No trace of espionage

Chapter 1001 The truth of the murder case

Chapter 1001 The Truth About the Murder Case ([-])
"A few days ago, Hua Yichang and Liu Deshan fled Nanjing on the Jianglong, and the Section Chief Nakano and Shi Gong Lieutenant Assistant designed to arrest them.

After being arrested, the two quickly surrendered and confessed their joint locations, people and secret codes in Nanjing. Section Chief Nakano got the information and decided to kill two birds with one stone, intending to destroy the Nanjing Station of the Military Command and use this to identify the insiders. "

Having said that, Lin Chuang looked at Yunzi Nakano, who was so embarrassed that he didn't dare to look at him, coughed lightly, and lowered his head to drink tea.

"Because the matter is so important, I had the honor to go to Nanjing with Section Chief Nakano on the Jianglong. Please see, Section Chief Nakano and I live in cabin 2 on the third floor, and cabin 1 is Kameda. Cabin 3 is Liu Deshan."

The two share a room?What did Lin Ming mean when he said it without avoiding suspicion?
Everyone looked at Yunzi Nakano.

Nakano Yunzi raised his head and said, "Director Lin and I pretend to be husband and wife, so naturally we live in the same cabin."

Lin Chuang smiled, and said, "I'm pretending, I didn't do anything, don't think about it."

Everyone nodded solemnly, expressing their belief in this statement.

At the same time, their hearts were full of disdain: "Where are you coaxing ghosts? To cover up? Lonely men and widows live in the same room, one takes it as usual, the other doesn't care, it's strange not to do other things."

Lin Chuang ignored everyone's dirty thoughts, and went on to say: "The trip to Nanjing was not smooth, and I will not go into details for the sake of confidentiality. In a word, the people at the Nanjing Station of the Military Command have not been caught, and we are still in Yangzhou It was robbed by the national army nearby. Although it turned out to be a misunderstanding, both the section chief Nakano and I were robbed to a place called Nangao Village.

Of course, the national army also hijacked a ship of ballast salt.

Having said that, I want to explain what is ballast salt?Why do ships have to have ballast salt?

Walking on the Yangtze River empty, the draft is too shallow, and there is a danger of capsizing in strong winds and waves.Therefore, if an empty ship travels on a large river, its load capacity must be increased.

In the past, people used ballast stones, but this has a disadvantage, that is, it is troublesome to carry and has no economic value.

Li Yuewang, the captain of the Jianglong, was very clever and used salt instead of stones.There are two advantages. One is that it is easy to carry. The salt bag can be carried away on the shoulder, and no one needs to carry it or use any equipment. The other is that the salt can be sold for money at the loading place. After selling, buy some salt ballast, and this cycle continues, turning the behavior of ballast, which has no economic value, into a sale.I have to say, Li Yuewang is really smart. "

Having said that, Lin Chuang felt a little thirsty, and glanced at his teacup.

Fairy Shi Gong was very clever, so she stood up quickly and brought the teacup to the "lecture table".

"Thank you." Lin Chuang thanked and took a sip.

Put down your glass and continue.

"The ballast salt was robbed in Yangzhou, so Li Yuewang had to buy salt in Yangzhou to replenish it. There is no way, it is not safe to sail without it.

By coincidence, because of other things, I went to Nanjing for business with Mr. Nakano and Kameda, and then returned to Shanghai by train.

Hua Yichang, Ye Ziqiong, Liu Deshan and the three surveillance agents continued to return to Shanghai on the Jianglong.

The next day, before I could rest, I heard the news that six people had been killed.

I was thinking, Section Chief Nakano and I were really lucky. If we hadn't left the Jianglong due to business, would we have also been killed at this time? "

Lin Chuangyi said, Yunzi Nakano's expression tightened, and he thought, "Don't say it, it's really possible."

"Okay, the background is over, let's talk about this case."

Lin Chuang changed the subject and began to introduce the case: "The first thing I went to was the death scene of Liu Deshan and the three secret agents.

Soon, I discovered three doubts.

The first doubt is the smell of the scene.

At that time, I smelled a pungent smell, very similar to rotten eggs.

I didn't think too much about it at the time, because the bilge was relatively tightly sealed and the ventilation was not good. There were some dead fish and rotten shrimps on board, and it was reasonable that the air smelled bad.

However, after inspection later, there was no dead fish or rotten shrimp in the bilge except for salt.

Where does this smell come from?Is it directly related to the deaths of the four people?
The second doubt: Why did four people appear in the hold?
Please look at this picture, Liu Deshan and the other three people all died in sequence, and the last three people all stretched their hands forward, what does this mean?

Regarding this doubt, when I saw the wound on Liu Deshan's chest, I felt that there was a reasonable explanation.

The injuries on Liu Deshan's body were torture injuries. Because he left in a hurry, he didn't get proper treatment. Therefore, Section Chief Nakano and I heard Liu Deshan's painful cries.

Can we understand it this way?Liu Deshan thought of the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect of salt because of the suppurative wound, so he thought of ballast salt when he was in unbearable pain?So he appeared in the hold in the middle of the night?

With this inference, we can follow this inference down.

Liu Deshan came to the bottom cabin, thought for a while, and was poisoned to death.

As for the conclusion that the four died of poisoning, it was based on the situation at the scene.

There were no bullet holes on the four people, so they were obviously not killed by shooting. Combined with the pungent smell, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion of poisoning.

Although the Xilin forensic doctor did not detect any poison in the poison, it also gave the conclusion that he died of poisoning.

OK, let's move on to the inference.

The spy in charge of surveillance discovered that Liu Deshan had arrived in the bilge, laying still on the salt bag and tried to pull him, but he was also poisoned. In the cabin, after finding their companions poured on the salt bag, they all went to pull it at the same time, but unfortunately they got caught.

This point can also be proved from the autopsy results of Xilin forensic doctor.

The autopsy report said: Liu Deshan died between 1:45 and 2:3 in the morning.The time of death of the three Japanese agents was different. No.[-] died between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] am, No.[-] died between [-]:[-] am and [-]:[-] am, and No.[-] died at [-]:[-] am after that.

The third doubt: what kind of poison among them? "

Speaking of this, Lin Chuang glanced at Xilinling, saw that the forensic doctor's eyes were piercing, and obviously wanted to know the answer.

So he smiled slightly and said: "I didn't think about it at first. Later, when I was interrogating Lu Shutao, he said that he graduated from the Chemistry Department of Waseda University in Japan. The word chemistry reminded me of the smell of rotten eggs in the bottom cabin." , isn’t it the smell of hydrogen chloride? Xilin, have you heard of hydrogen chloride?”

"Report sir, I have heard of it." Xilinling stood up and replied.

"Okay, please sit down." Lin Chuang motioned him to sit down.

But he didn't sit still, but asked very impolitely: "Sir, I have a question about my humble position, where does the hydrogen chloride come from?"

Why so many questions? !

(End of this chapter)

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