spy ace

Chapter 984 The fleet disappears

Chapter 984 The fleet disappears
in his words.Friends refer to the investigation team and other operational personnel.Picking up the goods is naturally picking up weapons and ammunition.The brothers specifically pointed to Ma Chunliang's frogman unit and asked them to settle their families by themselves, which meant that they had to find a place to hide the mines and diving equipment needed by the frogman unit.This is convenient and safe to use.

Ma Chunliang said: "There is nothing to say about the company's treatment. By the way, where is our branch?" He was asking for the address.

Fan Keqin took a few mouthfuls of food, and while chewing, he told him the address and how to use the watch to determine the final direction.Then said: "I also found a fun place, where I can let the brothers go for a stroll."

Ma Chunliang said: "Well, you said, just take advantage of this time, and you can relax."

Fan Keqin said: "Facing the port, walk a little more than a kilometer to the coastline on the left. There is a beach. Where can I play in the water? There are also some small conch, small crabs and so on. The wind and waves have a buffer on the beach. I It’s good to watch. Oh... look at the sea breeze, huh? If you bring a stove or something, make some side dishes and drink some wine. It’s absolutely beautiful.”

Ma Chunliang smiled and said: "Oh, there is such a place? Then you have to have fun. Drink some wine and have fun. It is absolutely necessary."

What is necessary?Lehelehe refers to adapting to the water, which is naturally necessary.Seeing that he understood what he meant, Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Well, hurry up, go there more often, it's important to let the brothers have fun."

"Yes." Ma Chunliang said: "Is the branch office going to open soon? Is there any news?"

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "I will inform you in time if there is any news, and I also hope to have a confirmation letter, but I don't have it yet."

"Understood." Ma Chunliang said: "No matter what, brothers, they will be fully prepared anyway. In this way, once the branch office is confirmed to start work, I can also act at any time."

"Well said." Fan Keqin said: "There is a proverb in the West, which is very similar to ours. It is called, do what you should do, and leave the rest to God. We must always be ready, and don't In a hurry."

The two then exchanged messages in coded language.Fan Keqin shared with Ma Chunliang what he saw and heard while strolling around the city with Zhuang Xiaoman these days.The latter is the investigator who had contacted the previous period, so he also communicated with Fan Keqin about the situation he knew.

Meeting friends can't really be like eating, keep eating, and then withdraw after eating.It's about drinking some wine, chatting all over the place, bragging about each other, and then paying the bill.

So after eating this meal for about two hours, the two of them staged a very real scene of scrambling to pay the bill, and then they separated.

The moment Zhuang Xiaoman watched Fan Keqin come out of the hotel, his hanging heart finally let go.However, she was still at the window, and carefully observed the situation on the street. After making sure that no one paid special attention to Fan Keqin and followed Fan Keqin, she quickly packed some snacks on the table, and checked out. teahouse.

After Fan Keqin walked for about four or five streets, he made a turn and entered an alley. When he came out again, Zhuang Xiaoman had already taken his arm and said, "I'm fine. I'll take a look."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, that's good, let's go home first."

On the way, the two of Fan Keqin bought some food, but it was the simplest kind, something that could be eaten once it was heated up or fried in a pan.

That's right, never firing is also a flaw.Because even if it is a big family these days, it is impossible to buy ready-made food every day.Or go to restaurants every day.They are playing the role of a young couple, young lovers. Living together is a home. Since it is a home, if you say that you go to restaurants every day, or buy ready-made ones, and don’t start a fire once, it is outrageous.

Fan Keqin is full of food and drink, Tianjin flavor, the steamed stuffed bun that no one else cares about, the taste is not bad at all.But Zhuang Xiaoman's cooking skills are really bad.So Fan Keqin personally fried two dishes, cut up some cold food bought on the street, and made a total of four dishes.Zhuang Xiaoman also thought it tasted good.

But the development of the next few days was not as smooth as the joint.What's going on?It was because Fan Keqin contacted Chongqing again, but the coastal observers of the Military Command and Security Bureau did not find any trace of the small Japanese fleet.

That's a little fucked up.Fan Keqin returned home, told Zhuang Xiaoman about this, and finally said: "The latest news is that the little devils fleet was found to be sailing towards Taiwan Island last time. Has it arrived at Taiwan Island now, or where did it go? No news at all."

Zhuang Xiaoman said: "This variable is a bit big, brother. If there is no news about the little devil's fleet, we can't just wait here."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "I originally thought that the port of Guangzhou can accommodate large ships, and there are more supplies. If the devil's fleet is cruising in the offshore, then they have a high chance. Come here. The port is replenishing supplies. But now the news of the fleet has disappeared. Combined with the previous information, I wonder if the fleet of the two seaplane carriers has received other missions. If so...then when will they come back? It’s really an unknown.”

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin thought for a while, and then said: "Well, let's ignore it for now, haven't we selected a few targets in the urban area? Let's make a plan to attack these locations first. Then Well, I also contact Chongqing every few days to see if there is any latest news from the Devil Fleet. If it really doesn’t work, then change the target to these urban targets. It can’t be in vain Just one trip."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded, and said: "Well, I think it will work." Following her doubts: "Could it be that our plan leaked the news, which caused the little devils fleet to not come?"

"No." Fan Keqin said: "Chongqing didn't tell me anything about the situation. In addition, the local situation is calm now, if the news is really leaked, it is impossible. In addition, although the devil navy is crazy, it is not stupid. They It is impossible not to know that if someone really wants to deal with their warships, it is definitely not our navy that is going to dispatch, and the air force is the same. After all, although a seaplane carrier is not an aircraft carrier, it can carry a large number of carrier-based aircraft. But each There are still at least seventeen or eighteen planes on board..."

(End of this chapter)

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