Chapter 1036
Standing in front of the window, Lin Chuang saw Lishi Chungui getting on the car at the gate and leaving, the corners of his mouth curled up, he smiled slightly, picked up the phone and called Fairy Shi Gong: "Hey, fairy, what are you doing?"

"I'm thinking about you." It could be heard that there was excitement in the little girl's voice.

"I miss you too, come to my office and meet, do you have time?"

"There are some."

"Okay, I'll let the car pick you up."

"Well, I listen to you."


Tateishi Jungui didn't go back to the factory, nor did he go back to his residence, he drove the car directly to a teahouse.

After getting out of the car, he looked around and found no suspicious person, so he turned around and hurried upstairs.

In a private room on the first floor, Li Yongcai was drinking tea. Seeing Li Shi Chungui come in, he quickly closed the door of the private room and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Li Shi, how is the matter going?"

"do not know."

"Why don't you know?"

"There are too few people surnamed Lin, so I asked for 1 million."

Li Yongcai said excitedly: "Okay, the bigger his appetite the better, the more greedy he is, the greater his crime."

"However, he just asked for bribes, and there is no evidence of accepting bribes. This can't bring him down."

"Is the one hundred thousand returned to you?"

"No, he stayed."

"Isn't staying evidence?"

"The person surnamed Lin is too bad. The point is, he scolded me loudly, saying that Mr. Lin had never seen the money, and that he was taking this money to be an eyesore? Take it away! But, his hand was holding the money box tightly. Let it go, do you think this is evidence?"

"Hey! Isn't this a hooligan? How does he look like the leader of a bureau?"

"This guy is too bad, I'm afraid the hundred thousand will be in vain."

Li Yongcai thought for a while, and said: "Mr. Lishi, don't be afraid. Didn't he ask for 1 million? Just give it to him. This time, if he accepts the check, there will be evidence left in the bank. I'm not afraid that he won't admit it. Of course , it is best to provoke him to say the bribery words, in this case, there are witnesses, physical evidence, and recordings, and it is certain that he will not escape the law."

"Deputy Director Li, 1 million is a huge sum of money, so nothing will happen, right? Why am I always in a state of uncertainty?" Tateishi Jungui said hesitantly.

"Mr. Lishi, you must not hesitate at critical times. Think about it, if you don't take him down, how much will your cigarette factory pay a year? The minimum is 80 million, right? 1 million is nothing compared to 80 million Don't worry, as long as you drive away Lin, this matter will be fine." Li Yongcai encouraged him.

Tateishi Jungui gritted his teeth and said, "There are risks in doing business. The greater the risk, the higher the reward. Well, it's a gamble."

"Hey, that's right."

"Deputy Director Li, don't lie to me. Although I am a businessman, I am also a Japanese citizen. The head of the Inuyang Health Agency is old with me." Tateishi Jungui stared at Li Yongcai and said.

"Where did you think? Mr. Lishi, we are friends. When did I, Li, cheat my friends? Right? Believe me, I'm right."

"Okay, then do as you said, and I will go to him tomorrow."

"Get the check ready and wait for a call from me or Shao Lixing."

"it is good."


After plotting a plan of action, the two left the teahouse one after another.

Li Yongcai returned to the tax police station, and Shao Lixing immediately followed up with the office.

"Sir, Slippery Qiu Qiu, surnamed Lin, missed the handle."

"I already know. It's okay, even if there is no evidence, it is always true that he asked for bribes, so the recording must be kept."

"Yes, I understand."

"Also, Tateishi Jungui will come to deliver a check to him tomorrow, so be prepared."


"What happened to the person surnamed Lin?"

"Hehehe..., sir, do you think if you can catch the recording of him fooling around with a woman, is it considered evidence?" Shao Lixing asked with a smile.

"Forget it, of course it does. The Code of Ethics for Public Affairs and Integrity is not only a clean government standard, but also an ethical standard. Besides, even if this kind of flamboyance doesn't play a decisive role, it's disgusting for a toad to lie on its feet and not bite. People. Disgusting him is also good."

Li Yongcai said excitedly.

After finishing speaking, I felt that the analogy was inappropriate: "Bah! Who are you talking about? Lixing, what you mean, Lin has found a woman, and he has to work in the office, right?"

"Hehehe..., sir, you are so smart! You can understand it when you hear it. Just now, the surname Lin called a woman called Fairy, and the woman said, 'I'm thinking of you'. It's not a good family, no The dancing girl is a prostitute, and she asked the car to pick her up."

"Oh..." Li Yongcai finished listening, his eyes lit up, and he said in a long voice, "Okay, don't you want to listen to the room? This time the opportunity has come. Remember, don't just listen, but also record it. "

"Of course. I'll bring it to you tomorrow and let you listen to it too..."

"Your boy will come."


The next day, as soon as Li Yongcai went to work, he was stopped by Shao Lixing.

"Sir, I have something to ask for instructions, please go to the office of the humble officer."

"Okay." Li Yongcai looked at the staff who were going to work one after another, agreed, and walked towards Shao Lixing's office.

"Bingzhong, I have something to talk to Director Shao, don't let anyone disturb you." At the door, Li Yongcai told Li Bingzhong.


Li Bingzhong agreed and stood still at the door.

Entering the room, Shao Lixing impatiently handed Li Yongcai an earphone, then turned a switch on the machine to play the recording.

At first, there was the sound of the door opening and closing, and then a woman's voice came to the ears clearly: "Director Lin, I'm here."

"Fairy, come quickly." This was Lin Chuang's voice.

Then I heard the sound of "ba da ba da" kiss.

While listening, Li Yongcai imagined that kind of voluptuous scene, and kept muttering in his mouth: "Ma De, the surname Lin is so beautiful."

The conversation between the two continued through the earphones: "Fairy, don't worry, drink some tea first."


Immediately afterwards, I heard the sound of the lid clinking the glass, and at the same time, I heard a rhythmic sound, like someone knocking on the earphones.

The sound of these two voices made Li Yongcai's eardrums hurt. The two were talking and laughing, but they could no longer hear what they were saying.

Li Yongcai took off the earphones: "What is this sound?"

"Humble judgment is tapping the coffee table with your fingers."

"Have you seen people surnamed Lin have this habit?"

"Maybe it's that woman who waited a little anxiously. Think about it, she rushed here in a hurry and was left alone by the surname Lin. Can she not be in a hurry?"

"Yes, when someone is anxious, they will keep knocking on the table."

"Sir, why did you hang out with that woman? I really can't figure it out."

"Do you think everyone is as anxious as you? This is playing hard to get, understand?"

"don't know."

"The cat doesn't eat the mouse as soon as it catches it. It has to play with it for a while before eating it. The surname Lin is very good at imperial maidservants. You are still too young to understand this."

"Oh, I seem to understand. Hehehehe, try it at home at night."

Li Yongcai rolled his eyes at him: "Try it with your wife? Are you afraid that your wife is anxious?"

After all, Li Yongcai put on the earphones again...

(End of this chapter)

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