No trace of espionage

Chapter 1008 Feed the Uncooked Wolf Cubs

Chapter 1008 Feed the Uncooked Wolf Cubs

"General Xiwei is looking for trouble with me? I saved his life, and you are a military agent. Comparing the two, he will trouble me? Boss Qin, if you are someone else's dog, you must have the consciousness of being a dog. Master will give you Put on a good face, you are begging for mercy, if you want to eat at the same table with the master, you will be too uninterested." Lin Chuang's face was full of disdain, and his words were even more ugly.

These words were heard in Qin Jiangchun's ears and stabbed in his heart. This kind of stinging pain was really three points more painful than physical injuries!
"You! The surname is Lin, those telegrams are fake, and whether Lu Shutao kills or not has nothing to do with me. General Nishio won't believe what you forged, and your dirty water can't be poured on my head!" Qin Jiangchun was angry. said.

"Your statement, and Lu Shutao's statement, the evidence is complete, you still quibble? Besides, I don't know whether General Xiwei believes it or not, but I know that some people believe it." Lin Chuang said.

Qin Jiangchun was startled: "Who?"

"Don't say it, don't say it, you will know sooner or later. A man is not guilty, but a pregnant woman is guilty, understand?"

Qin Jiangchun was silent.

He is a smart person, Lin Chuang's words set off huge waves in his heart.

He understood that these words must be true, someone has taken a fancy to his property.And this person is either Yunzi Nakano or Quan Yangjian.

If it is any one of these two people, I have no way to refuse, and I can't refuse.

Although Nishio Hiszo had a relationship with him, it was also a relationship of interest. If Nakano Yunzi or Inuyang Ken took their confession to go to Nishio Hiszo on business, the two would immediately become hostile.Nishio Hiszo will still help him?It would be nice if he didn't help Yunzi Nakano or Quan Yangjian to kill himself.

Thinking of this, Qin Jiangchun suddenly felt a little sad: "Being in favor of Nishio Hisao, the business is going smoothly, how much face do I have in front of those poor people in China, no one dares to provoke me. I thought the Japanese thought of themselves My friend, I didn’t expect that when the catastrophe came, it would become a wall and everyone would push it away. The root cause is not that the surnamed Lin said that he was guilty of having a jade, but that he is not Japanese.”

"Director Lin, I hate it!" Qin Jiangchun said through gritted teeth.

"Hate? Hate who? Hate me?"

"I hate that I am not Japanese!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Chuang was stunned.

Being a traitor is not enough, but you still want to be a devil?Is this person sick?A disease that takes pleasure in being abused?

Before Lin Chuang could decide what to say, Qin Jiangchun spoke again: "Director Lin, don't the Japanese just want money? They would rather be with foreigners than domestic slaves, let's make a deal."

"Hehe, Boss Qin, your brain circuit is beyond my generation's comprehension. All right, let's open the skylight and speak honestly. There is a golden Buddha, [-]% of the shares, and US$[-]. If you can do it, you can leave right away. , this confession will be sealed forever. Of course, if it can’t be done, then you can only offend.”

Lin Chuang was so angry by Qin Jiangchun that his liver ached and his teeth itched with hatred, he immediately increased the conditions for raising dogs by [-]%.

"Forty percent? Director Lin, the Golden Buddha and US dollars are easy to talk about, and we can do it right away, but forty percent shares are too much. To tell you the truth, General Nishio has [-] percent shares. If you take out another [-] percent, I, Qin, can take it There is nothing left." Qin Jiangchun said in embarrassment.

Lin Chuang didn't answer, but looked at him coldly.

"Okay, [-]% is [-]%." Qin Jiangchun gritted his teeth and agreed.


Wu Sibao got the Golden Buddha and went home contentedly. Lin Chuang didn't take a cent of the [-] U.S. dollars, but gave it all to Ning Xiaobo, and asked her to share it with everyone.

The three teams consisted of 30 people, and there were five people in the torture room, a total of 35 people. Ning Xiaobo distributed [-] dollars to each of them, and the remaining [-] dollars, he, Chen Changshan and Wang Hanzhang each took [-] dollars.

When distributing the money, Ning Xiaobo specifically stated that this was Director Lin's intention, and he himself did not take any cents.

After receiving such a large amount of money, the third team and the secret agents in the torture room were so excited that they almost jumped up. They couldn't get such a salary after working for three years.

"Director Lin is so generous!"

"Director Lin's situation is great, following such an officer, death is worth it!"

"Director Lin is really handsome. There must be many wives and concubines, with luxuriant branches, princes and princes for generations, and their fragrance will last forever..."

All of a sudden, there was a wave of flattery, and the spies thought of all the compliments they could think of, and they just knelt down and shouted long live.


Lin Chuang came to Quanyangjian's office with [-]% of the "Yangtze River" shipping company's share transfer letter.

Quan Yangjian welcomed Lin Chuang in with a smile, and asked Lin Chuang to sit on the sofa, while he sat opposite him.

"Director, fortunately you fulfilled your mission."

Lin Chuang handed the transfer letter to Quan Yangjian.

Quan Yangjian took it over and looked at it, and said in surprise: "Forty percent? Lin Sang, you really have it."

"Qin Jiangchun was terrified. It would be good if he didn't take advantage of his illness to kill him. Would I still be polite to him?"

"Very good, very good, Lin Sang, you are really comfortable doing things. Since I met you, both career and money have been smooth sailing. It can be said that you are my god of luck. Lin Sang, we A lifelong friend."

"I'm so lucky to be a friend of the director of the agency for a lifetime. It's just..."

"what happened?"

"I think Qin Jiangchun harbors resentment, will it be bad for you?"

"Hahaha... Lin Sang, don't worry too much. Hiso Nishio's prestige in the army is not high, and the war in Central China is not going well. Now there is a lot of controversy about him in the country, and he may be replaced at any time. This is In this case, it's too late for him to win me over, and he will offend me? Don't worry, he is a smart man, and he won't trouble me, let alone you. "

"That's good, I hope he won't be replaced." Lin Chuang said.

Inuyang Ken was surprised when he heard the words, and he didn't know why Lin Chuang said that.

"Lin Sang, why do you say that?" Quan Yangjian asked.

"Now that our business has been sorted out up and down, wouldn't it be smoothed out again if another person comes in? With him here, it saves a lot of trouble." Lin Chuang said.

"Yes, yes." Quan Yangjian nodded, picked up the equity transfer letter and handed it to Lin Chuang: "Lin Sang, you keep this."

Lin Chuang had already expected that Quan Yangjian would not accept him, but he still pretended to be puzzled and declined: "Here, the chief of the agency, I can't take it."

"Lin Sang, it's inconvenient for me to come forward, so you can find someone to come forward. Anyway, everyone knows that whether it's Qin Jiangchun or Nishio Shouzo, I won't make things difficult for you," said Inuyang Ken.

Lin Chuang scolded secretly: "You son of a bitch, you are really an unfamiliar wolf cub. You want to hide behind the scenes and reap the benefits, so that I can take the blame? Who said that you are a friend for a lifetime? Is it true that in your eyes, a friend? Is it just for cheating?"

Curse to scold, Quan Yangjian's reaction was actually expected by Lin Chuang a long time ago. Although it is not very authentic, it can be regarded as falling into Lin Chuang's calculation.

"Well then, I'll take care of it for you, and the profit will be credited into your account." Lin Chuang took the paperwork and put it in the briefcase.

"No, no, no, Lin Sang, that's not what I meant." Quan Yangjian waved his hand.

"Well, then you...?"

(End of this chapter)

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