wife's good figure was a blessing to him, so he immediately agreed, and then ordered two more bottles of beer.Just like that, the young couple began to eat and drink.

Don't tell me, the hot pot belly that Lao Qi introduced is really authentic.The taste is even more authentic than what Fan Keqin ate when he was studying in BJ in his previous life. Of course, this may also be a psychological effect.Watching the shop assistants add old mature vinegar, fermented bean curd juice and so on to them in person, and finally sprinkle with appropriate sesame sauce, pick it up with chopsticks, trembling and looking at them, they will have an appetite, and it will make them crunch when they put it in their mouth It is chewy, jiu jiu, and crisp.

It made Fan Keqin drink most of the beer, and finally saw Lu Xiaoya rolling his eyes, so he stopped talking.

After the two of them ate and drank, they were satisfied, paid the money, and drove home.Once again the old rules, mandarin duck bath, then began to fall asleep.

On the second day, Fan Keqin washed and changed, first sent Lu Xiaoya to the publishing house, and then went to work in the Security Bureau.As a result, not long after entering the office, Huazhang came over and said, "Virgin, we have found out..."

(End of this chapter)

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