No trace of espionage

Chapter 1052 Execution Field

Chapter 1052 Execution Field
Walking all the way, Lin Chuang didn't find the murder notice, and he didn't know how the people knew that the prison was going to kill people.

Longhua Prison is located in the eastern suburbs of Shanghai, with no village in front of it or a store behind.Its main entrance is in the west, with high wall grids, iron gate watchtowers, and strict security.

To the east of Longhua Prison, there is a depression, which the Shanghainese call a "mass grave".

The reason for this name is that this is the place where the officials of all dynasties executed criminals.

Lin Chuang and his party came to the "mass grave" with the flow of people, found a place with a wide view and looked down. They saw crowds of people around the pit, full of people watching the excitement, and a white line drawn with lime along the pit.

A team of policemen stood inside the line with guns, and the bayonets on the guns shone brightly and coldly.

The pit was full of agents in plain clothes. Wu Sibao was wearing sunglasses, pinched his waist, and was smoking a cigarette. Cowhide stood in the middle of the pit coaxingly. Xiong Xingshun and Lu Chaosheng followed behind him like two generals.

An old policeman held a whip in his right hand and a tin horn in his left, shouting: "No crossing the line, anyone who crosses the line will be shot!"

A young junior got to the front, was squeezed by the back, and almost crossed the line.

The old policeman whipped him over and hit the young man on the shoulder, cursing: "Damn, what are you squeezing? Grab the milk and eat it. Go back and find your mother after breastfeeding!"

An old man at the back pulled the young man back, and said with a smile, "His mother's milk has run out of water, and he can't eat anymore."


Everyone laughed, including the old policeman.

Lin Chuang didn't smile.

He felt a little sad: "What's so ridiculous? This is murder, not watching a monkey show, a little sympathy, okay?"

Even though he thinks this way, he is also very clear that it is very difficult for the common people to respect the lives of strangers, or to look at killing with a solemn mood.Even if I am not worried about the students, I am afraid that the people who are killed are all "villains" who committed crimes and crimes, and I must be very happy.

"Sir, look to the right."

Yi Lianhua reminded in a low voice.

Lin Chuang raised his feet, looked over the head to the right, and saw a truck on the right with two machine guns mounted on it. Behind the truck, Mao Yiming led the special service team and the police surrounded a group of well-dressed men and women.

Some of these people were wiping tears, some had solemn eyes, and some were full of anger.

Needless to say, these people are the parents and teachers of the students who came to protest.

Lin Chuang thought to himself: "Li Shiqun is really bold. If you want the arrested students to accompany the sentence, you must at least let the students' parents and teachers know in advance. Will it catch up soon? How will you clean it up then? Is it really a massacre? Isn’t this nonsense?”

Thinking of this, Lin Chuang was secretly anxious, but he really had nothing to do.

However, apart from worry, he also had some hope.He felt that in this scene, someone must have reported Zhu Daoshan, and based on what he knew about Zhu Daoshan, he would order to stop it.

However, Lin Chuang was disappointed.

Soon, Li Shiqun and Wan Lilang brought people to the execution ground.

"Take the criminals!"

After Li Shiqun stood still, he ordered solemnly.

"Yes." A spy saluted and ran to the prison.

Not long after, a team of police escorted several prisoners into the depression.

Lin Chuang counted, there were ten people in total.

"Huh? There are students?"

Prisoners were escorted into the "mass grave", and the crowd was in a commotion.

The six people in front were all unkempt, ragged, and dull-eyed, while the four behind were dressed in student uniforms. Although their clothes were torn and stained red with blood, they were obviously students based on their age and temperament.

The four students were three men and one woman.

"Down with the traitors!" At the very front was a tall boy with a passionate expression and very calm steps, shouting slogans as he walked.

"Down with the traitor!"

Following him was a short-haired girl with resolute eyes, shouting slogans as she walked.

The two students behind the two of them, one with a dark face looked very strong, and the other with delicate features looked very weak.

The dark-faced one didn't shout slogans, but looked around the crowd with wandering eyes, as if looking for someone.

Qingxiu was obviously frightened, with sweat on her forehead, she lowered her head without saying a word, and staggered as she walked.


"Miao Yun!"

Two screams came from the encirclement of the secret service team. Lin Chuang saw that the callers were a middle-aged woman and a middle-aged man wearing glasses.

The middle-aged man and woman's faces were full of grief and anger, shouting and pushing the policeman in front of them with all their strength.

Lin Chuang guessed that "Miao Yun" should be the female student, but "Zhao Er" did not know which one.

Looking at the execution ground, the female student obviously heard the middle-aged man's call, she paused, and finally did not turn her head.

And the dark-faced student who was wandering around heard the shout and turned to look over. When he saw the middle-aged woman's face clearly, he immediately fell to his knees and shouted: "Mother! My son is not filial, let's go first!"

After shouting, he kowtowed his head three times, then stood up and followed the line of prisoners without looking back.


The middle-aged woman screamed heart-rendingly, rushed out from the police encirclement, and frantically chased away the black-faced student.

I really don't know how she rushed out, where did her strength come from?A weak woman was able to rush out from the majestic male policeman's hands, but the man failed to do so, which can only be explained by being a mother.

Seeing that he was about to rush to "Zhaoer", Li Shiqun waved his hand coldly, Wu Sibao raised his gun, and with a bang, the woman fell to the ground.


The middle-aged woman covered her right leg with her hands, and blood seeped from her fingers.


Suddenly there was an exclamation from the crowd.

"Call the neighbor next door!" Wu Sibao yelled with a dark face: "You are all fucking honest, whoever dares to attack the execution ground, I will shoot him first!"

Perhaps deterred by Wu Sibao's ruthlessness, the rioting crowd quieted down. Even the parents and teachers didn't try to attack the police anymore.

Seeing all this, Lin Chuang's anger gradually rose.

Li Shiqun's viciousness is certainly hated, but so is Wu Sibao, which makes people extremely disappointed.

Lin Chuang cursed secretly: "Wu Sibao, Wu Sibao, I thought I could influence you to make you a good person, not to mention going to the opposite side of Li Shiqun, but at least be a kind person. I didn't expect you to be a fucking dog. Eat shit!"


Lin Chuang was still angry here, but he saw Li Shiqun ordering loudly.

Following his order, the firing squad consisted of three people. Two people supported a prisoner and knocked the prisoner to the ground. The third person raised his gun and pointed it at the back of the prisoner's head.

"Poor thing, how big a crime can four schoolchildren commit? They died at such a young age, alas!" an old man in front of him sighed.

At this time, Yi Lianhua's hand quietly grabbed Lin Chuang's arm.

Lin Chuang obviously felt her hands trembling...

(End of this chapter)

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