spy ace

Chapter 966 Check

Chapter 966 Check

After knocking on the door, Zhao Debiao listened attentively, and obviously heard a light "cha" sound coming from inside, as if a small bunch of keys had fallen to the ground.Immediately afterwards, there was no sound at all.

Zhao Debiao understood the other party's mentality quite well in his heart. After all, when he woke up in the morning and found a dead person in his bed, it was a normal reaction to be afraid and nervous.So he knocked on the door again and said, "I'm your father's friend, open the door quickly!"

Maybe I heard him talking, after a while, a male voice rang out from behind the door, saying, "Are you sure you are my father's friend?"

"That's right." Zhao Debiao said, "You'd better open the door quickly."

The people inside seemed to be building and struggling in their minds for a few seconds, and then there was the sound of unlocking, and finally, with a "click", the door was opened with a gap.Half of his head peeked out from the crack of the door, looking at Zhao Debiao.

This person is not very old, maybe he has just grown up.His complexion was a little pale, and his eyes showed a trace of panic, but he was trying to maintain his composure.He opened his mouth and said, "I...have never seen you. You are..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhao Debiao took one left hand, pressed the little gringo's face and pushed it back.With his right hand, he slammed the door hard, knocking the little foreigner almost out of balance, and staggered backwards. Then he had a look of "it's over", he couldn't help raising his voice, and questioned himself boldly. :"who are you?"

Zhao Debiao ignored him, closed the door behind him, and said, "If you want the neighbors to find out that there is a dead person hiding in your house, then you can continue to yell."

One sentence made the little gringo, who was still shirtless, open his mouth, but no sound came out.Seeing that Zhao Debiao walked up to him unhurriedly, pinched the opponent's cheeks as if picking a horse, and looked up and down.

The little gringo was a little dazed at first, then came to his senses, then shook his head a little angrily, avoided Zhao Debiao's hand, and said, "Who the hell are you? My father..." At this point, something came to mind again, With a guilty conscience, he lowered his voice and said, "What can my father send you here for?"

"First." Zhao Debiao looked the little gringo indifferently up and down again, and said, "Your father can't send anyone? In fact, he can't afford me either. Second, I'm the one who helps you deal with trouble. Three, you have something to ask of me now, and you are just a drug addict, and now you have to add the identity of a possible murderer. You are not qualified to ask me any questions. So from now on, you have to cooperate with me whatever I say .Whatever I ask, you answer? Do you understand?"

No matter how rich the little gringo's own experience is, can it be enriched by professionals?Moreover, he is still in huge trouble himself, and he has no confidence at all.In addition, he was young, so after listening to Zhao Debiao's stern words, he swallowed and nodded subconsciously.

Zhao Debiao stretched out his hand and slapped the opponent's small mouth, and said, "Answer, do you understand?"

The little gringo nodded again, and said, "Understood, first... sir."

Zhao Debiao let out a "hmm", and at this moment, he walked in and looked at the apartment.Indeed, the area is very large, and the front and rear suites add up to about [-] square meters. This is definitely a high-end apartment in Chongqing today.

The living room outside was okay and tidy, and the living room inside was also okay, except that there were two pieces of cardboard on the coffee table in front of the sofa, and there were some white powdery things beside it that hadn't been smoked clean.The cushions on the couch had a couple of stains, it looked like someone had a blast here recently and then fucked them nearby.

Zhao Debiao looked back at the little gringo and asked, "Have you been at home since yesterday?"

The little foreigner replied: "No...no, yesterday we played around the Jialing River for a day, and we parted after dinner. At seven o'clock in the evening...a lot, I can't remember. She came again I, so...here we are, having another high." He said intermittently in a trembling tone, while pointing to the coffee table and sofa.

Zhao Debiao nodded, listened to what the other party said, and grasped some useful information, so he ignored the traces on the coffee table and sofa.Came directly to the innermost bedroom.

Well, there are pieces of clothes on the ground, thrown around in a bit of a mess, the most conspicuous thing is a foreign girl with dark red hair on the bed.Lie on the bed sideways with the body covered.She looks pretty good, but the freckles under the eyes are a bit heavy.

Zhao Debiao looked back and forth in this room several times, and then gently turned the girl's body with his gloved hands, and examined it carefully.

Well, had a normal surname life not long before his death.There was some white powder left in his nose, but there was no trace of intentional injury all over his body.It's just that there is still a trace of sticky saliva at the corner of the mouth, the trace left after it dries up.

Well, it's okay.Zhao Debiao judged that if the autopsy was performed, it could be found that the girl had smoked big white noodles before she was alive. The marks on the corners of her mouth could already prove this point. Only people who smoked a lot would react like this.Coupled with the fact that the other party opened his mouth and looked like he was having difficulty breathing, it was even more obvious that he was having a convulsion. After the convulsion, he vomited physiologically. The probability is very high.

Of course, the current Zhao Debiao can only judge based on experience, after all, there is no way to do a real autopsy.But these are enough.He didn't even need to clean it up himself, after all, the cause of the girl's death was at most poisoned by smoking white noodles.Or choked to death by their own vomit.

In essence, these causes of death have no direct relationship with the little gringo.After all, there was no trace of man-made or intentional injury on the body.Therefore, there is no situation of forcibly forcing the other party to eat white noodles.

In a sense, the sexual relationship between the little gringo and this girl can be used as evidence to protect the little gringo, because the sexual life of the two is voluntary, and he is at most suspected of smoking white noodles.In the end, Zhao Debiao judged that even if the normal procedures were followed, the possibility of the little gringo having an accident in the end was very low.

Furthermore, this is a matter of two foreigners. Although they died here, most of the judges of the national government will make peace with each other.In addition, there is really no evidence that the girl's death was done by the little gringo.So even if I don't come this trip, it should be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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