No trace of espionage

Chapter 1062 Find Her Something To Do

"Sir, there is something wrong with Tian Chun."

Seeing Lin Chuang, Liu Ermeng said such a sentence.

Lin Chuang was taken aback and asked, "Is there something wrong or sick?"

"Fault." Liu Ermeng emphasized again.

Lin Chuang understood that the "fault" Liu Ermeng mentioned was probably a problem.

"Tell me."

Liu Ermeng didn't speak, took the pen and paper, and drew a picture with "shua, shua, shua".

Well, Liu Ermeng was too lazy to speak, and used pictures to speak.

Lin Chuang took it over and took a look, and seriously complained about Liu Ermeng's poor painting skills. It was simply a children's painting, not even as good as Zhuzhu's graffiti.

However, Lin Chuang can still understand.

This is a floor plan of a building, with streets, buildings, and people in the building.

Streets and buildings are easy to draw, with up to four lines, like a box or a coffin.

It is difficult to draw a person, but Liu Ermeng has a way to simplify the complexity. He only draws a body and two legs, just like the character "Ya" written upside down.

Lin Chuang took a closer look, the street is Zilaihuo Street, and the building is a two-story building with a yard.

There is one person on the first floor, and the second floor is divided into inner and outer rooms. There are two people in the outer room and one person in the inner room.

There are also differences among these people. For the people outside the first floor and the second floor, Liu Ermeng drew a pistol next to the word "Ya".

"Is this Tian Chuncai's home?" Lin Chuang asked.

Liu Er nodded fiercely.

"Are all spies with guns?"

Liu Er nodded fiercely.

"The one in the bedroom on the second floor is Tian Chuncai?"

Liu Er nodded fiercely.

"You mean, Tian Chuncai was controlled by spies?"

Liu Er nodded fiercely, his eyes brightened: "Sir, you are too powerful, can you understand this?"

"Nonsense, Zhuzhu can draw better than you."

Liu Ermeng closed his mouth again in an instant.

This is all right, no more nonsense.

Lin Chuang thought about it, and felt that Tian Chuncai did have something wrong, and the problem was not small.

Obviously, Li Shiqun's judgment was correct.

There is indeed an underground party in Tongde Hospital, and Tian Chuncai is probably one of them.

The reason is very simple.

Jiang Shan told Lin Chuang that Hai Xin, a student movement member of the SH Municipal Party Committee, was arrested, but did not elaborate.

But Lin Chuang, who is familiar with the secret warfare principles of the underground party, understands that the arrest of a municipal party committee member is not that simple.

Because he is not an ordinary party member, with him as the core, there must be guards and liaison officers.

Aside from the guards, there must be two liaison officers between him and the downline and the municipal party committee serving him alone.

If Hai Xin is arrested, although it cannot be absolutely said that there is a problem with his offline liaison officer, it is basically impossible to get rid of the responsibility.

In the same way, if he defected to the enemy, the liaisons he got online must also be in danger.

These are two closely connected links in a chain, and no one can do without the other.

In other words, when Haixin was arrested, it was normal for his downline liaison officers to be arrested together.

It is not impossible to directly arrest Haixin beyond the liaison officer, but the possibility is not high.

However, Jiang Shan did not say that anyone other than Hai Xin was arrested.

Then, Tian Chuncai is probably his liaison officer, and he has secretly defected to the enemy. Only in this way, is it logical, and everything makes sense.

Of course, this question needs to be verified by the SH Municipal Committee, and I still have to give them some face.


"Jiang's Huqin Shop".

When Lin Chuang saw Jiang Shan, he explained the results of his investigation and said, "As long as it is confirmed that Tian Chun is Haixin's liaison officer, we can conclude that Tian Chuncai has rebelled, and at the same time Hu Fengzhi has also rebelled. It is Tian Chuncai he found."

Jiang Shan was satisfied that Lin Chuang had obtained the exact news in such a short period of time: "After Haixin was arrested, the SH Municipal Committee has cut off all contact with Haixin, and the comrades concerned have also been transferred. In addition, Tian Chuncai was also suspected, just There is no evidence. It is now clear that he was protected by secret agents, which is enough to explain the problem."

Lin Chuang paid the money, took another record of Boss Qi, and said, "My mission is complete, I'm leaving. I'll ask you one last time, do you really need me to eliminate the traitor?"

"Don't worry, the SH Municipal Committee has plenty of capable people."

"Okay, goodbye."


Since you don't have to worry about getting rid of the rebellion, then you have nothing to worry about.

Lin Chuang went to the Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange Center.

Ai Wanyi was very happy to see Lin Chuang coming, and led Lin Chuang to the opposite side of the center with great interest.

"Sir, I have set up three shops, isn't it bigger?"

Ai Wanyi pointed to the three shops facing the central gate, and asked unconfidently.

She was afraid that Lin Chuang would blame her.

"Hmm." Lin Chuang didn't say anything, seeing Ai Xiuren walking out of the shop covered in ashes, he raised his legs and was about to walk in.

"Sir, it's not clean inside, you just have to take a look at the door." Ai Xiuren stopped him.

"It's okay." Lin Chuang said, and walked in.

The pavement was indeed very large and messy. There were piles of bricks, tiles, and rotten furniture, and there was no way to get in. Lin Chuang had to stop at the door.

There are two people cleaning.

Seeing that the two of them were not young, Lin Chuang asked Ai Xiuren, "How old are you?"

"A 31, a 32."

"Temporary cleaning or hired help?"

"Guys, they are all from LY. They came here after fleeing. Seeing that they are not easy, and they are fellow villagers, I will hire them and treat them as food for them." Ai Xiuren replied.

"Taking a family or alone?" Lin Chuang asked again.

"Both of them have families. There are also two single ones. My father also wanted to hire them, but I quit them. My father is too kind-hearted and doesn't guard against others." Ai Wanyi interjected.

"En." Lin Chuang nodded, and said to Ai Xiuren: "Compassion does not lead soldiers, righteousness does not gather wealth. Since you are a businessman, you should put away your kindness, otherwise, if you are sold, you will still help money."

"Sir, good intentions are rewarded, that's what Xiaocha's grandfather taught me." Ai Xiuren was not convinced by Lin Chuang's statement, and spoke back.

Although he rarely talks back.

It may be that Lin Chuang's words touched the bottom line of his reasoning, or he felt that he has the status of "cheap old man", so he dared to speak back.

"Father, don't talk about it." Ai Wanyi hurriedly stopped her: "Your old man is a kind person, what about the land in your hometown? Where about the house? My grandfather, didn't the property acquired by my grandfather's grandfather let you lose all of it? "

"Xiao Qia, don't say that. If there is no good reward, how can you meet such a good man as Mr.? Otherwise, your father would have died long ago, and you don't know where you have been sold." Ai Xiuren retorted eloquently .

He was careful not to say the word "yaozi".

"Hey, just wait here." Ai Wanyi pointed to her father and said to Lin Chuang: "Sir, I don't think what my father said is unreasonable."

"Forget it, you can't press the cow's head if it doesn't drink water. Xiao Qia, don't worry, the bigger the shop, the bigger it is, the bigger the better. However, I have three suggestions, you should keep them in mind." Lin Chuang said.

"Sir, tell me." Ai Wanyi was very happy when she heard that Lin Chuang didn't blame her...

"First, when the store is too big, it's no longer appropriate to call it a grocery store. Instead, it's called a department store. It mainly sells daily sundries and daily necessities. Second, you have to come here often to take care of it. Every day, the money and accounts are kept in check. Be clear; third, let me say something to Jing Xin, let her people come and go frequently, so as to prevent the scumbags from thinking about it..."

After hearing "Lin San Tiao", Ai Wanyi felt as if she had eaten honey, not to mention how beautiful it was.

However, she still has one thing on her mind, she has to test Lin Chuang.

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