spy ace

Chapter 889 Home Visit

Chapter 889 Home Visit
"Hmm." Fan Keqin nodded, and said, "In addition, this person needs to not have much contact with Li Bing, so that there will be no frequent intersections at work. So that Li Bing can see what's going on."

"Yes." Hua Zhang said: "If there is such a person, then our work will be much easier."

Fan Keqin said: "Yes, you can handle this matter yourself. You must consider it carefully before contacting. In addition, it is best to choose those with family and children in the local area."

Huazhang nodded and said, "Understood, I'll do it now. The cargo ship will arrive around tomorrow afternoon, so there's time."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, you can go."

Huazhang took the order, got up and walked out from the director's office.He came directly to the field team and found Bai Fengtai. Fan Keqin had already greeted this side, so Bai Fengtai took his brothers without saying a word, and followed Huazhang out.

Of course, they won't go out as a group swaggeringly like in the film and television drama, this is not a raid operation.Therefore, they had to proceed in secret, and went directly to various buyers and sellers near the chariot and horse dealers. There were restaurants, teahouses, and mixed with pedestrians and corridors of residential buildings.

Huazhang and Bai Fengtai crossed their arms and came to the terrace seat on the second floor of the western restaurant, and sat directly with Firefox.After asking the waiter for two cups of coffee, Hua Zhang asked in a low voice: "You have been following the investigation of the car dealership, and now I need you to provide some information."

Firefox's eyes were still looking at the direction of the cars and horses, and said, "Yes, you said."

Huazhang said: "In the car and horse shop, is there any local person among Li Bing's bosses who have a family here, preferably with a wife and children. And this person must be able to check the car and horse shop reasonably at any time. The work of the dispatchers."

Firefox said: "There are three people who can check the work status of the dispatcher at any time, the team leader of the car dealership, the business supervisor, and the manager of the car dealership. Of course, if you count the boss of the car dealership, there are four. But The boss has other businesses, so he doesn’t always come to the car dealership. The business manager is single and doesn’t meet the requirements. I personally recommend choosing the sitting manager, because the team leader only lives with his father. And the sitting manager already has one. Wife and children, his parents are also in the local area. Such a person is relatively reliable and may be easy to control."

Huazhang was very satisfied with the information provided by Firefox, and said: "Great, let me introduce the manager in charge, name, home address, names of his wife and children, all of them."

All these situations can be said to be in Firefox's mind. When Huazhang asked, she immediately began to talk about it.So it's over soon.

Ten minutes later, Huazhang felt that these situations were enough, as long as the other party could fully cooperate.So let Firefox continue to stay here, and then left the western restaurant with Bai Fengtai and others.

Soon, [-] minutes later, Huazhang and Bai Fengtai came to Wang Hong's house, the manager of the car and horse shop.

His home is not bad, it is a small building with a single family, which is worthy of the level of a small villa.It can be seen that the car and horse dealership is still relatively profitable, so that he, the manager, can live in such a relatively high-end environment in Chongqing, where land is very expensive.

After ringing the doorbell, a woman opened the door for Huazhang and the others.I have to say that this woman's vigilance is not very good. Of course, there are also reasons why Hua Zhang and Bai Fengtai are good-looking and well-dressed, that is, they don't look like bad guys.

The woman looked at Hua Zhang and Bai Fengtai, and asked, "Who are you?"

Huazhang said: "We are from the National Economic Office, oh, please don't worry, it's just that I need to communicate with you about some issues. Can I go in and have a chat?" Then he took out a certificate from his pocket, mainly to show the other party Look at the blue sky and white sun mark.

Seeing this, the woman was still a little puzzled, and said, "Yes... yes, then please come in and talk about it."

Huazhang and Bai Fengtai followed her into the house, and the woman wanted to pour tea to them, Huazhang said, "Don't bother, let's get to the point as soon as possible. Actually, we are not from the Economic Office, but from the Security Bureau. This time I am mainly looking for your husband, and I want them to cooperate with us."

"Ah?" The woman was taken aback, and said, "Security Bureau? My husband manages a small car dealership. How can he help you?"

Hua Zhang said: "We will talk to your husband, so I would like you to call him so that he can go home at noon."

"This..." The woman obviously hesitated.

"Ms. Wang." Huazhang said: "Maybe you don't know that our security bureau has a series of privileges such as compulsory jurisdiction, arrest, execution, expropriation, etc. But we hope you can cooperate. You promise, it is definitely not to deal with you or your husband Wang Hong, we just want to invite him back to ask some things, it is not convenient to be outside, that's all."

Mrs. Wang nodded, and said, "Really...really?" She heard Huazhang talk about arrests, executions, etc., and her head began to buzz a little.But the other party did not have any intention of using force against him, so he believed it psychologically.

Bai Fengtai seemed a little impatient, and said: "Really, Mrs. Wang, if we want to deal with you or your husband, do we need to go to such trouble? Also, please find some excuse, don't reveal that we are here, Let him go home."

Mrs. Wang was obviously thinking too much, kidnapping, scams and the like kept flashing in her mind.But Huazhang directly gave her another reassurance, saying: "The situation we want to ask, except your husband, can't let anyone know, so I asked you to find an excuse, Mrs. Wang, don't think about it." Said Then, he opened his handbag, took out a gun from it, and said, "Did you see that? If it's really about kidnapping and so on, we just need to kidnap you. So Mrs. Wang, we sincerely ask you to cooperate. "

Mrs. Wang also understood now. Although she was still scared when she saw the gun, she believed it even more.So he said: "Then let me say, there is a guest at home, how about asking him to come back? Or, his father is here?"

This excuse is very bad, Bai Fengtai looked at Huazhang and said: "It's not very good, it's still easy to make other people suspicious. Moreover, there are too many loopholes."

Huazhang said: "Just say that Wang Lin's teacher came to visit, and it was about the child's performance in school. Let him go home. It is more important."

(End of this chapter)

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