spy ace

Chapter 978 Observation House

Chapter 978 Observation House

It's like a normal phone bill, about ninety to one hundred a month.What about this month?Your actual phone bill should be ninety-five, but it will cost you ninety-eight when you check out at the end of the month.The extra ones are someone secretly calling, but can the owner of the machine pay attention?Unless you have made too many sneaky calls, and the bill is obviously beyond the usual call charge, otherwise who will care?

Fan Keqin put the tape, pliers, telephone and other things in his pocket, and then quickly came to the patio again, opened a gap with his hand, and looked down.After a while, I saw a waiter leading a group of well-dressed people into a private room at the corner ahead.

Fan Keqin listened carefully, but there was no other movement.

He lifted the manhole cover, hung the bag around his neck, and his body was already down.Holding the manhole cover with his arm, he also closed it, but at the last moment, he used a little softness so that when the manhole cover was closed, it would not make too much noise.

Stepping on the ladder with both feet, he reached into his trouser pocket and took out the previous lock, hung it up and pushed it up, and there was a slight "click" sound at once, then Fan Keqin stretched his legs and let go, and his body was already off the ladder fell to the ground.

The toes touched the ground first, followed by slightly bending the knees and bending over, buffering the low force.The main reason is that he is afraid of being too loud and being heard by someone.

Standing up, Fan Keqin had returned to normal, carrying the bag with one hand, and returned to the private room not long after.

Counting from the time he left the private room to the time he returned to the private room after making the phone call, the whole process took only three minutes.This was mainly to peel off the wires to test whether the lines could be used for long distances. Later, it was necessary to wrap the wires with electrical tape, which took so long.Otherwise, Fan Keqin would be able to complete the whole movement in about a minute.

Glancing at his watch in the private room, it was still quite a while before the time agreed with Zhuang Xiaoman, so he patiently, pretended to smoke a few cigarettes in the room, and waited for more than half an hour before finally Carrying the bag, feeling a little anxious and wondering, I came downstairs.

When he found the waiter at the door, Fan Keqin still had these two emotions and asked, "Haven't you come yet?"

The previous waiter took a tip, so he didn't have any bad emotions, and said, "No, sir."

"Oh." He sighed softly, raised his hand to look at his watch, and said, "I'll make another call to ask." Then, he turned around and came to the counter, picked up the phone, and dialed an indifferent number again , while no one else was paying attention, lightly pressed the blocker on it.

Then he pretended to wait for a while and said, "Hey... Where is the old man?... Oh? Really?... Oops! I see, um, um, ok, ok! I'll be there right away. Well, bye, bye."

Hanging up the phone, put down a bill again, turned around and said, "I won't eat today, let's go."

The previous waiter was not far from the door, and it was not surprising to hear what Fan Keqin said, and he also received a fairly small tip, so he bowed very politely and said, "Then welcome, sir, come next time. "

"En." Fan Keqin nodded, magnified his anxiety before, and stepped out of the hotel door faster.He got into a rickshaw directly and turned into another street.

However, the rickshaw driver only ran for four streets, and Fan Keqin asked him to stop at the door of a shop, paid the money and went directly into the shop.I dawdled inside and bought a pack of cigarettes, then came out again and headed to the agreed place.

Turning left and going around again, after confirming the safety in front and behind him, Fan Keqin has arrived at Zhanlan Sandao Street, which is the street where the observation room is located.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Fan Keqin turned around and entered the street, then wandered around, looking at the buildings on both sides, and soon found a restaurant called "Wang Ji Cantonese Cuisine".

Zhuang Xiaoman mentioned a Cantonese restaurant, although he didn't mention that Cantonese restaurant.But in this case, there must be only one nearby, otherwise Zhuang Xiaoman would definitely explain it in detail.In addition, she also mentioned the vicinity of the street intersection on the east side.Then there is only Wangji Cantonese Cuisine nearby, so naturally the agreed place is this restaurant.

Stepping in, the small restaurant is not too big, about [-] square meters in total, and there are not many people inside before it's time to eat.There were five men at a table who seemed to have a good relationship, joking with each other, drinking and chatting.

Fan Keqin ordered two dishes, but asked the restaurant to prepare them later, and he was waiting for others.

In this way, for about ten minutes, Zhuang Xiaoman walked in from the outside.Seeing Fan Keqin's joy, he sat opposite him and said, "Brother, have you ordered?"

Fan Keqin said: "I ordered two. Hey, after a busy day, I feel that my appetite has greatly increased. You can order two more, and celebrate our housewarming. How much should we drink?"

Zhuang Xiaoman listened to him and made two points, knowing in his heart that Fan Keqin's actions were going well.So he said: "Good things come in pairs, so I'll order two too."

After speaking, he turned his head and reported the names of two dishes to the cabinet. Fan Keqin ordered another jug ​​of old wine, and the two began to eat and drink.Such a relaxed state is the best cover-up.

Anyway, the two of them live here as little lovers, which is normal.After eating and drinking, I came directly to a residential building in the middle of the street.

The two entered the building door, quickly went upstairs to the observation room, opened the door and walked in.Fan Keqin wandered around twice inside and outside the house. There is only one bedroom, and there is a small living room outside, or a small dining room.It is connected to a small kitchen, followed by the toilet, and there is no balcony.

The furniture in the house is [-]% to [-]% new, but it is very neat and clean, and there is even a radio.Fan Keqin stretched out his hand to open it, and there was a tone unique to this era: "Hiss... Wang... and the Japanese representatives have made two important intentions regarding the economic development of Manchukuo. Wuhan, Tianjin and other places invested and built Riman School..."

With a click, Fan Keqin turned off the radio again before the announcer finished speaking.Then he came to the window, stood in the shadow on the side, looked at a slightly slanted building in front, and said, "Second floor, which window? From left to right, the third one?"

"Yes." Zhuang Xiaoman said, "The one near the balcony. You can see it clearly."

"En." Fan Keqin said: "The choice is very good, and the most important thing is that from this angle, half of the door can be seen clearly. If anyone goes in, they can basically see it."

(End of this chapter)

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