spy ace

Chapter 973 The Dock

Chapter 973 The Dock
Fan Keqin went on to say: "That is to say, those who have families in that residential area will basically go home. This will make it easier for us to identify vacant houses. I will go and choose a few more spare houses as safe houses. What about you, go and use them." Normal means, as we said yesterday, go to the outpost."

Zhuang Xiaoman took a bite of the cream ice cream and said, "Okay. It's not difficult, normal methods will do."

The two of Fan Keqin waited until the time was almost up, checked out and left.When they came to Zhanlan Street, the two of them had already separated as if they were strangers.

Fan Keqin sauntered, walking forward along the way.It was found that in this area, on both sides of the street, at least within sight, all kinds of buildings can be described as mixed with old and new. There are rows of bungalows, high-end apartment buildings and normal residential buildings.There are even several high-end villas and bungalows somewhere.

And there are all kinds of pedestrians on the street, from the lowest level of beggars to decent people wearing high-end clothes.But the vast majority of people are still the most ordinary, office workers.

At this time, it was almost time for dinner, and Fan Keqin paid close attention to the conditions of the surrounding buildings.In the bungalow area, he took a fancy to two houses, and there was no sign of a partnership.When passing by, Fan Keqin knocked on the door vigorously while no one was paying attention, and walked forward as normal.Then when I turned the corner, I observed by lighting a cigarette, and I found that there was no movement in the house.After secretly noting the location of the house, proceed to start looking elsewhere.

The viewing method in the high-end apartment is actually simpler.Although electricity bills are not cheap these days, people who can afford high-end apartments really don't care much about the electricity bills.

Fan Keqin waited until the sky was slightly dark, and just walked around the high-end apartment buildings somewhere outside to see which ones had no lights.Then secretly write it down, enter it, and knock on the door, if someone inside answers, just find an excuse and pretend to be a neighbor.If no one responds, it's probably empty.

At this time, Fan Keqin only needs to use technology to open the door carefully, enter and confirm.After reconfirming the two empty rooms and noting down the location, Fan Keqin made a secret mark on the door.Once you really need to use this safe house, just check to see if anyone has been there before you can take corresponding measures to enter it, or simply give up.

After choosing a few safe houses in bungalows and high-end apartments, Fan Keqin's cautious character broke out again. He thought that since he came here, he should prepare a few more safe houses, so that if he really needs to use them afterwards, he will be more safe. More convenient.

So in ordinary residential buildings, after Fan Keqin entered the mid-term, the method he used was similar to that of high-end apartments.I just need to enter it, first check that the house is not lit, then lie on the door and listen for a while, and then knock on the door after confirming that there is no movement inside.Then, in the same way, use his lock-picking technology to open the door, and enter the room for final confirmation.When you come out again, just make a secret note again.

In addition, Fan Keqin is not a merciful master.It seems calm and seems to have no personality, but in fact this kind of person is much more terrifying than anyone else.Because he treats this kind of thing very objectively.

For example, he also secretly remembered a villa house, because only a middle-aged couple lived in this villa.Fan Keqin's evaluation of a safe house solution is always convenient, fast and safe.It doesn't matter if there are people inside, because it can be subdued quickly.As long as it's "normal" that's good for safety and good for the mission, that's fine.Everything else doesn't matter.

To sum up, Fan Keqin wandered around here and confirmed eight places that could be safe houses.Then he wandered out for a long distance, and then boarded a rickshaw again and headed to the hotel where he was staying.

For the same reason, for safety, Fan Keqin got off at the train station.Then it took more than half an hour to turn left and go back to the hotel.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw that Zhuang Xiaoman had returned.Because her bag is hanging on the coat rack by the door.Fan Keqin stretched out his hand to pick it up. Judging from the weight, the spy radio station is no longer there.

Walking inside, I ran into Zhuang Xiaoman who heard the movement and checked out in the study.The latter saw Fan Keqin and said, "I bought some dinner for the living room."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "I saw it. Let's go, let's talk while eating."

The two returned to the living room and sat at the table.At this time, there was a paper bag on the table, which was exuding the aroma of food.They put the food on the table and began to eat and drink.

Fan Keqin said: "How is it? Is it done? Is it safe?"

"The security is very good." Zhuang Xiaoman said: "The landlord is an old lady. I paid the rent for three months at once. The old lady has very little to do. The main reason is that the tenant is unethical and will leave the furniture in the house and so on. It’s broken. Seeing that I’m a woman, the old lady should be quite satisfied.”

While talking, Zhuang Xiaoman arrived with two cups of tea, put one next to Fan Keqin, and continued: "This house has four floors, and I rented it on the second floor. At the back of this building, it is slightly tilted. There is a building that is also four floors. I am on the third floor, and I have taken a fancy to a safe house. From the window, I can easily see the house I rented before. It would be better if there is a telescope. In addition, I have hidden the radio station In the safe house."

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "That's very good. In addition, to create signs of living in the front building, you can hire a cleaner to go to the front building every few days to help you clean things up. This will make it more like .”

Zhuang Xiaoman said with a smile: "This method is good, I will go tomorrow."

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, let's eat first. After finishing this matter tomorrow, let's go to the port and look around. We should be able to see a lot of key information."

Zhuang Xiaoman agreed, and the two began to eat and drink.Then they took turns entering the bathroom to wash, and then began to sleep.On the second day, they woke up a little later.It was around [-]:[-], after washing up, I checked out of the room, had a casual meal outside, and started heading towards the port.

The port of Guangzhou is still possible, at least it is not a problem to dock a large ship.There are also a lot of pedestrians here, and when there are more people, there will naturally be more people doing business on both sides...

(End of this chapter)

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