spy ace

Chapter 999

Chapter 999
"I have a fart." Qian Jinxun took a sip of his cigar and said, "Our brothers have basically lost their military ranks now, unless... hehe. But that's impossible in the short term. I know, you too I don't care about this. But Ma Chunliang was brought in by the bureaucrat's relationship, and besides, he really has meritorious service. I think no matter what the reason is, he can indeed be promoted vigorously."

"Three ranks in a row." Fan Keqin said: "If possible, let him be a lieutenant colonel directly."

Qian Jinxun said: "Well, okay, your subordinates and your team leader and captain are basically school officers, and it's really not appropriate for him to be a small lieutenant. Coupled with the relationship between the bureau, promotion It's nothing. Hey! How do you want to arrange his troops?"

Frogmen are indeed new in this era. Fan Keqin made them, but no one knows how to use them.That said, there was a big commotion this time, and others still don't know what the frogmen can do?Really he doesn't know.

After all, the little devil's water power is in the Pacific Ocean, and he plans to fight the Yankees.The water surface power in Asia is really not much.Even if you save your energy and focus on getting rid of the little devil's warships, you may not make any achievements for a long, long time.So how do you let others use it?

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "Frogman troops can do a lot of things. It can be done in rivers, lakes and seas. You know, there are many waterways in our country. Some of the supplies of the puppet government rely on these waterways to get back and forth. It was dispatched. I plan to let the analysis team allocate part of its energy to see how many lines the puppet government's waterway materials have. Even if we destroy one more ship and a little material from the other party, the materials available to the Japanese and puppet government will not be enough. It will be less. And who can guarantee that they won't make some big noises again."

Qian Jinxun said: "Well, our water power is really not strong. In the past, there was nothing we could do with the Japanese and puppet water ships. The army you created supplemented this point, but the scale is not small. point?"

Fan Keqin nodded, and also agreed: "Small is definitely a little small, and there are only a few people who can count on the number of people. But we can get more talents in this field in the future."

Qian Jinxun said: "Let's go, help my intelligence department to train and train, I think you did a good job, let my brother eat some too."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said, "You pick someone yourself and send them over."

"Hey, that's what you said..." Qian Jinxun said, "That... special operations, right?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "Special operations include a lot. In fact, almost all the work of the military command and the Security Bureau is special work. It's just that the Security Bureau is more action-oriented. They are all special services."

"Understood, I'll send some people over later, just watch and help me train and get some seeds out. At that time, let's continue to cooperate." Qian Jinxun flicked the cigarette ash, rolled his eyes, and said again: "With the effect of this cooperation, I think it is quite good. In the future, the two bureaus of security and military control must deepen cooperation. You don't know, before you came back, Boss Dai received my report, so happy What happened? Just tell me that in the future, our two bureaus must deepen and increase cooperation. He plans to let my intelligence department be responsible for this matter."

After hearing this, Fan Keqin's eyes lit up, and he said, "What do you mean? Boss Dai is trying to add burden to you?"

Qian Jinxun said: "At that time, I didn't ask too many questions, because I was a little too impatient. So I just said, I understand, and I will discuss it with the Security Bureau later. What do you think? How deep should we go?" cooperation law?"

Fan Keqin was amused, and did not answer right away, but asked: "Does the seat know about this?"

"Then you must know." Qian Jinxun said: "The boss said, let's talk about it when you come back. Hey, now you are the closest person to the boss. This is a great thing, no matter in terms of your future, Or if you want to do it, in fact, all of them are of great benefit.”

"You can do it." Fan Keqin said: "I'm not interested in politics at all, and you know my ability in this area. If it weren't for the relationship between you and the boss and me, I would have to follow the Like a snail."

After all, Fan Keqin was silent for a while, and said: "Cooperation must be cooperation. Boss Dai has already spoken, so we must follow suit. Why don't we wait until the evening, the bureau chief said that we will call you to have a get-together at night. It's just right At that time, the three of us will be researching."

"That's fine." Qian Jinxun said: "It's really not appropriate for us to talk directly here."

The two brothers will not talk about specific things in the future.Qian Jinxun told him some important things that happened during his absence.It has to be said that Qian Jinxun has a wide network of contacts and is well-informed.What about the transfer of personnel in various departments, and what actions are taken by the upper management.They all told Fan Keqin, although Fan Keqin is not interested in this aspect, but he can't be blindsided.

In the evening, Fan Keqin picked up Lu Xiaoya and went straight to the Phoenix International Club.Sun Guoxin and Fei Hongxia, and Qian Jinxun and Guo Meng also arrived.

Naturally, one can't say anything about work at the dinner table, just chatting, bragging and so on.When it was time to eat and drink, three ladies, Lu Xiaoya, Guo Meng, and Fei Hongxia, were in the outhouse.The three men, Fan Keqin, Qian Jinxun and Sun Guoxin, went to the back room to taste a cigar.

In terms of implementation, they really ordered one each. Qian Jinxun told Sun Guoxin again about the need for in-depth cooperation. In fact, the latter also knew, after all, Dai Yunong told him.

After thinking for a while, Sun Guoxin said: "The Security Bureau and the Military Command are a family, but Boss Dai has spoken, so it's better. It's justified, and the brothers below will save any guesses and misunderstandings."

Sun Guoxin followed with a smile, and said: "This time is a major achievement of the cooperation between the two bureaus. After receiving the news, the old man was very happy, and immediately said that this is a victory of our internal unity and concerted efforts to fight the war. He will Let people send a report clearly, let the whole world see, our country’s determination to resist Japan. Later, you will personally award the medal.”

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "This is all the result of the support of the Bureau Chief and Boss Dai. I don't dare to take credit for my humble position. The intelligence network of the military command is better than the network of our Security Bureau. This time the Japanese If the movement of the warship is not provided by the military commander, it is impossible to say that the opportunity will be missed. I feel that I can follow this model in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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